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Author Topic: I quit
General Member
Since: Nov 29, 2008
Posts: 694
Last: Nov 10, 2012
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Level 6
Category: CoD2 General
Posted: Monday, Feb. 6, 2012 11:11 pm
Hey guys,

It has been a fun ride, modding for a game that has long been dead.
The occasional steal, the occasional scripting breakthrough, but mostly the fun in watching your mod/script/map come together.

I will no longer do this. I will no longer script.

Here's why:
About one year ago, I started scripting quite seriously. I had hope to one day fully port all features that made cod4 so great to cod2 so people with shitty pcs could run it too. I came a long way, from slightly editting other people's mods, claiming they were mine up to the point where I might be considered one of the greatest scripters cod2 has ever known. I know renaming other people's mods is part of the game, and I am not mad that most of my scripts I made for people personally are floating around somewhere uncredited.
I am also not mad about all the noobs asking question after question after question on some tedious subject, answering most with respect and patience (at first) and adding a little sarcasm to my responses (later) to some outright insulting posts I made. I am not really proud of what I might have called some guys, some might have deserved it but others clearly did not.

As I said, about a year ago I slowly started making scripts. It started with the "flashbang" port from cod4. Mind you, I never did any modelling or mapping, so none of any models you find in my mods are made by me. I might not have credited the right people, as I intended the mod not to be released yet. At the end of this post you will find a link anyway.

Later I started to dig a little deeper and explored the limits of the cod2 engine: there were quite a few. Routing my way around some, getting trapped in others for days to finally find a solution, but I managed to get quite a lot done while others either had given up telling me it was impossible to get those things done. I won't lie to you, some things were impossible indeed, but with the right mindset you can accomplish a lot.

Not too soon I noticed a lot of mods got stolen by people that had less experience scripting and more experience running servers, while claiming it was their mod. Not wanting this to happen to my mod (which was already quite awesome at the time) I decided not to share my mod with anyone until it was totally done. That time might never come as other projects have come my way and cod2 scripting became boring as I explored more limits and became more experienced. Thats the main reason most of my mods were more of the "proof of concept" type than of the "usable for everyday use" type.

Making new friends on all kinds of modding forums, contacting them via xfire, steam and MSN filled quite a lot of my day. I also became aware that I was losing interest in cod2 scripting and thus I looked for someone to take over my modding as I did not want my mod to become forever lost, only to find out that there are just a handful of people left that can do ANY scripting at all.

And that's when I made a big mistake: I started trusting people I considered friends. I shared my mod, the project of a lifetime, with them (ok, not a lifetime, but a year is a pretty long time for a mod to be under development). Only to find out that one of the people that I trusted and that has sworn not to leak the mod, did in fact just that: He/she leaked my mod.

I still havent figured out who it was, but if that person is reading this: You are the main reason cod2 is dying and why I am leaving. I can take a lot, but abuse of trust is one of the things I cannot stand. If one person cannot behave the way he/she should, I will just walk out and leave him/her there to die.

It is just a pity that this would punish the whole cod2 community, which is why I am releasing my mod as-is: With a lot of bugs still present, and without any documentation. This last point will make it hard for you guys to fix the bugs, and I am fairly certain that you guys might not get all the bugs out.

I wish you all good luck, smooth sailing and chapeau to all the modders that CAN be trusted.

The mod/features/known issues you can find in the second post.
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General Member
Since: Nov 29, 2008
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Level 6
Category: CoD2 General
Posted: Monday, Feb. 6, 2012 11:12 pm
As said in the first post: here is the featurelist of my mod. Most of it is ported from cod4, by reverse engineering it.

- Flashbangs
- Stun grenades
- Smoke grenades killcam bug fixed

- Sprinting
- Knifing on meleebutton

- Guid-based account system
- Fallback account system when guid==0 (Login/password)
- Ranking
- Moneysystem

- Working C4+throwing c4
- Working setcandamage system

- Shooting through walls
- Shooting through multiple walls in a row

- Modified callbacksetup/callbackcatcher to make the mod compatible with all stock gametypes
- Dynamical menu to reduce the number of menu files needed, and give a rank-based weaponchooser

- Assists
- CoD4 style score +hud

- Throwing back grenades working with the [grenade] key
- Completely rewritten weaponpickup system to support sprinting and perks

- Categorized huds, easy to expand

- Perks:
- C4
- Special grenades x3
- RPG x2
- Frag x3
- Bandolier

- Stopping power
- Juggernaut
- Sleight of hand
- Double tap
- Sonic boom
- Commando (bigger melee radius)

- Extreme conditioning
- Deep impact
- Toss back (reset grenade counter)

- Grenade launcher script is ready, the m1014 acts as a grenadelauncher
- Sentry gun

- Only a few threads running per player to improve server performance

Known bugs:
- Account system is reported to lose playerdata sometimes. Cannot figure out why this happens, also, cannot reproduce.
- Afk monitor has a few bugs
- c4 throw executes a toggleads, making players using "just" ads zoom in and get the weapon to bug. Solution: Make the c4 thing into a weapon and force-reload it after every throw. Reload resets the ads status for both ads and toggleads players.
- Callbackcatcher became a mess after implementing all the menus in there
- Dynamic menu sometimes overloads the setclientcvar function causing a server command overflow: most common on slow connections. Fix: click slower in menus or get a better connection
- Money has no purpose yet. It needs a shop or it needs to be removed.
- Menus are awfully made: one menu file for everything is NOT the way to go guys!
- Not all perks are implemented to the same degree of perfection:
- C4 currently has a limit of 1000 c4 per player per spawn. This can easily be fixed by adjusting a single number
- RPG is currently a panzerschreck. Fix: create a new gun
- Juggernaut does not show the attacker the juggernaut hud like in cod4
- Sonic boom does not yet work for the RPG or any rocketlauncher (not sure about the grenadelauncher)

Weapon bugs:
- The last 3 weapons in the menu are bugged due too over-precaching. Too much weapons precached. Remove some weapons you dont like.
- Some other small details on some weapons, like the grenadelauncher still firing shotgun bullets (doesnt do any damage though)
- Grenadelauncher killicon missing

- Sentry gun is placed setting a serversided cvar (set scr_enablesentrys 1), after every player can bash to place a sentry gun. Limiting is a good option here.

- A lot of bugs in the zombie gametype. Also, you cannot run the original and the zombie-version of the mod simultaneously.

- Some other bugs I might have forgotten.

Thanks to the following people:

- TotalConversion for the guns/models
- Caspi for creating some more models
- MasterThomy for being a great guide in the scripting parts
- MasterThomy for just being an awesome guy
- Whoever wrote the original getstance() function: I still use it (all other scripts in there are from my own keyboard)
- SevenSniff for creating a knife model/weapon
- SevenZ for pointing out an error in above credit :)
- Rezil for "Moral Support"
- Rezil for stopping bitching about not being on this list

Movies from the mod:

I hope you guys like this mod and the guy that betrayed my trust will feel guilty as hell. Download: click here

You can post any other bugs you find here. However, I will most likely never fix them.
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Since: May 30, 2011
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Level 4
Category: CoD2 General
Posted: Monday, Feb. 6, 2012 11:27 pm
You did an amazing job with the mod, I played it one time with you, I never leaked it though.

You did an amazing job with what you got done.
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General Member
Since: Nov 29, 2008
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Level 6
Category: CoD2 General
Posted: Monday, Feb. 6, 2012 11:41 pm
AFirstTImeMapMaker writes...
You did an amazing job with the mod, I played it one time with you, I never leaked it though.

You did an amazing job with what you got done.

This topic does not serve the purpose to find the one responsible. It serves the purpose of informing the world of my quitting and letting the guy that actually did it feel guilty as hell.

Furthermore, it is the only thread about this mod, so make it a good one people :)

Also, general chat thread about stealing/noobification of cod2 scripting/dying of the most awesome game ever.
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General Member
Since: Apr 24, 2006
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Level 8
Category: CoD2 General
Posted: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 12:09 am
Awesome work, IzNoGoD!

- Sevenz for creating a knife model/weapon

Thanks for the props, but i didn't?! Can't remember anything like it. Or is it another guy with same nick? or SevenSniff?
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General Member
Since: Nov 29, 2008
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Level 6
Category: CoD2 General
Posted: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 12:18 am
Sevenz writes...
Awesome work, IzNoGoD!

- Sevenz for creating a knife model/weapon

Thanks for the props, but i didn't?! Can't remember anything like it. Or is it another guy with same nick? or SevenSniff?

Damn, you are right. Fixed.
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General Member
Since: Apr 21, 2005
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Level 7
Category: CoD2 General
Posted: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 12:18 am
Sevenz writes...
Awesome work, IzNoGoD!

- Sevenz for creating a knife model/weapon

Thanks for the props, but i didn't?! Can't remember anything like it. Or is it another guy with same nick? or SevenSniff?

It was SevenSniff. The file can be downloaded from CODFiles.

there are a couple of knife models out now for COD2, also available from CODFiles, but SevenSniff's is the best one for the knife, although the hand model is screwed up (deformed) like most of them.
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General Member
Since: Apr 21, 2005
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Level 7
Category: CoD2 General
Posted: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 12:25 am
IzNoGoD writes...
AFirstTImeMapMaker writes...
You did an amazing job with the mod, I played it one time with you, I never leaked it though.

You did an amazing job with what you got done.

This topic does not serve the purpose to find the one responsible. It serves the purpose of informing the world of my quitting and letting the guy that actually did it feel guilty as hell.

Furthermore, it is the only thread about this mod, so make it a good one people :)

Also, general chat thread about stealing/noobification of cod2 scripting/dying of the most awesome game ever.

COD modding is dying. Not because of the amount of stealing going on (it is something which affects all games which have mod tools - it is rampant in HL2 modding as well as COD), but simply because there have been no proper modding tools for over 6 years. The games we mod now are 6 to 8 years old (COD1 is 9 years old now), and people are bored with them.

I still mod COD2 because it is more challenging than either COD4 or WaW. Those games are easy by comparison - there are a ton of great functions in COD4 which COD2 can only dream about. Getting something decent working in COD2 is hard - which is why I still do it. However, I have absolutely no expectation that my mods for 2 will ever get played. They are for my own personal edification. I would suggest that if you still find it rewarding you stick at it for the same reason. Learn to lighten up, and don't be so intense about it all. After all, it is only a game.

I am looking forward to Respawn Entertainments first game, due out March 2013. West has promised me there will be mod tools for it, so I expect the mod scene around it will be massive because the game itself will be huge. Stick around for that. We can have some fun together.
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General Member
Since: Nov 29, 2008
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Level 6
Category: CoD2 General
Posted: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 12:34 am
Tally writes...
IzNoGoD writes...
AFirstTImeMapMaker writes...
You did an amazing job with the mod, I played it one time with you, I never leaked it though.

You did an amazing job with what you got done.

This topic does not serve the purpose to find the one responsible. It serves the purpose of informing the world of my quitting and letting the guy that actually did it feel guilty as hell.

Furthermore, it is the only thread about this mod, so make it a good one people :)

Also, general chat thread about stealing/noobification of cod2 scripting/dying of the most awesome game ever.

COD modding is dying. Not because of the amount of stealing going on (it is something which affects all games which have mod tools - it is rampant in HL2 modding as well as COD), but simply because there have been no proper modding tools for over 6 years. The games we mod now are 6 to 8 years old (COD1 is 9 years old now), and people are bored with them.

I still mod COD2 because it is more challenging than either COD4 or WaW. Those games are easy by comparison - there are a ton of great functions in COD4 which COD2 can only dream about. Getting something decent working in COD2 is hard - which is why I still do it. However, I have absolutely no expectation that my mods for 2 will ever get played. They are for my own personal edification. I would suggest that if you still find it rewarding you stick at it for the same reason. Learn to lighten up, and don't be so intense about it all. After all, it is only a game.

I am looking forward to Respawn Entertainments first game, due out March 2013. West has promised me there will be mod tools for it, so I expect the mod scene around it will be massive because the game itself will be huge. Stick around for that. We can have some fun together.

Tbh, I think I found most of the limits of the cod2 engine and routed around them. It was what made modding fun. With the new cods, the engines are less limited and the ideas I have are quite limited. Also, time is limited as I have a lot of other projects running right now.
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Since: Sep 8, 2010
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Level 5
Im a fan of MODSonair
Category: CoD2 General
Posted: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 09:10 am
Hey izno,
i wish you all the best in life, at university and the projects your running [thumbs_up]
Great work on your scripts AND your ideas behind them!
Maybe we'll meet us again on the next "most beautiful modable game ever" in few years!

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