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MODSonline website v3.0 is here!!!

Posted by GeeteeL in MODSonline on Jul 24, 2011

Hey everyone,

As you have noticed the old website has been replaced and we are proud to present to you the new modding/esports website, now don't panic, Foyle, Welshy and I took everything into perspective for all the modders, mappers in the community. The website is still being tweaked and will be a bit laggy at times but that's only because we're transferring all the files over from the old site to this one, so you won't lose everything that you did on the old one.

I'd like to get your opinions on the whole website change, what do you like and dislike about it? Why do you like or dislike it? How can we improve it if you dislike it?

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Codutility.com up and runn...
Nice, and there still using the logo and template for the screenshots, which...
Codutility.com up and runn...
dundy writes...Quote:Call of Duty modding and mapping is barly alive only a ...
Codutility.com up and runn...
Mystic writes...Quote:It seems to me the like the site is completely dead? ...
Codutility.com up and runn...
It seems to me the like the site is completely dead?

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