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Category: CoDUO Mapping
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Author Topic: Please post these tutorials...
General Member
Since: Mar 8, 2004
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Level 3
Category: CoDUO Mapping
Posted: Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2004 09:54 pm
Tutorial: Layers
This is my first attempt at a tutorial, but I noticed that there aren't many CoDUO tutorials, so here's a beginners tutorial on how to organize your map with layers.
1. Okay, you have an existing map from Radiant or a Graydiant map with only one layer. We are going to make it easier to navigate your map by creating several layers. There are many advantages to using layers, here are a few: 1. Allows you to concentrate on a certain part of your map. 2. Multiple people can be working on the same map, saving their work as a layer. 3. When layers aren't visible, it speeds things up, so the camera won't become laggy.

2. Now we are going to seperate the map into layers. This is the way I do it, so there may be other techniques. We need to decide what we want in our layer. This is easy enough, you can get ideas from the mp_foy map if you want. Let's say you want to have a layer for the search and destroy gametype.

3. Select all brushes and entities associated with s&d. Go to File --> Save Selected... You can name it whatever you want, sd works fine. Save it in uo/maps/mp or wherever you want.

4. To make this map file into a gml (layer) file, we need to import it. Go to File --> Import (.map) --> new layer. Name the layer anything you want, but sd is convieniant. You now have two layers. To set whether a layer can be selected, viewed, and which layer is active press L.

5. If you want to add a seperate map file to a layer, select the layer; then go to File --> Import --> active layer.

6. You can also export your map, or parts of your map using the export, export as, and export visible. Plese not that exporting will export EVERYTHING in your map, not just what is selected. Exporting visible, will do just what it says, export everthing that is visible. Im assuming that this means visible layers and not the filters option, but i haven't experimented with it that much. Well, I hope my first attempt at making a tutorial helps someone.

Tutorial: Domination Gametype
Here is a quick tutorial from pakuo1 maps/mp/gametypes:

Objective: Each team needs to try and capture all of the flags. Multiple people capturing a flag will make the capture
happen quicker.
Round ends: When one team captures all of the flags, or roundlength time is reached
Map ends: When one team reaches the score limit, or time limit or round limit is reached
Respawning: Players will respawn in waves after a given time. As flags are captured by a team they can open up new
spawn points. As flags are lost a team can lose spawn points.

Level requirements
Allied Spawnpoints:
classname mp_uo_spawn_allies
Allied players spawn from these. Place near the main allied base/side.

classname mp_uo_spawn_allies_secondary
Allied players spawn from these as the related flags are captured. Place near the associated flags.
The flag trigger that these are associated with should target the spawn.

Axis Spawnpoints:
classname mp_uo_spawn_axis
Axis players spawn from these. Place near the main allied base or side.

classname mp_uo_spawn_axis_secondary
Axis players spawn from these as the related flags are captured. Place near the associated flags.
The flag trigger that these are associated with should target the spawn.

Spectator Spawnpoints:
classname mp_uo_intermission
Spectators spawn from these and intermission is viewed from these positions.
Atleast one is required, any more and they are randomly chosen between.

Capture Area(s):
classname trigger_multiple
targetname flag(number) (where (number) is the number of the flag)
target Optionally can target spawn points. When this flag is held then the spawn points will
be available.
script_gameobjectname dom
There should be one of these for each of the flags.

Neutral Flag Model(s):
classname script_model
script_gameobjectname dom
model Model file for the neutral flag.
targetname flag(number)_neutral. The number should be the same as the trigger_multiple it is associtated with

Allies Flag Model(s):
classname script_model
script_gameobjectname dom
model Model file for the neutral flag.
targetname flag(number)_allies. The number should be the same as the trigger_multiple it is associtated with

Axis Flag Model(s):
classname script_model
script_gameobjectname dom
model Model file for the neutral flag.
targetname flag(number)_axis. The number should be the same as the trigger_multiple it is associtated with


Each requirement is an entity that can be found by simply right-clicking in Graydiant. The keys and values needed are listed under each requirement also.

You also need this in your .gsc file:

flag1 = getent("flag1","targetname");
flag1.script_timer = 5;
flag1.description = (&"GMI_DOM_FLAG1_MP_PONYRI");

flag2 = getent("flag2","targetname");
flag2.script_timer = 5;
flag2.description = (&"GMI_DOM_FLAG2_MP_PONYRI");

flag3 = getent("flag3","targetname");
flag3.script_timer = 5;
flag3.description = (&"GMI_DOM_FLAG3_MP_PONYRI");

flag4 = getent("flag4","targetname");
flag4.script_timer = 5;
flag4.description = (&"GMI_DOM_FLAG4_MP_PONYRI");

flag5 = getent("flag5","targetname");
flag5.script_timer = 5;
flag5.description = (&"GMI_DOM_FLAG5_MP_PONYRI");


Of course, you can change the flag description. The timer is the amount of time to capture. I'm not exactly sure what this script is for, and it might work without it, but i noticed it in all of the mp maps i looked at.

Tutorial: Changing color of fog
I figured out a way to make getting the right color of cullfog much easier. Normally, you have to guess to get that nice looking fog that fades away into the background. Open up the env folder and find your sky's tga files. Pick either lt, rt, bk, or ft. Open it in Adobe Photoshop, or some image editing program. you need to find the rgb values of the horizon. In photoshop, simply move your mouse over the horizon and the rgb values show up in the info area (on my version at least). You may have to find another way to do this if you don't have that feature. Take the three numbers and divide them by 255. The results are the three rgb values you use for cullfog. You may need to add or subtract a little from it to get it perfect, but it is very close.

I would appreciate it if these were added to the tutorials, where they can be accessed easier. The cullfog tutorial would fit in CoD FAQs, and the first two would go in CoDUO Mapping
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General Member
Since: Feb 26, 2004
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Level 4
Category: CoDUO Mapping
Posted: Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2004 10:09 pm
Hey (R)ough(R)ider

I have used the FOY domination stuff in my flak88 map, had to change the US flags to Brit [biggrin] (thanks to smoki) for pointing that error out.

How do you create your own descriptions - GMI thingy, when you capture a flag it gives stupid location info based on the FOY flags, the same would applie to the PONYRI in your tutorial. Is there some magical additional file we need or something in Gradient I missed in the entity section???? [ohwell]

Please help if you know because [withstupid] ...... lol
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General Member
Since: Mar 8, 2004
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Level 3
Category: CoDUO Mapping
Posted: Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2004 10:32 pm
I believe that you replace the description with what you want it to say, although im not exactly sure what the description is used for. An example might be:
 flag1.description = "Bunker/South Field"; 

I am just guessing at what the description is used for, but i think it is location. If someone else knows more about this, please correct me.
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General Member
Since: Feb 26, 2004
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Level 4
Category: CoDUO Mapping
Posted: Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004 03:18 pm
You are quite right. Just type in the description you want se see when a flag is captured and this is displayed on the screen.

Thanks mate. [biggrin]
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General Member
Since: Apr 18, 2004
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Level 0
Category: CoDUO Mapping
Posted: Sunday, Nov. 21, 2004 07:20 pm
Hi guys

Having tried the flag.description as above it still shows as "Flag n" (where n is the flag number)

Here is an example of what ive got listed in my Gsc

flag4 = getent("flag4","targetname");
flag4.script_timer = 20;
flag4.description ="South East Tower";

Any Ideas?
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General Member
Since: Feb 26, 2004
Posts: 127
Last: Sep 11, 2008
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Level 4
Category: CoDUO Mapping
Posted: Sunday, Nov. 21, 2004 09:06 pm
Here is part of my working gsc file

flag4 = getent("flag4","targetname");
flag4.script_timer = 12;
flag4.description = "Road to the Beach";

The only thing I can see is the spaces in my content compared to yours, maybee thats all it is [biggrin]
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