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Adding a Patanosta to your Map
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hi, my name is hayx and I want to show you...how you can create a patanosta...this patanosta is for 4 floors the source files can you find here.

the system of this patanosta is very simple....you have several script brushmodels and the first for example moves to the position of the next and so on...

1. Step

create your elevator basket and add an origin brush to that

2: Step

select the whole elevator basket and the origin brush and make it to script brushmodel

3. Step

copy the basket now for this tutorial yet 13 times...now you should have 14 elevator baskets

4: Step

choose now one and enter following keys and values

Key: targetname
Value: patanosta

5. Step

now you have to connect your baskets. you should do that in the sequence how your direction of moving is. well...hold it selected and select also the basket what should be the next in your line...connect it per  click on “W”.

go so away until you are arrived again on your first basket...

6. Step

I have given every floor alltogether 2 baskets....the best is you arrange your baskets how to see in the lower picture
so they aren´t touching at turning


7. Step

now we come to the script...add this script to your gsc file

//scipted by daywalker
//modified by hayx
 maps\mp\_load::main();//loads the main section of the file _load
 Patanosta = getent ("patanosta","targetname");//the objekt with the targetname “patanosta” has the name “Patanosta”
 Patanosta thread Patanosta_Move();//the script contains the thread Patanosta_Move
Patanosta_Move()//starts the thread Patanosta_Move
Targ1 = getent(self.target,"targetname");
Targ2 = getent(Targ1.target,"targetname");
Targ3 = getent(Targ2.target,"targetname");
Targ4 = getent(Targ3.target,"targetname");
Targ5 = getent(Targ4.target,"targetname");
Targ6 = getent(Targ5.target,"targetname");
Targ7 = getent(Targ6.target,"targetname");
Targ8 = getent(Targ7.target,"targetname");
Targ9 = getent(Targ8.target,"targetname");
Targ10 = getent(Targ9.target,"targetname");
Targ11 = getent(Targ10.target,"targetname");
Targ12 = getent(Targ11.target,"targetname");
Targ13 = getent(Targ12.target,"targetname");

while (1)
self moveto (targ1.origin,20);
Targ1 moveto (targ2.origin,20);//example explanationàTarg1 is moving on the psition of targ2 in 20 seconds
Targ2 moveto (targ3.origin,20);
Targ3 moveto (targ4.origin,20);
Targ4 moveto (targ5.origin,20);
Targ5 moveto (targ6.origin,20);
Targ6 moveto (targ7.origin,20);
Targ7 moveto (targ8.origin,20);
Targ8 moveto (targ9.origin,20);
Targ9 moveto (targ10.origin,20);
Targ10 moveto (targ11.origin,20);
Targ11 moveto (targ12.origin,20);
Targ12 moveto (targ13.origin,20);
Targ13 moveto (self.origin,20);
Targ13 waittill ("movedone");

if you like to have more or less floors...I believe it's most simply to say...you need a basket more than Targ's
example for 6 floors = 16 baskets and 15 Targ's:

Targ15 moveto (self.origin,20);
Targ15 waittill ("movedone");

for the patanosta it's important that the basket isn't run to quickly because elso it's too strong jerking....

8: Step

the result could look now how to see in the lower picture...


this picture is of my example map...there you can see how that patanosta is working

comments: you can use this tutorial also for an escalator...it has the same same system...

if you have any problems write an e-mail to me or contact me on my website www.CLinCHgrInCH.dE

ok...i hope you can use this......


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