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Posted by Mystic in Left 4 Dead on Dec 8, 2009
addonContent_BackgroundMovie 0 //Provides a replacement for the background movie.
addonContent_Survivor 0 //Provides a new survivor model. 0=false, 1=true, String in quotes if replaces specific single character, i.e. "Francis"
addonContent_BossInfected 0 //Provides a new boss infected model. Break these out?
addonContent_CommonInfected 0 //Provides a new common infected model
addonContent_WeaponModel 0 //Provides a new appearance to existing weapons, but does not change their function
addonContent_weapon 0 //provides new weapons or new zombie killing functionality, i.e. guns, explosives, booby traps, hot tar,
addonContent_Skin 0 //0 if no new skin textures for existing models. 1 if multiple skin pack. String in quotes if specific single skin
addonContent_Spray 0 //Provides new sprays.
addonContent_Map 0 //Add-on provides a standalone map

By the looks off it, custom models are now supported and very much a reality now! And that includes survivors, special infected, common infected and weapons. Not only that, it seems the weapon functionality can also be edited. So what does this all mean? Well it means mappers can have custom survivors, special/common infected and entirely new weapons unique to just their campaigns (i.e map side modifications, NOT server side)! The L4D modding scene just got a little more interesting boys and girls. Keep your eyes peeled and just think of all the custom content to come in the near future.

To some degree, this news softens the blow to modders frustrated by the delay....although it still raises the question: Just where are the Authoring Tools that were to be available upon release?

Lets just hope its not a repeat of L4D1's Authoring Tools release. But if you ask us, we'll glady wait it out if this is whats to come.


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