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Forum: All Forums : Call of Duty 4
Category: CoD4 MP Mapping
CoD 4 mapping and level design for multiplayer.
Moderators: foyleman, Foxhound, Mystic, StrYdeR, batistablr, Welshy, DrBiggzz, supersword, playername, novemberdobby
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Author Topic: How do I make it so others can play my map?
General Member
Since: Nov 27, 2004
Posts: 78
Last: Apr 28, 2008
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Level 3
Category: CoD4 MP Mapping
Posted: Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2008 07:30 pm
That link that I gave you to download my map is no longer in existence because I updated my readme.txt file.

NEW LINK: http://files.filefront.com/mp+ammo+3daimzip/;9476295;/fileinfo.html

[-X-]FriedCoD writes...
so that works for people to dl it from the server??

the guy trying to host my map is having a tough time.

The way I set my map up for download doesn't let you download it from the server, but heres how you do it:

Found this on the CAL Forums. Hope it helps, havn't tried it yet. Heres a direct link: http://forums.caleague.com/showthread.php?t=198504
Need an account to read though.

exploitttt writes...
First you need to start by opening up your servers FTP. Which can be done with smartftp, FireFTP, FileZilla, or any other program you wish to use. In your servers Call of Duty 4 system root folder you should see folders labeled main, miles, mods, pb, and zone. Here you will need to create a folder called usermaps.

After Creating such folder, lets say you want to add the map, mp_ammo_3daim to your server. You will open the usermaps folder you just made. In here you will create yet another folder called mp_ammo_3daim. After creating the folder open that up. Now you will be able to drag and drop the mp_ammo_3daim.ff and any other files related to the map. Now the map is on your server. For each new custom map you add to your server you will need create a new folder of the exact .ff file name like you did with mp_ammo_3daim.

Now that you have the file on your server and ready to play, now you need to have it so people can download it much faster then just off the server. Login to your servers control panel (if applicable) and or open your server up in your ftp program of choice. Now drag and drop your server.cfg, dedicated.cfg, or what ever your servers .cfg is for running the server. Add these lines in your servers config file:

// HTTP / Downloading (For use with Custom Maps and Mods)
set sv_allowdownload "1"
seta sv_wwwDownload "1"
seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"

After doing so, now you need to setup your web space so that your game server will now know where to choose from. We will use my web space for example.

Open up your web space or other place to store the file on a server for faster downloading. You will need FTP to a server for this to work correctly. Now that you have that open, create a folder and name it downloads (or anything else where you would like your downloads to go from). Now that you have your folder called downloads done create a folder inside your downloads folder called usermaps (just like you did in your game servers ftp). Inside that folder again, create a mp_ammo_3daim folder, and inside that again drag and drop the mp_ammo_3daim.ff file.

Your web space and server should be setup the same way so they can communicate with each other using the same usermaps folder.

Now we edit the line in your config that says this seta sv_wwwBaseURL "YOURWEBBASEDURLGOESHERE" . My web space is located at http://www.atlantalan.org. Here is where I have my map hosted. Now where it says YOURWEBASEDURLGOESHERE you need to put, and i'll use mine as an example http://www.atlantalan.org/downloads . You DO NOT put /usersmaps/mp_ammo_3daim or /usersmaps just the folder before usermaps.

So in your servers config file it should look like this (or something similar since your URL will not be the same):

// HTTP / Downloading (For use with Custom Maps and Mods)
set sv_allowdownload "1"
seta sv_wwwDownload "1"
seta sv_wwwBaseURL "http://www.atlantalan.org/downloads"
seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"

Upload your servers config, restart your server and you should be good to go.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT add an additional / after the word downloads or when you start your map up it automatically adds that / so its not needed. If you add that / at the end it will not work correctly.

If you notice any spelling mistakes or have any questions please let me know.
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