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Category: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
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Author Topic: Single Saber Nerfed?
General Member
Since: Dec 23, 2006
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Last: Dec 23, 2006
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Level 1
Category: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
Posted: Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 02:22 am
Yes most of this is true. The Dual sabers are strange as #### I'm more afraid to attack them from the behind or sides then to attack from the front. The new sabers can easily do 150 while red stance maybe gets 100 with an overhead swing fully landed (good fuggen luck) feels wanky when you consider that the duals are just a more powerful blue stance and staff is a powerful yellow but not godly I'm sure that raven either

A. Has a brand new team working on these new sabers because I don't think the old team was struck with severe memory loss and forgot how to program proper damage or the lesson's they learned from JO.

B. Made these new sabers powerful because thats all that's really different in this new game. Its just an expansion for JO so the sabers are what really sells it so they have to make them strong and easy to use.
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General Member
Since: Dec 23, 2006
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Last: Dec 23, 2006
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Level 1
Category: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
Posted: Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 03:19 am
I agree that some things have been nerfed in unsavory ways, but I have to disagree with a few comments.  The yellow DFA is actually quite useful once you learn its purpose.  In general, it does not strike someone in front of you...it strikes someone directly below you to either side.  I turn while in the air to place the enemy perpendicular to me to my right hand usually.  Also, it will not strike someone on the ground, since you get so high.  It is more of a counter move against someone jumping at you or doing a move like a butterfly that gives them some height.  I'm usually able to surprise someone with it that way and have even been able to hit several lined up people in FFA.  But I agree that it is not as powerful as in JO and may need to have the amount of damage upped.

I think single saber red spammage is insane though.  True, it only does maybe 100 damage, but allowing any basic move do that much damage is silly.  I've seen noobs successfully kill of lots of people just swinging the red saber randomly.  I think in general, all the basic moves of all styles need to be nerfed, while the damage of the specials have to be made tighter and more consistent.  I'm sick of being barely knicked in the head by the rear tip of a staff and dying (with full health) while I'm standing behind someone and clearly have my saber in a DFA or lunge right through their chest.
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General Member
Since: Dec 23, 2006
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Last: Dec 23, 2006
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Level 0
Category: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
Posted: Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 03:58 am
I have to disagree with a single red slash doing 100 damage.. no one sits still to take that 100 damage hit, and it takes me 3 or 4 GOOD hits with red to kill someone.. whereas I get killed with dual sabers/staff with 1-2 hits.

That = lame.
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General Member
Since: Dec 23, 2006
Posts: 51
Last: Dec 23, 2006
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Level 3
Category: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
Posted: Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 10:06 am
Quote (esuyengh @ Sep. 29 2003, 10:19 pm)
I agree that some things have been nerfed in unsavory ways, but I have to disagree with a few comments.  The yellow DFA is actually quite useful once you learn its purpose.  In general, it does not strike someone in front of you...it strikes someone directly below you to either side.  I turn while in the air to place the enemy perpendicular to me to my right hand usually.  Also, it will not strike someone on the ground, since you get so high.  It is more of a counter move against someone jumping at you or doing a move like a butterfly that gives them some height.  I'm usually able to surprise someone with it that way and have even been able to hit several lined up people in FFA.  But I agree that it is not as powerful as in JO and may need to have the amount of damage upped.

I think single saber red spammage is insane though.  True, it only does maybe 100 damage, but allowing any basic move do that much damage is silly.  I've seen noobs successfully kill of lots of people just swinging the red saber randomly.  I think in general, all the basic moves of all styles need to be nerfed, while the damage of the specials have to be made tighter and more consistent.  I'm sick of being barely knicked in the head by the rear tip of a staff and dying (with full health) while I'm standing behind someone and clearly have my saber in a DFA or lunge right through their chest.

You simply don't understand the yelow special. The special is designed to hit someone a certain distance in front of you. You can't turn while performing it like in JK2. I have tested it and have landed it a lot. You run towards someone, keeps him in your crosshair and if you do the special at the right range you hit him. It's just that the move is so slow that even my grand mom could move before she got hit every time.
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