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Forum: All Forums : Soldier of Fortune
Category: SoFII General
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Author Topic: Gold Rush
General Member
Since: Dec 23, 2006
Posts: 214
Last: Dec 23, 2006
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Level 4
Category: SoFII General
Posted: Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 01:48 am
Hiya all just thought i would post the direct link for the Gold Rush.

Here it is, the first public beta of Goldrush. Goldrush is a multiplayer mods for Soldier of Fortune 2 which mixes the best parts of SOF1 and SOF2 together with some old and new ideas! Goldrush focuses on gameplay... realism is cool but less important.

The mod comes with 10 maps, 8 gametypes and a lot of goodies...

You can play the mod SOF2 style (99%) or totally different with strafejumps, higher speeds, instagib, etc.. Even you only want to play the standard gametypes Goldrush will add a lots of cool things to it. The real Goldpatch has arrived

- Classic CTF is the oldskool style of Capture the Flag. It works with pickups, flagrecovery and you only can make a capture when you own flag is on its spot. Like in SOF1 the flagcarrier will make it buzzy sound which allow the other team (or your own team) to track the player to frag/support him/her...

- Capture and Hold is DM with a flag. This gametypes comes in a FFA and a Team version. Like in CCTF the flagcarrier makes a buzzy sound that helps to locate him/her (and prevents unnecessary camping).

- The Goldrush gametype is a mix of INF and CTF. It's a kind of 1 flag CTF. There is one flag in the center of the map of which both teams try to grab and capture it.

- Sabotage is a gametype where each team tries to blow up the enemy base

- Last Man Standing is the FFA variant of Elimination. When only two players are left they start coughing which helps to locate the other player (which hopefully is less boring for the ghosts/spectators).

- Capture the Bunker is DM gametype that comes in both a FFA- and a teamvariant. In CTB/TCTB the goal is to get possesion of "the bunker". When successfull you or your team will score extra points. Problem is that everyone is trying to do the same

Goldrush comes with 10 maps: 5 original ones and 5 conversions (4x SOF1 and 1x CS). Some big, some small, but they all

- Gangland (conversion of NYCCTF1, done by GODh)
- Bunker (conversion of NYCDM5, done by GODh)
- Factory Assault (kickass map By hector Infector)
- Mayan Temple (nice small terrain map by Marko)
- Backalley (conversion of NYCDM4, done by GODh)
- Alcatraz Assault (nice teamplay map by Hector nInfector)
- Chop Suey (cool map by Marko)
- Jungledust (conversion of de_dust, done by GODh)
- Subway Gold (cool map by HellF1re)
- Parking (conversion of JPNCTF1, done by GODh)

Too many features to mention, but here are a few (most can be turned ON or OFF):
- Strafejumps
- Instagib mode (every hit is a kill)
- Crosshair for enemy players
- vsay_all (for taunts)
- Start with or without armor
- An extra radartype
- Skillfull players can get "on fire"
- Lots of new sounds
- Expanded radiomenu
- Extra skinpacks, including female skins
- Etc

In this version there are no new weapons (no modeller/animator yet) but there are a few small changes:
- For the butchers out there everyone start with 9 knives instead of 6
- The SOCOM is silenced
- The nades from the M203 don't explode on impact. Instead of that they are timed and explode after 2 seconds. This makes it harder to hit someone running, but it also has its advantages: due the fact it doesn't explode on impact you can shoot against objects. This way the grenade bounches back in an angle. With a bit of skill you are able to shoot around corners and clean up those campers out there

Gold Rush
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The Jerbear~rb
General Member
Since: Dec 23, 2006
Posts: 532
Last: Dec 23, 2006
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Level 6
Category: SoFII General
Posted: Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 03:07 am
I'm a realism Nazi, so no gold rush for Jer. I am glad though that people are putting effort into modding this game. I heard a rumor that someone was making a Starwars mod. Does that like... still exist? How done is it? Anybody know?
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MODSonline.com Forums : Soldier of Fortune : SoFII General

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