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Author Topic: Military Shooters/FPS getting dry, losing sparks or more fun?
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Posted: Saturday, Feb. 11, 2012 06:42 am

I think it would be rather interesting to discuss the future of FPS games or military shooters. EA is providing us with more military shooters, Battlefield, FPS, GUNS, whatever you wanna call those hyped up FPS games.

This post is by no means a comparison or argument between BF and COD or any other FPS games for that matter but a discussion on the future of FPS games. So read before posting.

So I would like to ask, is FPS getting dry? Is military shooters getting old? Is FPS losing its sparks? There are so many FPS games out there, it's almost uncountable. Starting back since the vintage gaming consoles to modern day consoles. Almost all scenarios in FPS games are covered. What else is there? Some are even repeated many times. WW2 is repeated many times but I don't mind it. I can't stand modern scenarios. It's always the typical, Russians are your bad guys, blah, blah, blah, nuke, WW3, info warfare, etc. Some of these scenarios are incredibly boring, and repeated numerous times. So what is there to be done? I don't like sci-fi shooters or futuristic shooters but is this what developers are going to make more and more? Future military shooters? And some of these FPS games are annualized and is part of a series that just never dies. For how ever long the series goes, 10 games, 20 games in the series, it just gets boring and pointless to have a series that goes on too long. What's the point of having these games?

Can you stand another FPS or military shooter? Is there going to be anything unique, fun and actually over the top, not what developers say they are. Considering that many modern FPS games now are more or less the same, your typical Russian, it's more than likely there will be more games like this.

I am just getting bored, literally of hundreds of these same games, which just makes it pointless to buy them.

So what do you think? Do you think that FPS is getting dry, nothing unique would come out, would you still buy the same type of games over and over? Can FPS games still live on? Can games still live on? I would be happy to have a real life simulator or virtual reality to play FPS games.

Can you honestly think that we will play games or FPS games for the rest of our lives, or 20 years, 30 years? I just think I would be bored out of my mind or break down if I play games or FPS games for how ever long I live.

So please provide your opinion. This can help make lively discussions and keep the forum more active. It's kinda slow lately on the forum.

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Posted: Saturday, Feb. 11, 2012 11:33 am
All games in this genre will always be similar to each other, because at the base of them all its the same thing, you play the good guy and shoot the bad guys.

Doesn't matter how you label your game, be it WW2, modern or futuristic the only thing that changes is the world space (maps). Take the last few modern warfare title, they are all exactly the same only with new maps. The main reason i dislike them is they bring nothing new to the table.

For FPS to stay fresh they need to step outside this protective little bubble they are all in, nobody want to be the first to experiment with new ideas. Personally i have always wanted to see a WW1 shooter but maybe that's just me. Developers need to think outside the box and get some fresh ideas. How about a game based during the roman rule, you character is a gladiator and you have to have epic colosseum fights, or your part of an invading force trying to conquer Rome? No? well how about the world ends in 2012 but you had be locked in cryostasis deep underground only to rise and try to find answers, little did you know the previous inhabitants of the planet are now mutated monsters.. Well you get the idea, they took me about 10 seconds to think up, these developer takes what, weeks, months to come up with a story..

Now i'm going to mention COD again because as far as shooters go it is very successful, the problem is every developer now follows it style because they think "oh well if they can do it so can we", and COD's market likes all the fast fragging, scopes, lasers and BIG EXPLOSIONS, therefore you find most shooters today feel blended together and action packed pulse pounding adventure rides. Boring one might add.

Personally i prefer RPG's though if you look at it, all genres are similar to there predecessors, apart from changing the story all we can really expect form upcoming games are graphical updates..

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Posted: Saturday, Feb. 11, 2012 12:44 pm
I don't blame the genre. I blame the studios for the dry games they are producing. And yes, I feel like they are getting dry as well. It's not that I don't enjoy playing them, it's that with each FPS game that I play, I lose interest faster.

Like Mystic, I am trying to find a game that more resembles an RPG but I don't want to abandon the FPS. I want to feel immersed in the game and the first person perspective usually makes that happen. But so does the urn to quest and discover something new.

That's what was so great about skyrim... there were things to discover. I used to feel that way with FPS games. However I think with the internet and over-exposure of games, the simplistic construct of today's FPS games can't accomplish that.

Anyway, I don't blame the genre, but I do agree with you. We just need a developer who can deliver what we need.
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Posted: Saturday, Feb. 11, 2012 08:02 pm
Good guys shooting bad guys is always going to be the case as Mystic states. This itself can be changed and makes things a little more interesting but not a whole lot depending on what other aspects are changed too. There's no reason to not take the concept that was in Company of Heroes or any RTS games, like Red Alert and put it in FPS. You can play the bad guys too, bad guy campaign. This would offset the typical good vs bad guys.

That's not really important to me. What's important is what's unique, intriguing, WOW, etc. And yes, I would love to see a WW1. I wanted something like this too. I think there is a WW1 game, something History Channel WW1 or something. Haven't played it but looks like a good concept. Mystic has some good ideas but some of those are done in RTS, but by no means are they not allowed as FPS. I guess these would give FPS genre a whole "make over".

As for the COD concept, well, the demographics that they are targeting these days prefer those shoot-em-up, fast, arcady, quick sessions, instead of taking time to think. Just look at the population these days, young people, working adults, not many would find the time to play something strategic or innovating. Even if BF3 has 10 million sales (to relate to the original article to stay relevant), I am sure not all 10 million owners or families would be playing BF3 all day. I certainly stopped playing to pursue other interest....will come back though, whenever that is.

I don't think or see people interested if you have a historic FPS game, like Gladiators, etc. What are you gonna do? You might as well consider these a niche. I am just thinking that in terms of sales, COD would be the ones with the most sales, meaning, a huge chunk of the population would play. Every other games would be a niche. Technically speaking that is. I don't mind any kind of settings that is unless they are done uniquely. However with your current demographic, I doubt there's going to be any changes to FPS.

Well depending on your definition of RPG and having FPS aspect, you can consider Deus Ex. I love this game, well the second game, Human Revolution that is. This game is just so fantastic despite some dislikes here and there.

Skyrim is an RPG with first person perspective, not really FPS but call it what you will. I am sure it's really fun.

What we need are indie developers. I am assuming indie developers always have the best and neat ideas because contrary to popular opinions they are going to deliver something unique. I recently looked up some games by this developer CITY or something like that. They look good. The developer is not your traditional mainstream ones. However, I prefer my games mainstream, so what I am saying is, I would like to see some concepts from indie developers to mainstream.

I personally went back to play RTS and started modding and mapping COH. RTS is one of those games that can't get boring because everytime you play it's fresh. If you're on Steam and you see me, you will see me play COH. [wink]

Other than that well, I guess we're gonna have to keep buying new FPS games if we like them, though they may not be interesting.

I would love to have a game that takes the FPS concept and bring it further. More really really realistic. I mentioned this in the other post about gaming. I would love to get this concept rolling with my story that turns into a game. This won't be made for another 10, several years, depending on which developers I may contract with. lol.

Other than that, hmm, there's nothing else. Unless there are other opinions out there.

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