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Category: L4D2 Mapping
Left 4 Dead level design and mapping.
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Author Topic: Entities List
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Category: L4D2 Mapping
Posted: Friday, Jan. 8, 2010 06:28 pm
We have also now been given an Entities list for left 4 dead 2.



* env_airstrike_indoors - Adds an airstrike effect for indoors (crumbling ceiling)
* env_airstrike_outdoors - Adds an airstrike effect for outdoors
* env_instructor_hint - Allows creation and control of instructor messages through map logic


* filter_health - Can filter based on the health of the activator, and wheter they have adrenaline active or not
* filter_melee_damage - Can filter based on melee damage, and the type (all, slash or club)


* func_block_charge - The Charger will not charge through this brush.
* func_instance - An entity for placing an instance of a map file
* func_instance_parms - Controls parameters used in func_instance within an instance
* func_nav_connection_blocker - Blocks nav meshs (on creation) from being connected through it's volume.
* func_playerghostinfected_clip - Blocks ghost infected.
* func_timescale - Adjust the time scale of the server/client through map logic (slow-mo scene at end of Dead Center finale)


* info_ambient_mob_start - Potential starting area for an ambient mob
* info_ambient_mob_end - Potential end area for an ambient mob
* info_ambient_mob - universal ambient mob start/end (use with care)
* info_particle_target - Allows marking areas in the map for particle systems with control points to reference
* info_zombie_border - Zombies will not spawn behind this entity.


* ambient_music - Can override the Music Director, forcing a custom wav file to play in the music mix layer.
* game_scavenge_progress_display - Allows turning the scavenge score display on/off as well as setting the total items required.
* logic_script - Container for scripts
* player_weapon_strip - removes specific weapon or active weapon
* point_nav_attribute_region - Holds attributes to be applied to regions of nav areas during generation
* prop_mounted_machine_gun - A .50 Cal mounted machine gun.
Note:Currently L4D2 does not support the prop_minigun, so you will need to replace them with this entity instead when updating your addons.
* sound_mix_layer - Allows setting the levels of a specific sound mix layer.
* trigger_active_weapon_detect - Fires output when touched by a player that has a specific weapon active

Weapon/Upgrade Spawn

* upgrade_spawn - Allows the director to place gun upgrades: laser sights, explosive ammo, and incendiary ammo.
* weapon_adrenaline_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for adrenaline
* weapon_chainsaw_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for chainsaws
* weapon_defibrillator_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for defibrillators
* weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for grenade launchers
* weapon_item_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for a random item (first aid kits, pills, adrenaline, bile bombs, defibrillators etc.)
* weapon_melee_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for random melee weapons
* weapon_pistol_magnum_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for magnum pistols
* weapon_rifle_ak47_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for AK-47's
* weapon_rifle_desert_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for combat rifles
* weapon_scavenge_item_spawn - A spawnpoint for a scavenge gas can
* weapon_shotgun_chrome_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for chrome shotguns
* weapon_shotgun_spas_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for combat shotgun
* weapon_smg_silenced_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for silenced submachineguns
* weapon_sniper_military_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for military sniper rifles
* weapon_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for random weapons
* weapon_upgradepack_explosive_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for explosive ammo
* weapon_upgradepack_incendiary_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for incendiary ammo
* weapon_vomitjar_spawn - A possible spawnpoint for bile bombs


* env_fog_controller - Has new entrys/inputs for settings such as Set2DSkyboxFactorLerpTo (Amount of fog to blend into 2d Skybox to lerp to)
* env_tonemap_controller - Can now set TonemapPercentBrightPixels, and other settings.


* func_elevator - Added input to set max speed dynamically
* func_move_linear - Added ResetPosition/TeleportToTarget
* func_nav_blocker - Added toggle to determine if nav flow should be recomputed or not
* func_orator - Now allows setting the max legal followup distance for automatic responses
* func_precipitation - Added Rain Storm, Bugs, and Smoke
* func_push - Added OnStartTouch output, and input SetMaxSpeed to allow setting the push speed dynamically
* func_rotating - Added SnapToStartPosition


* info_director - Added many outputs to fully customize scavenge games, also includes scripting and journal support.
* info_gamemode - Added additional game modes, added OnNavAnalyze output which is fired only when map is loaded with -navanalyse command line option set
* info_particle_system - Added setting to allow forcing particles to always render infront of everything
* info_survivor_position - Can now be tied to a specific gamemode, and given a specific intro to play


* Worldspawn - Can now choose time of day (evening, midnight, etc..), music post-fix name (for Music soundscripts to reference), as well as starting music type (Mission Start, Check Point)
* beam_spotlight - Added NoFog spawnflag.
* sky_camera - Added additional options for customizating plane clipping offsets, etc
* filter_activator_infected_class - Added the new special infected
* logic_auto - Added 'OnDemoMapSpawn' output
* postprocess_controller - Can now dynamically alter film grain and vignette strength


* point_hurt - Added additional damage type: "FULLGIB"
* point_spotlight - Added option to set Halo size
* point_viewcontrol_multiplayer - Updated with additional inputs, toggles, and most importantly it now supports 'Target Entity' to easily create simple smooth gliding intro animations without relying on custom model animations.


* All props now have a 'Lag Compensation' toggle. (Use sparingly!)
* prop_car_alarm - Added ability to enable/disable
* prop_door_rotating - Added 'glow' option
* prop_physics - Added OnHitByTank output, for creating custom events when a prop is punched by the tank.


* trigger_finale - Added types selection: "Standard" "Gauntlet" "Custom" "Scavenge", and a property to define max points for scavenge mode.
* trigger_hurt - Added additional damage type: "FULLGIB", and the option to have it 'think' every frame instead of every half second. (Expensive!)
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Category: L4D2 Mapping
Posted: Friday, Jan. 8, 2010 11:54 pm
Here are the available melee weapons:

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