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DoomeR v0.1
Downloaded 13 times
Now DooM 3 is... DOOMER!
DoomeR v0.1 by Tropezator

Main features:
-Chaingun modded to behave and sound like Ol' Painkiller.
Good chaingun, GOOD CHAINGUN!
-Shotgun modded to resemble the one in DooM 1 & 2
-No more gibbing peasants with your Fist of Fear,
Mighty Flashlight of Spikes, etc..
-Upped the firing rate of (almost) all projectile-based weapons.
Ammo damage, Max_Ammo, clip size, and ammo packs edited to
maintain the original balance.
-Merged with Ultra-Extreme-Quality-MOD (U-E-Q-MOD),
by Oneofthe8devilz, oneofthe8devilz@hotmail.com
Thanks dude your mod is great!

Contact: tropezator@telefonica.net

simply copy the included pak005.pk4 to your Doom3/base folder. Rename it to pak006, 7, etc if you
already have a pak005.pk4. If it doesn't work as advertised, chances are some other mod is
conflicting with it. Remove all the other mods to see if it works, then add them again, one by one,
to see which one is causing the problem.



-Lost the Ring of the Berserker, no gibs


-Removed the spikes -a liability. No gibs.

-New firing rate, from 2.5 to 3.0 rps.
-Definately no gibs.
MaxAmmo 450 rds
ClipSize 15 rds
Small clip 15 rds
large clip 45 rds


-New firing rate. BooM! Kri-krock, BooM! Kri-krock, BooM! Kri-krock, BooM!...
-Reduced pellets from 13 to 7, as in the early versions. Also reduced spread, from
Total Wall Coverage to the Thing in Front of You.
-New cockup sound. It's really the DooM 3 one, compressed.
-No gibs. I don't think total evaporation is the right stile for this gun. I pretend
to re-enable them as soon as I figure out how to add standard chunky gibs.
MaxAmmo 440 rds
ClipSize 11 rds
Small clip 11 rds
large clip 22 rds


-New firing rate, to a more pleasing 10 rps.
-no gibs.
MaxAmmo 700 rds
ClipSize 70 rds
Small clip 35 rds
large clip 70 rds


-New firing rate. Was 8 depressing rps, now is an exhilarating 20 rps. Now you can do the trick
of carpeting in bullets and smoke someone stalking you from an upper position, à la Predator.
-Brand new sounds! Ripped from the Predator DVD. Windup, motor loop, windown sounds
are straight from The Painkiller. Firing sound is not, tough. But you'll like it.
-New recoil animation. Now it kicks backwards instead of upwards.
-Upped the bullet's speed from 2000 somethings to the 7200 somethings used by all the other guns.
-Faster windup animation, slower windown -it also matches exactly with the new sound.
-No gibs. See Shotgun.
MaxAmmo 1500 rds! yeah baby!
ClipSize 150 rds
Ammo belt 150 rds

Plasma Gun

-10 rps
-It gibs. The disintegration effect is perfect for this gun.
MaxAmmo 700 rds
ClipSize 70 rds
Small clip 35 rds
large clip 70 rds


-The plasma ball now lights up an entire room. No other changes.

To do:
-Persistent Chunky Gibs.
-Persistent bloodsplats, wall hits, other decals.
-Ultra bright flash on BFG hit.
-Finetune the sound of the chaingun.
-Aliens' Pulse Rifle sound for the machinegun.
-Resize the figures in the ammo counter of the chaingun, so they
fit in the display.
-Figure out how to use a filename other than pak00x.pk4.
For some reason the mod doesn't load if you name it otherwise.
-Flashlight in some of the weapons, without modding -and disabling-
the firing flash.
-Remove gibs for the monsters. They still burn out when killed.

by Tropezator (email)


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