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Rotating Fan with light effect in COD4
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Rotating Fan with light effect in COD4 - AmishThunder

This tutorial involves some scripting and lighting familiarity, lets get dirty.

Create your area you want your fan and light.

First make a fan.
Right click on the grid -> script -> script_model
Select the model "icbm_turbofan64" or any other size you want.
Now give it the "Key/Value" of "targetname / fan1"

Now make your spot light.
Create your light entity, null, and connect them.
Refer to Lighting 101 if unsure how.
Select "Primary_Spot" for your light and customize the rest so that the light clearly touches the surface you want your shadow on..

You are now done in your map!


Lets begin the scripting part, its not has hard as you may suspect.

Open your .gsc
If you don't have one yet then open "mp_test.gsc" and adjust accordingly with your map name.

Create your thread
Add this to the first main() bracket.


thread fanSpin();

Now under the last } for the main() bracket add this code.


fanSpin() {
fan1 = getEnt( "fan1" , "targetname" );
//fan2 = getEnt( "fan2" , "targetname" );

//Code by AmishThunder
// www.kramerartanddesign.com
while (1)
fan1 rotateyaw( 360, 5, 0, 0 );
//fan1 rotateyaw( degrees, time in seconds, 0, 0 );

//fan2 rotateyaw( 360, 5, 0, 0 );

wait 4.9;

You may add as many fans as you like but copy a new segment and up the number by 1.


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