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Destroy a Flak88 Objective
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Mike shows us how to destroy a flak88 as an objective in SP

ok i wrote this a long time ago for a guy who wanted to know this, and i thought i might as well just post it here......

im guessing your making an antiair flak? well if not then the valuse for the script_model will be diffrent, you can figure that part out.

first start by makeing a script_model and use these values(for anitair flak)
key: model
value: xmodel/turret_flak88_static_antiair

an antiair flak cannon should appear, so place it where ever you want. youl have to put a clip metal around it or you will be able to go right through it.

next make another script_model with these values(for your bomb)
key: model
value: xmodel/explosivepack_objective_incomplete

great, now place that somewhere on the flak, where you want the bomb to be.

now make a brush around the bomb, make it a little bigger than the acual bomb or it will be hard to use it, texture it with the "trigger" texture then with it still selected right click in radient and click "trigger" then "use"
also make the targetname on the trigger_use planted, this can be any name you want just make sure in the script where you will see planted change it to what ever you called the trigger_use. the valuse on that should look like this
key: targetname
value: planted (or what ever you called it)

now, select the the trigger_use and then select the bomb, it is very inportant that you select these in this order or it wont work properly, now press ctr-k to link them, now select the bomb then the flak and press ctr-k to link them.
and thats all you have to do in radient.

now for the script i hate this part this is how myn looks

fx = loadfx("fx/explosions/metal_b.efx");

this is what i have placed right under the part that says
and any other thing it loads like that, for example an yourmapname_fx.gsc.
make sure its above the part that tell the game to give the player weapons.

now after the part that gives you weapons i have this

thread maps\_bombs::main(1,&"WINTERWARZ_OBJ1","planted","bomb_trigger");

level notify ("bomb_trigger");
level notify ("objective_complete1");

level waittill("objective_complete1");

in this part "(1," would be your objective number, so if its the first objective on your list this will be 1, second will be 2,ect... this ",&"WINTERWARZ_OBJ1","is what will be displayedwhen you press tab ingame, the reason why myn looks like this is because i used localizedstrings to do my objectives, so in other words i made kinda a small script type thing for my objectives, you might wana call this "Destroy the flack" or somethin because im not gona explain about the localizedstrings. yours might look like this ,"Destroy The Flack",

as you can see "planted" is there, so you can keep that if your targetname for your trigger_script is planted, if you used a different name then you will have to chang that to what you called it.
"bomb_trigger" im not sure what this dose, but dont take it out, you need it.

objective_current(1); is telling the game that 1 is your current objective.
level notify ("bomb_trigger"); tells the game that the bomb can now be used.
level notify ("objective_complete1"); tells the game that the objective is completed.. i think. this must be hand in hand with the
level waittill("objective_complete1"); part so you can add other objectives... i think. there you go.. all done, i think.. i hope im not missing anything... anywas this is what my script looks like to make things a little clearer


setCullFog (0, 8000, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0);



fx = loadfx("fx/explosions/metal_b.efx");

level.player takeallweapons();
level.player giveWeapon("m1garand");
level.player giveWeapon("colt");
level.player giveWeapon("fraggrenade");
level.player switchToWeapon("m1garand");

thread maps\_bombs::main(1,&"WINTERWARZ_OBJ1","planted","bomb_trigger");

level notify ("bomb_trigger");
level notify ("objective_complete1");

level waittill("objective_complete1");


i hope this helped you

thats bassically it, if its somthing els you want blowen up i think you can do it this way just things need to be changed, you figure it out...... thanx to sewerdroid for teaching me this.... thx alot man, have fun guys

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