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Market Nights
Downloaded 28 times
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Market Nights |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Version beta 1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||For Soldier of Fortune 2|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Double Helix ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||||Part of the upcoming Agent Rez Mod|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Author: cisco256
Uncompressed bsp size: ~36mb
New/changed textures: ~0mb
Max Players: 64
Email: tibetoh@hotmail.com
(maximize window size, for your reading comfort)


Extract the .pk3 file to your sof2\base folder.

set com_hunkmegs to 128 mb, see below for instructions.


Min Requirement:

a good geforce 3 and adequate cpu



-dm, tdm, ctf, inf, elim (see notes)
-all Goldrush gametypes (including basic bot support for dm/tdm).
(sabo gold cctf cah tcah ctb tctb lastman occtf wave and more)


To set com_hunkmegs you have a couple choices

-find your sofmp.cfg in /base folder and find com_hunkmegs in it, change
the value to 128.

-for mods like osp etc, go to the mod's folder and do the same change to
the sof2mp.cfg there.

-if you start sof2 via a desktop shortcut u can simply add
+set com_hunkmegs 128
to its properties.
(eg:"G:\Soldier of Fortune\SoF2MP.exe" +set com_hunkmegs 128)

-if you do the change via console, don't use "quit" to restart sof2,
or the new setting won't be remembered by he game.



This is the beta 1 version of mp_market, Market Nights, which is a part of the
upcoming Agent Rez mod for Soldier of Fortune 2. Its size is considerably
bigger then the average sof2 map, its layout compensates this though.
Good gameplay for ctf/inf with 10 to 20 players. (support up to 64)
The sewers are not accessible in elimination gametype.
In ctf, the flags have to be brought down to the main floodgates, into the cages
with the corresponding color, not back to your own teams flagposition.
I didn't add demolition gametype yet. If you would like it included, let me
The difficulty of the map as well as the tactical requirements are considerably
higher then most other sof2 maps. This is intended.
If your monitor/tft is of good quality in regards to contrast/brightness, then
r_gamma 1.25 will provide the best atmosphere, for competitive play, 1.5 should
be fine. Higher values are needed on less bright monitors/tfts. The map is NOT
intended to be played at r_gamma 1.0. If the shadows have ugly square parts,
reduce brightness.
The maps layout is in fact quite simple. You may want to go to spec mode and fly
out of the map bounds to get an idea of the overall layout.
The bots work in all gametypes when running Goldrush (and probably with some
versions of the Mandown mod also), but the waypoints are optimized for DM/TDM.
They do not approach the Main Floodgates on their current route.
Use of this map is purely at own risk. The author is not liable for any damage
and/or data loss arising out of the use of any of the files included. This
includes but is not limited to nuclear meltdown of your pc, constipation, loss
of eyesight, nervous twitching and the desire for senseless violence.
This map can be distributed freely as long as the rights of Raven and other
concerned companies are not infringed, and this README is included in its
original form.
If you find missing/misaligned textures or any other obvious mistakes, plz send
me a screenshot and/or description plus let know which version of sof2 you use.
As a "special" feature, you can include your clan tag, serverhost name or
whatever you feel like into the map. To make it work, follow these steps:

-prepare a 1024 x 512 pixels (width x hight) .jpg of what you want to be seen

-take the prepared "market_banner.shader" file, open it and look for the line
"map textures/armory/sign_board1"

-change "sign_board1" into the name of your jpg

-delete "/armory"

-save the file

-make a folder called "shaders" and drop "market_banner.shader" into it

-make a folder called "textures" and drop your .jpg into it.

-zip both directories with relative paths (not full paths!)

-rename the resulting file into "mp_market_x.pk3" (with "_x" !!!)

-place it into the /base folder of the server, where the map resides

-make sure the server has autodownload enabled



Credits in random order:

ydnar for answering many questions, making me rethink my usage of high
res shadows, and for providing q3map2, without which this map
wouldnt have been possible in its current form.

obsidian for answering many questions and for mentioning the keys that
made the conditional shadows of the infiltration convoy possible.

D!ablo for enlighting me on some q3 engine related questions

Skwasjer for making Mirix, a tool for mirroring maps, that saved me hours
of work.

Godh for providing the infos for the bot routes and Goldrush related

thanks go out to all the ppl who helped looking for bugs/errors in early alphas,
especialy Precam and Slug, but of course also all the others (not naming all so
i dont forget anyone;)

Special thanks to all the ppl who contributed to the creation of GTKRadiant, which
is a great 3D editor. The only one i know that is usable intuitively from the first
moment on.

To id software for making the great q3 engine.

To everybody on q3w board where i have been asking tons of dumb questions.

And of course to Raven for providing SoF2, which is still one of the best tac
shooters out there.

(contact me if u think ur name should be in the readme of the final version)


Important links:




© 2004 All Rights Reserved

by cisco256 (email)


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