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Flashlight Deathmatch in the Dark
Downloaded 15 times
******Flashlight DeathMatch in the dark******

Game: Doom 3
By: 007craft
E-mail: o07craft@hotmailcom
Date: August 5th 2004

+--Version 1.2 Fix--+ -Aug 6th 2004
- Health has been lowered to 1 and now You TRUELY die in 1 hit
- Falling from high heights no longer takes out health. This way you don't kill yourself.


unzip the pak007.pk4 into your doom 3\base\ directory (same as the other pak*.pk4 files).

+--How To Play--+

In game just start a normal multiplayer server (you dont load this one from the mods menu). You will know its working from the load screen if the "lights out" level has a blue loading bar instead of an orange one.

+--About the Mod--+

ahh... MY first mod, although extremely simple, (hey I never made a mod in my life and I
I used no help or anything. I just poked around) it is extremely fun. Until some1 figures
out how to actually shut off individual lights, I have made this mod. What it is basically,
is the level "lights out" but with a twist.

When you turn the lights out (via the generator), they DONT come back on. But the
generator does power itself on again after 15 seconds so the invisibility powerup remains
and can still be acquired by using the generator and opening the secret door. also, the 2
shutters can be closed, but once shut, never opened again.

ok now all the weapons and ammo have been removed from the level (except 1 stubborn rocket
pack which wont go away for some reason). All you get is a flashlight, however, its 1
smack kills. so basically you go around the level very quietly and try to smack another
person to kill them. Remember, you can turn your flash light off by hitting RELOAD.

I have also made the run speed the speed of walking and walk speed slightly lower.


-Its a good Idea to turn always run off or hold down walk because if you run you make noise and can be heard. Run should be used only if your following an unexpected player and you
need that extra boost real fast to smack him.
-Don't keep your flashlight on at all times. You just make yourself a target.
-Grab the invisibility. People can barely see you while invisible and its great to sneak up on them.

+--Suggested Game Settings--+

now these are the suggested game settings

last man Standing
16 players
no time limit
no frag limit

+--Have Fun--+

Have Fun and tell me what you think at the doom world forums

or email me at o07craft@hotmailcom

+--Posting this Mod--+

if your going to post this mod on your website or somewhere.. please include the original readme.. thank you

by 007craft (email)


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