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Teleporting players
Versions: You must be logged in to view history.
How to make a player teleport.
In the editor, go to your departure point, draw out a decent size brush and texture it trigger, right click in 2d view, go down and make it trigger_multiple.
with the trigger still selected press n and enter these values
Key = target Value = gohere
Key = targetname Value = enter
Press n again to close the entity box
(Thats it for the trigger, press esc.)

Navigate your way in the editor to where you want to be teleported to.
Right click in the 2d view and create a script_origin (a red cube should appear)
With that still selected, press n and enter these values
Key = targetname Value = gohere
Press n again to close the entity box
You can rotate the red cube until the arrow faces the direction you wish to be facing when teleported.

Press esc.

If you have things correct you should now see a red line connecting trigger and red cube.

(I think thats it for the mapping bit)


Make a .gsc containing this script (just call it teleport)


entTransporter = getentarray("enter","targetname");
for(lp=0;lp<entTransporter.size;lp=lp+1)entTransporter[lp] thread Transporter();


self waittill("trigger",other);
entTarget = getent(self.target, "targetname");

other setorigin(entTarget.origin);
other setplayerangles(entTarget.angles);

Dont forget to call up this .gsc in your main .gsc for your map

Hope that works for you.

Greets dadofazz (who found it via azz.. who found it via unknown sources)

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