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Forum: All Forums : Soldier of Fortune
Category: SoFII Mapping
Mapping, modeling, scripting, skinning and all forms of editing for the game Soldier of Fortune II
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Author Topic: Single sided textures
General Member
Since: Dec 1, 2001
Posts: 5
Last: Feb 28, 2009
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Level 0
Category: SoFII Mapping
Posted: Saturday, Feb. 28, 2009 04:20 pm
This may seem elementary, but I can't seem to successfully google how to accomplish this. I've got a sign that has rounded conrers using alpha, but it appears as two sided. This would be fine if the second side was an alternate image that properly would back up the image.

	surfaceparm	nonsolid
	surfaceparm	nonopaque
	surfaceparm	playerclip
	surfaceparm	monsterclip
	cull	disable
        map textures/mall99/mall_directions_2
        alphaFunc GE128
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ZERO
        map $lightmap
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
        depthFunc equal
        map textures/mall99/mall_directions_2
        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
        depthFunc equal

The other image is textures/mall99/mall_directions_2b
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General Member
Since: Dec 1, 2001
Posts: 5
Last: Feb 28, 2009
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Level 0
Category: SoFII Mapping
Posted: Saturday, Feb. 28, 2009 09:32 pm
Jason Heppler says:
3.2 cull
Every surface of a polygon has two sides, a front and a back. Typically, we only see the front or "out" side. For example, a solid block you only show the front side. In many applications we see both. For example, in water, you can see both front and a back. The same is true for things like grates and screens.

To "cull" means to remove. The value parameter determines the type of face culling to apply. The default value is cull front if this keyword is not specified. However for items that should be inverted then the value back should be used. To disable culling, the value disable or none should be used. Only one cull instruction can be set for the shader.

3.2.1 cull front
The front or "outside" of the polygon is not drawn in the world. This is the default value. It is used if the keyword "cull" appears in the content instructions without a value or if the keyword cull does not appear at all in the shader.

3.2.2 cull back
Cull back removes the back or "inside" of a polygon from being drawn in the world.

3.2.3 cull disable, cull none
Neither side of the polygon is removed. Both sides are drawn in the game. Very useful for making panels or barriers that have no depth, such as grates, screens, metal wire fences and so on and for liquid volumes that the player can see from within. Also used for energy fields, sprites, and weapon effects (e.g.; plasma).


edited on Feb. 28, 2009 04:35 pm by exitof99
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