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Forum: All Forums : Call of Duty 4
Category: CoD4 SP Mapping
CoD 4 mapping and level design for single player.
Moderators: foyleman, Foxhound, Mystic, StrYdeR, batistablr, Welshy, DrBiggzz, supersword, playername, novemberdobby
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Author Topic: CMD + DVAR Lists
General Member
Since: Feb 28, 2004
Posts: 1713
Last: Dec 29, 2016
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Level 8
Im a fan of MODSonair
Category: CoD4 SP Mapping
Posted: Monday, Oct. 15, 2007 08:40 pm
Cmdlist 209 commands

dvarlist 1202 total dvars
        aa_ads_damage_dealt "0"
        aa_deaths "0"
        aa_enemy_damage_taken "588"
        aa_enemy_deaths "1"
        aa_player_damage_dealt "0"
        aa_player_damage_taken "303"
        aa_player_kills "0"
        aa_time_tracking "93.8"
        aa_zoneaa_main_bog_a "on"
        actionSlotsHide "0"
      C ai_accuracyDistScale "1"
    A   ai_badPathSpam "0"
    A   ai_corpseCount "10"
      C ai_count "32"
      C ai_coverScore_coverType "2"
      C ai_coverScore_distance "16"
      C ai_coverScore_engagement "4"
      C ai_coverScore_nodeAngle "4"
      C ai_coverScore_playerLos "8"
      C ai_coverScore_priority "8"
      C ai_coverScore_targetDir "4"
      C ai_coverScore_visibility "8"
    A C ai_debugAccuracy "0"
      C ai_debugAnimDeltas "0"
      C ai_debugClaimedNodes "0"
      C ai_debugCoverEntityNum "-1"
    A C ai_debugCoverSelection "0"
        ai_debugEntIndex "-1"
      C ai_debugFindPath "0"
      C ai_debugFindPathDirect "0"
      C ai_debugFindPathLock "0"
      C ai_debugFindPathWidth "0"
      C ai_debugGrenadeFailSafe "0"
      C ai_debugGrenadeHintArc "150"
      C ai_debugMayMove "0"
    A C ai_debugMeleeAttackSpots "0"
      C ai_debugPlayerLOS "0"
    A C ai_debugThreatSelection "0"
      C ai_disableSpawn "0"
      C ai_eventDistBadPlace "256"
      C ai_eventDistBullet "96"
      C ai_eventDistDeath "1024"
      C ai_eventDistExplosion "1024"
      C ai_eventDistFootstep "512"
      C ai_eventDistFootstepLite "256"
      C ai_eventDistGrenadePing "512"
      C ai_eventDistGunShot "2048"
      C ai_eventDistNewEnemy "1024"
      C ai_eventDistPain "512"
      C ai_eventDistProjImpact "256"
      C ai_eventDistProjPing "128"
      C ai_eventDistSilencedShot "128"
      C ai_foliageSeeThroughDist "128"
      C ai_friendlyFireBlockDuration "2000"
      C ai_friendlySuppression "1"
      C ai_friendlySuppressionDist "128"
      C ai_moveOrientMode "invalid"
      C ai_noDodge "0"
      C ai_pathMomentum "0.78"
      C ai_pathNegotiationOverlapCost "300"
      C ai_playerADS_LOSRange "150"
      C ai_playerADSTargetTime "10000"
        ai_playerFarAccuracy "0.1"
        ai_playerFarRange "2000"
      C ai_playerLOSHalfWidth "15"
      C ai_playerLOSMinTime "1500"
      C ai_playerLOSRange "150"
        ai_playerNearAccuracy "0.5"
        ai_playerNearRange "800"
      C ai_showBadPlaces "0"
    A   ai_ShowCanshootChecks "0"
    A C ai_showClaimedNode "0"
      C ai_showDodge "0"
      C ai_showFriendlyChains "0"
      C ai_showNearestNode "0"
      C ai_showNodes "0"
      C ai_showNodesDist "384"
      C ai_showPaths "0"
      C ai_showPotentialThreatDir "0"
    A C ai_showRegion "0"
      C ai_showSuppression "-1"
      C ai_showVisData "0"
      C ai_showVisDataDist "1000"
      C ai_showVolume "-1"
      C ai_threatUpdateInterval "500"
      C aim_accel_turnrate_debug "0"
      C aim_accel_turnrate_enabled "1"
      C aim_accel_turnrate_lerp "1200"
      C aim_autoaim_debug "0"
      C aim_autoaim_enabled "1"
      C aim_autoaim_lerp "40"
      C aim_autoaim_region_height "120"
      C aim_autoaim_region_width "160"
      C aim_automelee_debug "0"
      C aim_automelee_enabled "1"
      C aim_automelee_lerp "40"
      C aim_automelee_range "128"
      C aim_automelee_region_height "240"
      C aim_automelee_region_width "320"
      C aim_input_graph_debug "0"
      C aim_input_graph_enabled "1"
      C aim_input_graph_index "3"
      C aim_lockon_debug "0"
      C aim_lockon_deflection "0.05"
      C aim_lockon_enabled "1"
      C aim_lockon_region_height "90"
      C aim_lockon_region_width "90"
      C aim_lockon_strength "0.6"
      C aim_scale_view_axis "1"
      C aim_slowdown_debug "0"
      C aim_slowdown_enabled "1"
      C aim_slowdown_pitch_scale "0.4"
      C aim_slowdown_pitch_scale_ads "0.5"
      C aim_slowdown_region_height "90"
      C aim_slowdown_region_width "90"
      C aim_slowdown_yaw_scale "0.4"
      C aim_slowdown_yaw_scale_ads "0.5"
      C aim_target_sentient_radius "10"
      C aim_turnrate_pitch "90"
      C aim_turnrate_pitch_ads "55"
      C aim_turnrate_yaw "260"
      C aim_turnrate_yaw_ads "90"
    A   airlift_min_spec "0"
        ammoCounterHide "0"
        angles "0"
    A   animated_trees_enabled "1"
        arcademode "0"
        arcademode_full "0"
        autodifficulty_frac "25"
        autodifficulty_original_setting "0"
        autodifficulty_playerDeathTimer "0"
        bcs_enable "on"
        bcs_filterInform "off"
        bcs_filterOrder "off"
        bcs_filterReaction "off"
        bcs_filterResponse "off"
        bcs_filterThreat "off"
        bcs_threatLimitInLocation "on"
        bcs_threatLimitInPlayerFOV "on"
        bcs_threatLimitSpeakerDist "512"
        bcs_threatLimitTargetingPlayer "off"
        bcs_threatLimitTargettedBySelf "off"
        bcs_threatLimitThreatDist "2048"
        bcs_threatPlayerRelative "off"
      C bg_aimSpreadMoveSpeedThreshold "11"
      C bg_bobAmplitudeDucked "0.0075 0.0075"
      C bg_bobAmplitudeProne "0.02 0.005"
      C bg_bobAmplitudeSprinting "0.02 0.014"
      C bg_bobAmplitudeStanding "0.007 0.007"
      C bg_bobMax "8"
      C bg_fallDamageMaxHeight "350"
      C bg_fallDamageMinHeight "200"
      C bg_foliagesnd_fastinterval "500"
      C bg_foliagesnd_maxspeed "180"
      C bg_foliagesnd_minspeed "40"
      C bg_foliagesnd_resetinterval "500"
      C bg_foliagesnd_slowinterval "1500"
      C bg_ladder_yawcap "100"
      C bg_legYawTolerance "20"
      C bg_maxGrenadeIndicatorSpeed "20"
      C bg_prone_yawcap "85"
      C bg_shock_lookControl "0"
      C bg_shock_lookControl_fadeTime "0.001"
      C bg_shock_lookControl_maxpitchspeed "0"
      C bg_shock_lookControl_maxyawspeed "0"
      C bg_shock_lookControl_mousesensitivityscale "0"
      C bg_shock_movement "1"
      C bg_shock_screenBlurBlendFadeTime "0.001"
      C bg_shock_screenBlurBlendTime "0.001"
      C bg_shock_screenFlashShotFadeTime "0"
      C bg_shock_screenFlashWhiteFadeTime "0"
      C bg_shock_screenType "blurred"
      C bg_shock_sound "0"
      C bg_shock_soundDryLevel "1"
      C bg_shock_soundEnd "shellshock_end"
      C bg_shock_soundEndAbort "shellshock_end_abort"
      C bg_shock_soundFadeInTime "0.25"
      C bg_shock_soundFadeOutTime "2.5"
      C bg_shock_soundLoop "shellshock_loop"
      C bg_shock_soundLoopEndDelay "-1.5"
      C bg_shock_soundLoopFadeTime "2"
      C bg_shock_soundLoopSilent "shellshock_loop_silent"
      C bg_shock_soundModEndDelay "-0.75"
      C bg_shock_soundRoomType "generic"
      C bg_shock_soundWetLevel "0.5"
      C bg_shock_viewKickFadeTime "0.001"
      C bg_shock_viewKickPeriod "0.75"
      C bg_shock_viewKickRadius "0"
      C bg_shock_volume_ambient "0.2"
      C bg_shock_volume_announcer "0.9"
      C bg_shock_volume_auto "0.5"
      C bg_shock_volume_auto2 "0.5"
      C bg_shock_volume_auto2d "0.5"
      C bg_shock_volume_autodog "0.9"
      C bg_shock_volume_body "0.2"
      C bg_shock_volume_body2d "0.2"
      C bg_shock_volume_bulletimpact "0.5"
      C bg_shock_volume_bulletwhizby "0.5"
      C bg_shock_volume_effects1 "0.5"
      C bg_shock_volume_effects2 "0.5"
      C bg_shock_volume_element "0.5"
      C bg_shock_volume_hurt "0.4"
      C bg_shock_volume_item "0.2"
      C bg_shock_volume_local "0.2"
      C bg_shock_volume_local2 "0.2"
      C bg_shock_volume_menu "1"
      C bg_shock_volume_mission "0.9"
      C bg_shock_volume_music "0.5"
      C bg_shock_volume_musicnopause "0.5"
      C bg_shock_volume_nonshock "0.5"
      C bg_shock_volume_physics "0.5"
      C bg_shock_volume_player1 "0.4"
      C bg_shock_volume_player2 "0.4"
      C bg_shock_volume_reload "0.2"
      C bg_shock_volume_reload2d "0.2"
      C bg_shock_volume_shellshock "1"
      C bg_shock_volume_vehicle "0.1"
      C bg_shock_volume_vehiclelimited "0.1"
      C bg_shock_volume_voice "0.2"
      C bg_shock_volume_weapon "0.5"
      C bg_shock_volume_weapon2d "0.5"
      C bg_swingSpeed "0.2"
      C bg_viewKickMax "90"
      C bg_viewKickMin "5"
      C bg_viewKickRandom "0.4"
      C bg_viewKickScale "0.8"
    A   bog_b_min_spec "0"
      C bullet_penetrationEnabled "1"
      C bullet_penetrationMinFxDist "30"
    A   cg_blood "1"
    A   cg_bloodLimit "0"
    A   cg_bloodLimitMsec "330"
        cg_bobWeaponAmplitude "0.16"
        cg_bobWeaponLag "0.25"
        cg_bobWeaponMax "10"
        cg_bobWeaponRollAmplitude "1.5"
    A   cg_brass "1"
      C cg_centertime "3"
        cg_cinematicFullscreen "1"
    A C cg_crosshairAlpha "1"
    A C cg_crosshairAlphaMin "0.5"
    A C cg_crosshairDynamic "0"
    A C cg_crosshairEnemyColor "1"
    A   cg_cursorHints "3"
      C cg_debug_overlay_viewport "0"
      C cg_debugevents "0"
    A   cg_debugInfoCornerOffset "0 0"
        cg_draw2D "1"
    A   cg_drawBreathHint "1"
    A   cg_drawCrosshair "1"
    A   cg_drawFPS "Simple"
    A   cg_drawFPSLabels "1"
    A C cg_drawFriendlyFireCrosshair "0"
      C cg_drawGun "1"
      C cg_drawHealth "0"
        cg_drawHUD "1"
    A   cg_drawMantleHint "1"
      C cg_drawMaterial "Off"
        cg_drawpaused "1"
      C cg_drawPerformanceWarnings "1"
      C cg_drawPlayerPosInFreeMove "1"
        cg_drawScriptUsage "0"
      C cg_drawShellshock "1"
    A   cg_drawTurretCrosshair "1"
      C cg_dumpAnims "-1"
        cg_errordecay "100"
      C cg_footsteps "1"
        cg_fov "65"
    A   cg_gameBoldMessageWidth "390"
    A   cg_gameMessageWidth "500"
      C cg_gun_move_f "0"
      C cg_gun_move_minspeed "0"
      C cg_gun_move_r "0"
      C cg_gun_move_rate "0"
      C cg_gun_move_u "0"
      C cg_gun_ofs_f "0"
      C cg_gun_ofs_r "0"
      C cg_gun_ofs_u "0"
      C cg_gun_rot_minspeed "0"
      C cg_gun_rot_p "0"
      C cg_gun_rot_r "0"
      C cg_gun_rot_rate "0"
      C cg_gun_rot_y "0"
      C cg_gun_x "0"
      C cg_gun_y "0"
      C cg_gun_z "0"
    A   cg_hintFadeTime "100"
    A   cg_hudDamageIconHeight "64"
    A   cg_hudDamageIconInScope "0"
    A   cg_hudDamageIconOffset "128"
    A   cg_hudDamageIconTime "2000"
    A   cg_hudDamageIconWidth "128"
    A   cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash "0"
    A   cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight "25"
    A   cg_hudGrenadeIconInScope "1"
    A   cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxHeight "104"
    A   cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFlash "500"
    A   cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag "256"
    A   cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset "50"
    A   cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth "25"
    A   cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight "12"
    A   cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot "12 27"
        cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseFreq "1.7"
        cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMax "1.85"
        cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMin "0.3"
    A   cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth "25"
    A   cg_hudMapBorderWidth "2"
    A   cg_hudMapFriendlyHeight "15"
    A   cg_hudMapFriendlyWidth "15"
    A   cg_hudMapPlayerHeight "20"
    A   cg_hudMapPlayerWidth "20"
    A C cg_hudMapRadarLineThickness "0.15"
        cg_hudStanceFlash "1 1 1 1"
    A   cg_hudStanceHintPrints "0"
    A   cg_invalidCmdHintBlinkInterval "600"
    A   cg_invalidCmdHintDuration "1800"
      C cg_laserEndOffset "0.5"
      C cg_laserFlarePct "0.2"
      C cg_laserForceOn "0"
    A   cg_laserLight "0"
      C cg_laserLightBeginOffset "13"
      C cg_laserLightBodyTweak "15"
      C cg_laserLightEndOffset "-3"
      C cg_laserLightRadius "3"
      C cg_laserRadius "0.8"
      C cg_laserRange "1500"
      C cg_laserRangePlayer "1500"
    A   cg_mapLocationSelectionCursorSpeed "0.6"
    A   cg_marks_ents_player_only "0"
    A   cg_nopredict "0"
        cg_objectiveListWrapCountStandard "600"
        cg_objectiveListWrapCountWidescreen "530"
        cg_showmiss "0"
    A   cg_small_dev_string_fontscale "1"
    A   cg_sprintMeterDisabledColor "0.8 0.1 0.1 0.2"
    A   cg_sprintMeterEmptyColor "0.7 0.5 0.2 0.8"
    A   cg_sprintMeterFullColor "0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8"
    A   cg_subtitleMinTime "3"
    A   cg_subtitles "1"
    A   cg_subtitleWidthStandard "360"
    A   cg_subtitleWidthWidescreen "520"
      C cg_tracerchance "0.2"
      C cg_tracerlength "160"
      C cg_tracerScale "1"
      C cg_tracerScaleDistRange "25000"
      C cg_tracerScaleMinDist "5000"
      C cg_tracerScrewDist "100"
      C cg_tracerScrewRadius "0.5"
      C cg_tracerSpeed "7500"
      C cg_tracerwidth "4"
      C cg_viewVehicleInfluence "1"
    A   cg_viewZSmoothingMax "16"
    A   cg_viewZSmoothingMin "1"
    A   cg_viewZSmoothingTime "0.1"
    A   cg_weaponCycleDelay "0"
        cg_weaponHintsCoD1Style "1"
      C chaplinCheat "0"
    A   cheat_items_set1 "33554432"
    A   cheat_items_set2 "0"
    A   cheat_points "1"
        cl_analog_attack_threshold "0.8"
        cl_anglespeedkey "1.5"
        cl_avidemo "0"
        cl_forceavidemo "0"
    A   cl_freelook "1"
      C cl_freemove "0"
      C cl_freemoveScale "1"
    A   cl_mouseAccel "0"
        cl_noprint "0"
        cl_paused "0"
    A   cl_pitchspeed "140"
        cl_showmouserate "0"
        cl_shownet "0"
        cl_stanceHoldTime "300"
        cl_testAnimWeight "0"
    A   cl_yawspeed "140"
        com_animCheck "0"
        com_filter_output "0"
    A   com_introPlayed "0"
    A   com_maxfps "0"
        com_maxFrameTime "100"
  R     com_playerProfile "Sparks"
    A   com_recommendedSet "1"
        com_statmon "0"
  R   C com_timescale "1"
        compass "1"
    A C compassClampIcons "1"
    A   compassCoords "740 3590 400"
    A   compassECoordCutoff "37"
      C compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "0"
      C compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "500"
      C compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "100"
      C compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "140"
    A   compassFriendlyHeight "18.75"
    A   compassFriendlyWidth "18.75"
        compassIconOtherVehHeight "40"
        compassIconOtherVehWidth "40"
        compassIconTankHeight "35"
        compassIconTankWidth "35"
    A C compassMaxRange "3500"
    A   compassMinRadius "0.0001"
    A   compassMinRange "0.0001"
    A   compassObjectiveArrowHeight "20"
    A   compassObjectiveArrowOffset "2"
    A   compassObjectiveArrowRotateDist "5"
    A   compassObjectiveArrowWidth "20"
        compassObjectiveDetailDist "10"
    A   compassObjectiveDrawLines "1"
    A   compassObjectiveHeight "20"
    A   compassObjectiveIconHeight "16"
    A   compassObjectiveIconWidth "16"
        compassObjectiveMaxHeight "70"
    A   compassObjectiveMaxRange "2048"
    A   compassObjectiveMinAlpha "1"
        compassObjectiveMinDistRange "2"
        compassObjectiveMinHeight "-70"
        compassObjectiveNearbyDist "8"
    A   compassObjectiveNumRings "10"
    A   compassObjectiveRingSize "80"
    A   compassObjectiveRingTime "10000"
    A   compassObjectiveTextHeight "18"
    A   compassObjectiveTextScale "0.3"
    A   compassObjectiveWidth "20"
    A   compassPlayerHeight "25"
    A   compassPlayerWidth "25"
    A C compassRadarLineThickness "0.4"
    A C compassRadarPingFadeTime "4"
    A C compassRadarUpdateTime "4"
    A   compassRotation "1"
    A   compassSize "1"
    A C compassSoundPingFadeTime "2"
    A   compassTickertapeStretch "0.5"
        con_default_console_filter "*"
    A   con_errormessagetime "8"
    A   con_gameMsgWindow0FadeInTime "0.25"
    A   con_gameMsgWindow0FadeOutTime "0.5"
    AL  con_gameMsgWindow0Filter "gamenotify obituary"
    A   con_gameMsgWindow0LineCount "6"
    A   con_gameMsgWindow0MsgTime "5"
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    A   con_gameMsgWindow2FadeOutTime "0.5"
    AL  con_gameMsgWindow2Filter "subtitle"
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    A   con_gameMsgWindow2MsgTime "5"
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    AL  con_gameMsgWindow3Filter ""
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    A   con_inputBoxColor "0.25 0.25 0.2 1"
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    A   con_typewriterColorGlowFailed "0.8 0 0 1"
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        credits_active "0"
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        debug "0"
        debug_bcprint "off"
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        debug_friendlyfire "0"
        developer "0"
   I    developer_script "0"
    A   disable_tank_shock_minspec "1"
    A   drew_notes "3"
    A   dynEnt_active "1"
      C dynEnt_bulletForce "1000"
      C dynEnt_explodeForce "12500"
      C dynEnt_explodeMaxEnts "20"
      C dynEnt_explodeMinForce "40"
      C dynEnt_explodeSpinScale "3"
      C dynEnt_explodeUpbias "0.5"
      C dynEntPieces_angularVelocity "0 0 0"
      C dynEntPieces_impactForce "1000"
      C dynEntPieces_velocity "0 0 0"
        fallback "0"
        finished_demo "0"
      C fixedtime "0"
      C friction "5.5"
        friendlyfire_dev_disabled "0"
        friendlyNameFontColor "0.9 1 0.9 0.7"
        friendlyNameFontGlowColor "0 0.3 0 1"
        friendlyNameFontObjective "1"
        friendlyNameFontSize "0.3"
   I    fs_basegame ""
   I    fs_basepath "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare Demo"
   I    fs_cdpath ""
   I    fs_copyfiles "0"
        fs_debug "0"
S  I    fs_game ""
   I    fs_homepath "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare Demo"
     LC fs_ignoreLocalized "0"
      C fx_count "0"
        fx_cull_effect_spawn "0"
        fx_cull_elem_draw "1"
        fx_cull_elem_spawn "1"
      C fx_debugBolt "0"
      C fx_draw "1"
      C fx_drawClouds "1"
      C fx_enable "1"
      C fx_freeze "0"
      C fx_mark_profile "0"
    A   fx_marks "1"
    A   fx_marks_ents "1"
    A   fx_marks_smodels "1"
      C fx_profile "0"
      C fx_visMinTraceDist "80"
      C g_ai "1"
      C g_aiEventDump "-1"
        g_changelevel_time "4"
        g_connectpaths "0"
    A   g_deathDelay "3000"
      C g_debugBullets "0"
      C g_debugDamage "0"
      C g_debugLocDamage "0"
      C g_drawEntBBoxes "0"
      C g_drawGrenadeHints "0"
      C g_dumpAnims "-1"
      C g_dumpAnimsCommands "-1"
      C g_earthquakeEnable "1"
      C g_enteqDelay "150"
      C g_enteqDist "4000"
      C g_enteqEnable "1"
      C g_entinfo "off"
      C g_entinfo_AItext "brief"
      C g_entinfo_maxdist "2048"
      C g_entinfo_scale "1"
      C g_entinfo_type "AI only"
  R   C g_fogColorReadOnly "0.545098 0.392157 0.219608 1"
  R   C g_fogHalfDistReadOnly "4556.45"
  R   C g_fogStartDistReadOnly "477.057"
      C g_friendlyfireDist "175"
      C g_friendlyNameDist "15000"
S R  L  g_gameskill "0"
        g_gravity "800"
        g_knockback "1000"
        g_listEntity "0"
      C g_minGrenadeDamageSpeed "400"
        g_no_script_spam "0"
  R  L  g_player_maxhealth "100"
      C g_playerTrailTime "500"
  R     g_reloading "0"
     LC g_spawnai "1"
        g_speed "190"
    A   g_useGear "1"
        g_useholdtime "0"
      C g_vehicleDebug "0"
      C g_vehicleDrawPath ""
      C g_vehicleTexScrollScale "0"
  R     gamedate "Sep 27 2007"
S R     gamename "main"
  R     hiDef "1"
        hostileNameFontColor "1 0.9 0.9 0.7"
        hostileNameFontGlowColor "0.6 0 0 1"
    A   hud_deathQuoteFadeTime "1000"
        hud_drawHUD "1"
    A   hud_fade_ammodisplay "8"
    A   hud_fade_compass "8"
    A   hud_fade_healthbar "2"
    A   hud_fade_offhand "8"
    A   hud_fade_sprint "1.7"
    A   hud_fade_stance "1.7"
    A   hud_fadeout_speed "0.1"
    A   hud_flash_period_offhand "0.5"
    A   hud_flash_time_offhand "2"
        hud_gasMaskOverlay "0"
    A   hud_health_pulserate_critical "0.5"
    A   hud_health_pulserate_injured "1"
    A   hud_health_startpulse_critical "0.33"
    A   hud_health_startpulse_injured "1"
        hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_fromAlpha "0.2"
        hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_pulseDuration "700"
        hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_toAlpha "0"
        hud_healthOverlay_phaseOne_pulseDuration "150"
        hud_healthOverlay_phaseOne_toAlphaAdd "0.3"
        hud_healthOverlay_phaseThree_pulseDuration "400"
        hud_healthOverlay_phaseThree_toAlphaMultiplier "0.6"
        hud_healthOverlay_phaseTwo_pulseDuration "320"
        hud_healthOverlay_phaseTwo_toAlphaMultiplier "0.7"
        hud_healthOverlay_pulseStart "0.35"
        hud_healthOverlay_pulseStop "0.9"
    A   hud_letterBoxFadeTime "1000"
        hud_missionFailed "0"
        hud_showStance "1"
      C hudElemPausedBrightness "0.4"
    A   in_gpuSync "1"
    AL  in_mouse "1"
      C inertiaAngle "-1000"
      C inertiaDebug "0"
      C inertiaMax "50"
        introscreen "1"
      C jump_height "39"
      C jump_ladderPushVel "128"
      C jump_slowdownEnable "0"
      C jump_spreadAdd "64"
      C jump_stepSize "18"
    AL  loc_forceEnglish "0"
    AL  loc_language "0"
     L  loc_translate "1"
        loc_warnings "1"
        loc_warningsAsErrors "0"
        logfile "2"
        lowAmmoWarningColor1 "0.901961 0.901961 0.901961 0.8"
        lowAmmoWarningColor2 "1 1 1 1"
        lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor1 "0.8 0 0 0.8"
        lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor2 "1 0 0 1"
        lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor1 "0.701961 0.701961 0 0.8"
        lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor2 "1 1 0 1"
        lowAmmoWarningPulseFreq "1.7"
        lowAmmoWarningPulseMax "1.5"
        lowAmmoWarningPulseMin "0"
    A   m_filter "0"
    A   m_forward "0.25"
    A   m_pitch "0.022"
    A   m_side "0.25"
    A   m_yaw "0.022"
      C mantle_check_angle "60"
      C mantle_check_radius "0.1"
      C mantle_check_range "20"
      C mantle_debug "0"
      C mantle_enable "1"
      C mantle_view_yawcap "60"
S R     mapname "bog_a"
      C melee_debug "0"
        mgTurret "off"
    A   min_spec_ai "0"
  R     mis_01 "0"
        mis_cheat "0"
  R     mis_difficulty "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
        missileDebugAttractors "0"
        missileDebugDraw "0"
        missileDebugText "0"
      C missileHellfireMaxSlope "0.5"
      C missileHellfireUpAccel "1000"
      C missileJavAccelClimb "300"
      C missileJavAccelDescend "3000"
      C missileJavClimbAngleDirect "85"
      C missileJavClimbAngleTop "50"
      C missileJavClimbCeilingDirect "0"
      C missileJavClimbCeilingTop "3000"
      C missileJavClimbHeightDirect "10000"
      C missileJavClimbHeightTop "15000"
      C missileJavClimbToOwner "700"
      C missileJavSpeedLimitClimb "1000"
      C missileJavSpeedLimitDescend "6000"
      C missileJavTurnDecel "0.05"
      C missileJavTurnRateDirect "60"
      C missileJavTurnRateTop "100"
      C missileWaterMaxDepth "60"
    A   monkeytoy "1"
        name "Sparks"
        nextdemo ""
        nextmap "map_restart"
        nightVisionDisableEffects "0"
        nightVisionFadeInOutTime "0.1"
        nightVisionPowerOnTime "0.3"
        noai "off"
        overrideNVGModelWithKnife "0"
        phys_autoDisableAngular "1"
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        phys_autoDisableTime "0.9"
        phys_bulletSpinScale "3"
        phys_bulletUpBias "0.5"
        phys_cfm "0.0001"
        phys_collUseEntities "0"
        phys_contact_cfm "1e-005"
        phys_contact_cfm_ragdoll "0.001"
        phys_contact_erp "0.8"
        phys_contact_erp_ragdoll "0.3"
        phys_csl "1"
        phys_dragAngular "0.5"
        phys_dragLinear "0.03"
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        phys_drawAwakeTooLong "0"
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        phys_joint_stop_cfm "0.0001"
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        phys_mcv "20"
        phys_mcv_ragdoll "1000"
        phys_minImpactMomentum "250"
        phys_narrowObjMaxLength "4"
        phys_noIslands "0"
        phys_qsi "15"
        phys_reorderConst "1"
        phys_visibleTris "0"
      C pickupPrints "0"
      C player_adsExitDelay "0"
      C player_backSpeedScale "0.7"
      C player_breath_fire_delay "0"
      C player_breath_gasp_lerp "6"
      C player_breath_gasp_scale "4.5"
      C player_breath_gasp_time "1"
      C player_breath_hold_lerp "4"
      C player_breath_hold_time "4.5"
      C player_breath_snd_delay "1"
      C player_breath_snd_lerp "2"
      C player_burstFireCooldown "0.2"
        player_cheated "0"
      C player_damageMultiplier "0.210526"
      C player_deathInvulnerableTime "4000"
      C player_deathInvulnerableToMelee "0"
      C player_deathInvulnerableToProjectile "1"
      C player_debugHealth "0"
        player_died_recently "0"
      C player_dmgtimer_flinchTime "500"
      C player_dmgtimer_maxTime "750"
      C player_dmgtimer_minScale "0"
      C player_dmgtimer_stumbleTime "500"
      C player_dmgtimer_timePerPoint "100"
  R   C player_footstepsThreshhold "0"
        player_healthEasy "500"
        player_healthFu "115"
        player_healthHard "165"
        player_healthMedium "275"
      C player_lean_rotate_crouch_left "1.25"
      C player_lean_rotate_crouch_right "1"
      C player_lean_rotate_left "1.25"
      C player_lean_rotate_right "1.25"
      C player_lean_shift_crouch_left "12.5"
      C player_lean_shift_crouch_right "13"
      C player_lean_shift_left "5"
      C player_lean_shift_right "2.5"
      C player_maxGrenadeCatchHeight "80"
      C player_meleeChargeFriction "1200"
      C player_meleeDamageMultiplier "0.4"
      C player_meleeHeight "10"
      C player_meleeRange "64"
      C player_meleeWidth "10"
      C player_move_factor_on_torso "0"
  R   C player_moveThreshhold "10"
      C player_radiusDamageMultiplier "1"
      C player_scopeExitOnDamage "0"
      C player_spectateSpeedScale "1"
      C player_sprintCameraBob "0.5"
        player_sprintForwardMinimum "105"
      C player_sprintMinTime "1"
      C player_sprintRechargePause "0"
      C player_sprintSpeedScale "1.5"
      C player_sprintStrafeSpeedScale "0.667"
      C player_sprintTime "4"
      C player_strafeAnimCosAngle "0.5"
      C player_strafeSpeedScale "0.8"
      C player_sustainAmmo "0"
      C player_throwbackInnerRadius "72"
      C player_throwbackOuterRadius "192"
      C player_turnAnims "0"
      C player_view_pitch_down "85"
      C player_view_pitch_up "85"
    A   r_aaAlpha "dither (fast)"
    AL  r_aaSamples "2"
    AL  r_altModelLightingUpdate "1"
    AL  r_aspectRatio "auto"
    A   r_autopriority "0"
      C r_blur "0"
      C r_brightness "0"
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        r_clear "dev-only blink"
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      C r_colorMap "Unchanged"
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      C r_dof_bias "0.5"
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      C r_dof_farBlur "1.8"
      C r_dof_farEnd "7000"
      C r_dof_farStart "1000"
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      C r_dof_nearEnd "60"
      C r_dof_nearStart "10"
      C r_dof_tweak "0"
      C r_dof_viewModelEnd "8"
      C r_dof_viewModelStart "2"
    A   r_drawDecals "1"
    A   r_drawSun "1"
    A   r_drawWater "1"
        r_envMapExponent "5"
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        r_envMapMinIntensity "0.2"
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        r_envMapSpecular "1"
        r_envMapSunIntensity "2"
    A   r_fastSkin "0"
        r_filmTweakBrightness "0"
        r_filmTweakContrast "1.4"
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        r_filmTweakInvert "0"
        r_filmTweakLightTint "1.1 1.05 0.85"
      C r_filmUseTweaks "0"
     L  r_floatz "1"
      C r_fog "1"
      C r_forceLod "none"
      C r_fullbright "0"
    AL  r_fullscreen "1"
    A   r_gamma "1"
      C r_glow "1"
    A   r_glow_allowed "0"
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      C r_glowTweakBloomCutoff "0.5"
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      C r_glowTweakBloomIntensity0 "1"
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      C r_glowTweakRadius0 "5"
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        r_ignore "0"
    AL  r_ignorehwgamma "0"
    A   r_inGameVideo "1"
      C r_lightMap "Unchanged"
  R     r_lightTweakAmbient "0.125"
  R     r_lightTweakAmbientColor "0.670588 0.721569 0.941177 1"
  R     r_lightTweakDiffuseFraction "0.4"
      C r_lightTweakSunColor "0.894118 0.94902 1 1"
  R     r_lightTweakSunDiffuseColor "0.717647 0.776471 1 1"
      C r_lightTweakSunDirection "-22 247 0"
      C r_lightTweakSunLight "0.5"
     L  r_loadForRenderer "1"
      C r_lockPvs "0"
    A   r_lodBiasRigid "0"
    A   r_lodBiasSkinned "0"
    A   r_lodScaleRigid "1"
    A   r_lodScaleSkinned "1"
        r_logFile "0"
      C r_lowestLodDist "-1"
      C r_lowLodDist "-1"
      C r_mediumLodDist "-1"
    AL  r_mode "1280x1024"
     LC r_modelVertColor "1"
    AL  r_monitor "0"
    A   r_multiGpu "1"
      C r_norefresh "0"
        r_normal "1"
      C r_normalMap "Unchanged"
        r_outdoor "1"
        r_outdoorAwayBias "32"
        r_outdoorDownBias "0"
        r_outdoorFeather "8"
    A   r_picmip "0"
    A   r_picmip_bump "1"
    A   r_picmip_manual "0"
    A   r_picmip_spec "1"
    AL  r_picmip_water "0"
    A   r_polygonOffsetBias "-1"
    A   r_polygonOffsetScale "-1"
    A   r_portalBevels "0.7"
        r_portalBevelsOnly "0"
        r_portalMinClipArea "0.02"
      C r_portalMinRecurseDepth "2"
      C r_portalWalkLimit "0"
    AL  r_preloadShaders "0"
        r_pretess "1"
        r_reflectionProbeGenerate "0"
        r_reflectionProbeGenerateExit "0"
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  R     r_rendererInUse "Shader model 3.0"
    AL  r_rendererPreference "Default"
      C r_resampleScene "1"
      C r_scaleViewport "1"
      C r_showFbColorDebug "None"
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      C r_showLightGrid "0"
      C r_showMissingLightGrid "0"
      C r_showPixelCost "off"
      C r_showPortals "0"
      C r_singleCell "0"
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      C r_skipPvs "0"
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        r_smp_worker "1"
  R     r_smp_worker_thread0 "0"
  R     r_smp_worker_thread1 "0"
    A   r_specular "0"
      C r_specularColorScale "2.42"
      C r_specularMap "Unchanged"
      C r_spotLightBrightness "14"
      C r_spotLightEndRadius "196"
      C r_spotLightEntityShadows "1"
      C r_spotLightFovInnerFraction "0.7"
      C r_spotLightShadows "1"
      C r_spotLightSModelShadows "1"
      C r_spotLightStartRadius "36"
        r_sse_skinning "1"
      C r_sun_from_dvars "0"
        r_sun_fx_position "0 0 0"
        r_sunblind_fadein "0.5"
        r_sunblind_fadeout "3"
        r_sunblind_max_angle "5"
        r_sunblind_max_darken "0.75"
        r_sunblind_min_angle "30"
        r_sunflare_fadein "1"
        r_sunflare_fadeout "1"
        r_sunflare_max_alpha "1"
        r_sunflare_max_angle "2"
        r_sunflare_max_size "2500"
        r_sunflare_min_angle "45"
        r_sunflare_min_size "0"
        r_sunflare_shader "sun_flare"
        r_sunglare_fadein "0.5"
        r_sunglare_fadeout "3"
        r_sunglare_max_angle "5"
        r_sunglare_max_lighten "0.75"
        r_sunglare_min_angle "30"
        r_sunsprite_shader "sun"
        r_sunsprite_size "16"
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General Member
Since: Feb 28, 2004
Posts: 1713
Last: Dec 29, 2016
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Level 8
Im a fan of MODSonair
Category: CoD4 SP Mapping
Posted: Monday, Oct. 15, 2007 08:40 pm
dvarlist 1202 total dvars (continued)
    A   r_texFilterAnisoMax "4"
    A   r_texFilterAnisoMin "1"
      C r_texFilterDisable "0"
      C r_texFilterMipBias "0"
    A   r_texFilterMipMode "Unchanged"
     L  r_useLayeredMaterials "0"
     L  r_vc_makelog "0"
        r_vc_showlog "0"
    AL  r_vsync "0"
        r_warningRepeatDelay "5"
      C r_zfar "0"
    A   r_zFeather "0"
      C r_znear "4"
      C r_znear_depthhack "0.1"
      C radius_damage_debug "0"
      C ragdoll_baselerp_time "1000"
      C ragdoll_bullet_force "500"
      C ragdoll_bullet_upbias "0.5"
      C ragdoll_debug "0"
        ragdoll_dump_anims "0"
    A   ragdoll_enable "1"
      C ragdoll_explode_force "18000"
      C ragdoll_explode_upbias "0.8"
      C ragdoll_fps "20"
      C ragdoll_jitter_scale "1"
      C ragdoll_jointlerp_time "3000"
      C ragdoll_max_life "4500"
    A   ragdoll_max_simulating "16"
      C ragdoll_rotvel_scale "1"
      C ragdoll_self_collision_scale "1.2"
        RunForTime "0"
    A   s0 "0"
    A   s1 "0"
    A   s10 "0"
    A   s11 "0"
    A   s12 "0"
    A   s13 "0"
    A   s14 "0"
    A   s15 "0"
    A   s16 "0"
    A   s17 "0"
    A   s18 "0"
    A   s2 "0"
    A   s3 "0"
    A   s4 "0"
    A   s5 "0"
    A   s6 "0"
    A   s7 "0"
    A   s8 "0"
    A   s9 "0"
        saved_gameskill "0"
      C sc_blur "2"
      C sc_count "24"
      C sc_debugCasterCount "24"
      C sc_debugReceiverCount "24"
        sc_enable "0"
      C sc_fadeRange "0.25"
      C sc_length "400"
      C sc_offscreenCasterLodBias "0"
      C sc_offscreenCasterLodScale "20"
      C sc_shadowInRate "2"
      C sc_shadowOutRate "5"
      C sc_showDebug "0"
      C sc_showOverlay "0"
      C sc_wantCount "12"
      C sc_wantCountMargin "1"
        scr_ai_auto_fire_rate "1.0"
        scr_art_visionfile "bog_a"
        scr_cinematic_autofocus "1"
      C scr_dof_enable "1"
        scr_expDeathMayMoveCheck "on"
        scr_playerInvulTimeScale "1"
        scr_RequiredMapAspectratio "1"
    A   sensitivity "5"
  R     sf_use_bw "0"
  R     sf_use_chaplin "0"
  R     sf_use_clustergrenade "0"
  R     sf_use_contrast "0"
  R     sf_use_ignoreammo "0"
  R     sf_use_invert "0"
  R     sf_use_slowmo "0"
  R     sf_use_tire_explosion "0"
S R     shortversion "1.0"
    A   sm_enable "0"
      C sm_fastSunShadow "1"
        sm_lightScore_eyeProjectDist "64"
        sm_lightScore_spotProjectFrac "0.125"
    A   sm_maxLights "4"
        sm_polygonOffsetBias "0.5"
        sm_polygonOffsetScale "2"
      C sm_qualitySpotShadow "1"
      C sm_spotEnable "1"
        sm_spotShadowFadeTime "1"
      C sm_strictCull "1"
      C sm_sunEnable "1"
      C sm_sunSampleSizeNear "0.25"
      C sm_sunShadowCenter "0 0 0"
      C sm_sunShadowScale "1"
    A   snd_cinematicVolumeScale "0.85"
      C snd_draw3D "Off"
        snd_drawInfo "None"
      C snd_enable2D "1"
      C snd_enable3D "1"
    A   snd_enableEq "1"
      C snd_enableReverb "1"
      C snd_enableStream "1"
    A   snd_errorOnMissing "0"
    AL  snd_khz "44"
    A C snd_levelFadeTime "250"
    AL  snd_outputConfiguration "Windows default"
    A C snd_slaveFadeTime "500"
    A   snd_touchStreamFilesOnLoad "0"
    A   snd_volume "0.8"
        start " ** melee breach alley shanty bog zpu cobras end "
        start_timeaa_main_bog_a "0"
        starting_ads_damage_dealtaa_main_bog_a "0"
        starting_deathsaa_main_bog_a "0"
        starting_enemy_damage_takenaa_main_bog_a "0"
        starting_enemy_deathsaa_main_bog_a "0"
        starting_player_damage_dealtaa_main_bog_a "0"
        starting_player_damage_takenaa_main_bog_a "0"
        starting_player_killsaa_main_bog_a "0"
      C stopspeed "100"
  RI    sv_cheats "0"
        sv_framerate_smoothing "1"
    A   sv_lastSaveGame "profiles/Sparks/save\autosave/bog_a.svg"
S R     sv_mapname ""
  R     sv_running "1"
S       sv_saveOnStartMap "1"
      C sv_znear "0"
   IA   sys_configSum "222167764"
   IA   sys_configureGHz "6.76036"
  R     sys_cpuGHz "2.00928"
  R     sys_cpuName "AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+"
   IA   sys_gpu "NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT"
        sys_lockThreads "none"
   I    sys_smp_allowed "1"
  R     sys_SSE "1"
   IA   sys_sysMB "1024"
    A   takeCoverWarnings "6"
    A   thereisacow "1337"
      C timescale "1"
      C turretPlayerAvoidScale "1.7"
        turretScopeZoom "20"
        turretScopeZoomMax "20"
        turretScopeZoomMin "5"
        turretScopeZoomRate "15"
        ui_autoContinue "0"
    A   ui_bigFont "0.4"
        ui_borderLowLightScale "0.6"
        ui_campaign "american"
        ui_cinematicsTimestamp "0"
    A   ui_extraBigFont "0.55"
        ui_hideMap "0"
        ui_hint_text "@NULL_EMPTY"
  R     ui_isSaving "0"
        ui_level_cheatpoints "2"
        ui_level_player_cheatpoints "1"
        ui_load_level "bog_a"
    A   ui_mousePitch "0"
  R     ui_multiplayer "0"
        ui_nextMission "0"
        ui_playerProfileAlreadyChosen "0"
  R     ui_playerProfileCount "0"
        ui_playerProfileNameNew ""
  R     ui_playerProfileSelected ""
        ui_savegame ""
        ui_saveMessageMinTime "1"
      C ui_showList "0"
        ui_showMenuOnly ""
    A   ui_smallFont "0.25"
        uiscript_debug "0"
   I    useFastFile "1"
      C vehHelicopterDecelerationFwd "0.5"
      C vehHelicopterDecelerationSide "1"
      C vehHelicopterFreeLookReleaseSpeed "8"
        vehHelicopterHeadSwayDontSwayTheTurret "1"
      C vehHelicopterHeadSwayOnPitch "0.2"
      C vehHelicopterHeadSwayOnRollHorz "0.1"
      C vehHelicopterHeadSwayOnRollVert "2"
      C vehHelicopterHeadSwayOnYaw "0.1"
      C vehHelicopterHoverSpeedThreshold "400"
      C vehHelicopterInvertUpDown "0"
        vehHelicopterJitterJerkyness "0.3"
      C vehHelicopterLookaheadTime "1"
      C vehHelicopterMaxAccel "45"
      C vehHelicopterMaxAccelVertical "30"
      C vehHelicopterMaxPitch "10"
      C vehHelicopterMaxRoll "35"
      C vehHelicopterMaxSpeed "150"
      C vehHelicopterMaxSpeedVertical "65"
      C vehHelicopterMaxYawAccel "90"
      C vehHelicopterMaxYawRate "120"
      C vehHelicopterRightStickDeadzone "0.3"
      C vehHelicopterScaleMovement "1"
      C vehHelicopterSoftCollisions "0"
      C vehHelicopterStrafeDeadzone "0.3"
      C vehHelicopterTiltFromAcceleration "2"
      C vehHelicopterTiltFromControllerAxes "0"
      C vehHelicopterTiltFromDeceleration "2"
      C vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw "0"
      C vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw_VelAtMaxTilt "1"
      C vehHelicopterTiltFromVelocity "1"
      C vehHelicopterTiltMomentum "0.4"
      C vehHelicopterTiltSpeed "1.2"
        vehHelicopterYawAltitudeControls "Altitude and yaw are both controlled by the thumbstick"
      C vehHelicopterYawOnLeftStick "5"
        vehHudDrawPipOnStickWhenFreelooking "1"
        vehHudLineWidth "8"
        vehHudReticleBouncingDiamondSize "24"
        vehHudReticleBouncingRadius "80"
        vehHudReticleBouncingSpeed "400"
        vehHudReticlePipOnAStickCenterCircle "8"
        vehHudReticlePipOnAStickCenterCircleBuffer "0.25"
        vehHudReticlePipOnAStickMovingCircle "32"
        vehHudReticlePipOnAStickMovingCircleBuffer "1"
        vehHudTargetScreenEdgeClampBufferBottom "134"
        vehHudTargetScreenEdgeClampBufferLeft "120"
        vehHudTargetScreenEdgeClampBufferRight "126"
        vehHudTargetScreenEdgeClampBufferTop "139"
        vehHudTargetSize "50"
  R     version "CoD4 1.0 build 13600 Wed Sep 19 23:21:04 2007 win-x86"
    A   vid_xpos "3"
    A   vid_ypos "22"
        waypointDebugDraw "0"
        waypointDistScaleRangeMax "3000"
        waypointDistScaleRangeMin "1000"
        waypointDistScaleSmallest "0.8"
        waypointIconHeight "36"
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        waypointOffscreenCornerRadius "105"
        waypointOffscreenDistanceThresholdAlpha "30"
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        waypointOffscreenPointerDistance "30"
        waypointOffscreenPointerHeight "12"
        waypointOffscreenPointerWidth "25"
        waypointOffscreenRoundedCorners "1"
        waypointOffscreenScaleLength "500"
        waypointOffscreenScaleSmallest "1"
      C waypointPlayerOffsetCrouch "56"
      C waypointPlayerOffsetProne "30"
      C waypointPlayerOffsetStand "74"
        waypointSplitscreenScale "1.8"
        waypointTweakY "-17"
  R     wideScreen "0"
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General Member
Since: Feb 23, 2012
Posts: 95
Last: Apr 7, 2016
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Level 3
Category: CoD4 SP Mapping
Posted: Monday, Aug. 25, 2014 10:27 am
I am having trouble with dvar setting up. does anyone know how to make them work ?
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General Member
Since: Jul 4, 2012
Posts: 531
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Level 6
Category: CoD4 SP Mapping
Posted: Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2014 10:10 pm
4codrazor writes...
I am having trouble with dvar setting up. does anyone know how to make them work ?

I also had such problem.
I wanted to use
cg_fov "75"
So i putted
setsaveddvar ( "cg_fov","75" );
When i run map as developer it says error cg_fov dvar does not exist and map wont start. So i put developer 0 and fov works with no error.
I dont know what problem you have exactly.
But its a good idea to make it wait a few miliseconds before using any dvars, just a thought.
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General Member
Since: Feb 23, 2012
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Level 3
Category: CoD4 SP Mapping
Posted: Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2014 07:18 am
Thanks SPI, absolute legend!!! [casanova][jumping][lol]

Worked like a boss, thankyou so much
rock on [thumbs_up]
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General Member
Since: Jul 4, 2012
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Level 6
Category: CoD4 SP Mapping
Posted: Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2014 01:13 pm
Yeh, i just spend a lot of time in those mod tools and i seem to learned a lots of stuff :)
Glad that I helped.[thumbs_up]
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General Member
Since: Jul 4, 2012
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Level 6
Category: CoD4 SP Mapping
Posted: Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2014 07:47 pm
uh nothing. Sorry for spam.
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General Member
Since: Feb 23, 2012
Posts: 95
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Level 3
Category: CoD4 SP Mapping
Posted: Monday, Jan. 12, 2015 08:09 am
Hey guys, i am having a problem with dvars again, i tried the cg_fov one and it worked but i cant seem to change the gravity and jump height etc... can anyone help please ? really annoying as i want cool things in my map i am working on. [banghead]
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General Member
Since: Jul 4, 2012
Posts: 531
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Level 6
Category: CoD4 SP Mapping
Posted: Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2015 06:29 am
gravity and jump height! :( I never tried those and unfortunately i dont know how they work.
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General Member
Since: Feb 23, 2012
Posts: 95
Last: Apr 7, 2016
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Level 3
Category: CoD4 SP Mapping
Posted: Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2015 06:32 am
Ok thanks, ill keep trying. [read]
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