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Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
CoD 2 mapping and level design.
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Author Topic: help with this script please
General Member
Since: Dec 29, 2005
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Level 7
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Wednesday, Apr. 18, 2007 05:17 am
I am using this script to create an effect. i got it working well. and it's going to work for me. the problem is that i need it to not kill the player when the time runs out. can someone fix it so that it won't kill the player.

{ drownage = getentarray("drown","targetname");
if (isDefined("drownage"))
precacheShader("white"); level.barsize = 288;
level.drowntime = 3;
level.hurttime = 6; for(d = 0; d < drownage.size; d++)
drownage[d] thread water();
while (1)
self waittill("trigger", other); if(isPlayer(other) && other istouching(self))
other thread drown(self);
dceiling = getent(trigger.target,"targetname");
water_vision = undefined;
while (self istouching(trigger) && !self istouching(dceiling))
wait .125;
self.drowning = true; if(!isDefined(water_vision))
water_vision = newClientHudElem(self);
water_vision.x = 0;
water_vision.y = 0;
water_vision setshader ("white", 640, 480);
water_vision.alignX = "left";
water_vision.alignY = "top";
water_vision.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
water_vision.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
water_vision.color = (.16, .38, .5);
water_vision.alpha = .75;
level.barincrement = (level.barsize / (20.0 * level.drowntime));
// level.player allowProne(false);
self.progressbackground = newClientHudElem(self); 
self.progressbackground.alignX = "center";
self.progressbackground.alignY = "middle";
self.progressbackground.x = 320;
self.progressbackground.y = 385;
self.progressbackground.alpha = 0.5;
self.progressbackground setShader("black", (level.barsize + 4), 14); if(!isDefined(self.progressbar))
self.progressbar = newClientHudElem(self); 
self.progressbar.alignX = "left";
self.progressbar.alignY = "middle";
self.progressbar.x = (320 - (level.barsize / 2.0));
self.progressbar.y = 385;
self.progressbar setShader("white", 0, 8); 
self.progressbar scaleOverTime(level.drowntime, level.barsize, 8); self.progresstime = 0;
d = 0;
f = 0; while(isalive(self) && self istouching(trigger) && !self istouching(dceiling) && (self.progresstime < level.drowntime))
d ++;
f ++;

wait 0.05;
self.progresstime += 0.05;
if(self.progresstime >= level.hurttime) 
if(f >= 4)
radiusDamage(self.origin,9, 1, 1);
f = 0;
} if(isalive(self) && self istouching(trigger) && !self istouching(dceiling) && (self.progresstime >= level.drowntime))
{ self.progressbackground destroy();
self.progressbar destroy(); wait 0.025;
radiusDamage(self.origin,22, 3000, 3000); self.drowning = undefined;
self.sounder = undefined; randb = randomInt(4);
deathmethod1 = " made a hole in the water and lay down quietly to rest forever."; 
deathmethod2 = " paid a long lasting visit to Davy Jones's Locker.";
deathmethod3 = " went diving without breathing apparatus.";
deathmethod4 = " swam like a brick.";

if (randb == 0)
iPrintLn( self.name, deathmethod1);
if (randb == 1)
iPrintLn( self.name, deathmethod2);
if (randb == 2)
iPrintLn( self.name, deathmethod3);
if (randb == 3)
iPrintLn( self.name, deathmethod4);
wait .05;
water_vision destroy();
water_vision.alpha = .5;
water_vision fadeOverTime(3);
water_vision.alpha = 0;
wait 0.05;
self.progressbackground destroy();
self.progressbar destroy();
self.drowning = undefined;
self.sounder = undefined;
wait .05;

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General Member
Since: Jun 8, 2004
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Level 10
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Wednesday, Apr. 18, 2007 04:31 pm
What does the script do now?

Kill the player immediately when the time is up?
Continue to damage the player after the time has passed?
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General Member
Since: Dec 29, 2005
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Level 7
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Thursday, Apr. 19, 2007 12:51 am
The script is from the drowning tutorial. i changed the times so that the player doesn't die. i found a setting that does work. what it does now is just turn the screen blue like if you were under water and it gives the progress bar at the bottom of the screen. so when the progress bar hits the end, the player is transported. but the script still has the ability to kill the player. i just want to take that ability out so there won't be any accidents.
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General Member
Since: Jun 8, 2004
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Level 10
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Thursday, Apr. 19, 2007 07:41 am
you could make it so it check the health of the player before doing the damage.. if the players health is less than the damage done by the drowning, increase it.

edit: sorry, had to shut down my computer :p

make it something like this:

if self.health < 10 player.health = 10;
radiusDamage(self.origin,9, 1, 1);

that way, though the damage gets dealt it will never be lethal, because of the slight in health before the damage ensures there is always at least 1 health left after dealing the damage.

edited on Apr. 19, 2007 03:53 am by The_Caretaker
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General Member
Since: Dec 29, 2005
Posts: 944
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Level 7
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Thursday, Apr. 19, 2007 02:00 pm
ok, thanks. i will look into it.
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