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Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
CoD 2 mapping and level design.
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Author Topic: [TUTORIAL] exploding barrels - FlesyM's way
General Member
Since: Jul 24, 2005
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Level 5
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Saturday, Jul. 8, 2006 03:52 am
if admins could make a tutorial out of this post, it would appreciated. (if I could do this myself, I would. I don't know how) if you could correct the typos as well .... lol

first off, let me thank all the folks here at modsonline.com that helped develop this script, especially sentchy. you're help was really appreciated.

secondly, I absolutly have no clue how this has been done in the past, nor how IW did it for SP. this idea spawned from my balding head.


when a player "injures" the barrel, it accumulates the damage taken. if the damage is higher than 80, the barrel catch fire and start to injure itself. when the damage reaches 200, either by itself, more shooting by players or by other barrels exploding near it, it'll first make a sound signaling imminent explosion, and then explode injuring every player, and other barrels, near it. after a waiting period of 2 minutes, the barrel will respawn.
if any of this doesn't exactly suits your need, feel free to modify the code.


- start a new .map, this will become the barrel prefab, so save accordingly in the map_source/prefabs folder.

- make a script_model with the xmodel of any barrel you wish to use. do not give it a targetname.

- make a trigger_damage that surrounds the barrel closely. tick the box "MELEE_NO" so it doesn't work by bashing the barrel (obviously). enter the following value :

"targetname" "barrel_trig"

- select the trigger first then the barrel. press 'w' (to merge entities). if you've done it correctly, the barrel will have "auto1" has a targetname and the trigger will have "auto1" has a target. you will also see a red line in 3d window indicating that the targetting works correctly.

- make a script_brushmodel out of a clip brush that surrounds the barrel (same size of the trigger) and an origin brush that has its origin coincide with the origin of the script_model (the blue box at the bottow). this is to prevent player to walk thought the barrel. similarly to the trigger, enter the following value :

"targetname" "barrel_clip"

- exactly like the trigger select the brushmodel first (alt+shift) and then the barrel. press 'w'. the brushmodel now targets the barrel just like the trigger does.

- save that .map. whenever you want a barrel in your map, insert this prefab in. (r-click 2d window - misc/prefab)

and that's it for radiant. copy as many barrel prefabs as you wish. try putting them close to each other for cool effects.


script_model creation :
right-click 2d window. script/model, enter the xmodel wanted and locate it where wanted

trigger_damage creation :
right-click 2d window. trigger/damage and give it the dimensions wanted (like any normal brush) and locate it where wanted

script_brushmodel creation :
create the brushes you want for this entity. every script_brushmodel needs an origin brush, find that texture in the tools submenu. selection all brushes, including the origin one. right-click 2d window. script/brushmodel. locate it where wanted. shift+alt+left-click to selection the whole entity. shift+left-click to selection only one brush of the entity.

adding values to entities:
simply press 'n' when you have the entity selected. [wink]


I've made it easy for you guys.

create a new text folder called barrels.gsc and put it in maps/mp. put the following code in it :

level._effect["barrel_fire"] = loadfx ("fx/fire/tank_fire_engine.efx");
level._effect["barrel_explosion"] = loadfx("fx/explosions/ammo_supply_exp.efx");

barrel_trig = getentarray("barrel_trig", "targetname");
barrel_clip = getentarray("barrel_clip", "targetname");

//grab corresponding entities
for( k = 0 ; k < barrel_trig.size ; k++ ) {
barrel1 = getent(barrel_trig[k].target, "targetname");
barrel1.trig = barrel_trig[k];
level.barrels[k] = barrel1;

for( k = 0 ; k < barrel_clip.size ; k++ ) {
barrel2 = getent(barrel_clip[k].target, "targetname");
barrel2.clip = barrel_clip[k];

//records the name and state, then launch a thread for each barrel
for( k = 0 ; k < level.barrels.size ; k++ ) {
level.barrels[k].name = "barrel ^" + k + "#" + k;
level.barrels[k].exploded = false;
level.barrels[k].soundOrigin = spawn("script_origin", level.barrels[k].origin);
level.barrels[k] thread barrelThink();

if (self.exploded == true)

self entityOn();
self.trig entityOn();
self.clip entityOn();

self.accDamage = 0;
self.onfire = false;
self.exploded = false;

while(isdefined (self))
self.trig waittill("damage", amount);

self.accDamage = self.accDamage + amount;

//iprintlnbold(self.name + " 's damage = " + self.accDamage);

if (self.exploded != true)
if (self.accDamage > 80 && self.onfire != true) //catch fire
self.onfire = true;
self thread barrelFire(); //fire start
self thread barrelFireDamage(); //self injury start
if (self.accDamage > 80 && self.onfire == true)
if (self.accDamage > 200) //explosion
self.onfire = false;
self.exploded = true;
self.soundOrigin playsound("barrel_explosion_imminent");
wait(4); //lenght of sound file
self thread barrelExplode();
self.trig entityOff();
self.clip entityOff();
self entityOff();
self barrelThink();
} else //(self.exploded == true)


//injures itself until exploded. only one thread per barrel
while (self.exploded != true)
self.trig notify ("damage", 10);

//play the fx. only one thread of it should exist per barrel
while(self.exploded != true) //keeps playing the effect until exploded
self.soundOrigin playsound("barrel_fire");
playfx(level._effect["barrel_fire"], self.origin + (0,0,32));
radiusDamage(self.origin + (0,0,12), 75, 10, 0);


//inflict damage to adjacent barrels, linearly wrt distance
for (k = 0; k < level.barrels.size; k++)
if ( level.barrels[k].exploded != true && level.barrels[k] != self)
dist = distance(level.barrels[k].origin, self.origin);
if (dist < 100 && dist != 0)
level.barrels[k].trig notify("damage", ((1-(dist/100))*100)+100); // between 100 and 200 of damage

self.soundOrigin playsound("barrel_explosion");
playfx(level._effect["barrel_explosion"], self.origin);

//give lots of damage around self
radiusDamage(self.origin + (0,0,12), 400, 200, 30);

//self.trig notify ("damage", 5); //final blow

//barrel spawning functions. it just moves them away and back.
if (!isdefined (self.realOrigin))
self.realOrigin = self.origin;

if (self.origin == self.realorigin)
self.origin += (0, 0, -10000);

if (isDefined (self.realOrigin) )
self.origin = self.realOrigin;

now you need to kick this thread off by adding the following line to your mp_mapname.gsc :


at the location specified below :

maps\mp\mp_mapname_fx::main(); //if you have one

finally you need to add the lines to the soundaliases files in order for the sound to work (find more about the soundalias file Here) :


and that's it !! enjoy. feel free to ask me any questions you might have in the forums. also go in the forums to know how to change specific stuff, like respawing time.


edited on Aug. 6, 2006 08:58 pm by veef
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General Member
Since: Jul 24, 2005
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Level 5
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Saturday, Jul. 8, 2006 04:01 am
nevermind I fix it.

edited on Jul. 8, 2006 12:11 am by FlesyM
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Since: Jul 27, 2005
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Level 5
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Saturday, Jul. 8, 2006 04:05 am


interactable objects > benzin.map

badda bing. badda boom.

BUT i like ur style.[thumbs_up][thumbs_up]
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Since: Jul 24, 2005
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Level 5
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Saturday, Jul. 8, 2006 04:18 am
lol see I didn't even know that existed.
but I never made it to work. as far as I'm concerned this would need a script that I've never found.

and like you said, I like my style !! lol

edited on Jul. 8, 2006 12:18 am by FlesyM
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Since: Jul 5, 2006
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Level 2
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Saturday, Jul. 8, 2006 04:48 am
Awesome, Flesy. Thank you very much. I'll make sure to credit you if I manage to finish any maps.
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Level 5
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Saturday, Jul. 8, 2006 05:02 am
lol thx dude.

guys please note this was tested and work really well in MP maps. It hasn't been tested, and I have no clue if it works, in SP maps. just so you know.
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Since: Jul 24, 2005
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Level 5
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Saturday, Jul. 8, 2006 05:53 pm
@ admins

I'm just curious to see what you'll do with my work here. it's your call but personally I would hate to see it at the bottom of the forum section, especially with the amount of time and effort i took to write it.

anyway like I said : your call. but in any case, I would like to know. thx buds[smokin]
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Level 4
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Sunday, Jul. 9, 2006 02:50 am
well, i have to say thanks, at least u got it to one person that wanted it. I tried many times with the premade exploding barrels to get them to explode in multiplayer, and never got it to work. So thanks. Also, this could be applied to other models too, i assume. Could it be applied to a brush, like a wooden floor that would give out, or a wall or better yet a bridge? That would be cool.
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Since: Apr 2, 2006
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Level 4
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Sunday, Jul. 9, 2006 03:33 pm

Thanks FlesyM! I've always wanted to put exploding barrels in my maps that I make for my family, and now I can........but I ain't gonna tell them that until we play the map! MAHAHAHAHAH!

My son loves to hide behind barrels on MP because they don't explode.

SURPRISE!!!! [biggrin]
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Level 4
Category: CoD2 MP Mapping
Posted: Sunday, Jul. 9, 2006 04:32 pm
THEN if thats how ur gonna do it, may i suggest, that you increase the hitpoints a bit on most of the barrels, and have one key barrel that you shoot less to make it all go up in flames. perhaps signifying the more explosive barrel by making it a different color from the rest.
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