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Author Topic: Cell Factor Demo is Playable
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Since: Nov 7, 2001
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Category: In The News
Posted: Thursday, Jun. 1, 2006 10:15 pm

You may have seen news about a new game called Cell Factor that was made for distribution with the Ageia Physics Card. It's a very cook first person shooter for the PC with physcic abilities. Now, the demo was released a few weeks ago and it was made clear that the demo would not work without the physics card. Leave it to the community to prove them wrong.

This morning I was able to install the demo, make a few adjustments, and play the game. Not only could I play alone, but I could also play against others on my lan.

If you want to know more about how to make it work, then read on.

*Special note: I noticed some documentation and information about modding that installed with this demo. I haven't had a chance to explore it, but it's there. 

First you need to get a copy of the demo downloaded. A couple places you can go are GamersHell, VGPro, and FileShack.

Installation will take a while during the .NET setup but will eventually speed up. Don't assume that the install has frozen.

When asked about installing the PhysX drivers, do so. You need to install that package. During this installation, you will be prompted to select which components you want installed. Deselect the last two options (autostart and xfire). Then continue.

You'll be warned that the hardware is not installed. Yeah.. it's not installed. That's the point. lol

Once the installation has completed, you will have 3 desktop shortcuts. Delete the high graphics shortcut (maybe the server one too. Not sure that works). Then right click the low graphics shortcut and select Properties. Modify the Target to read: "C:\Program Files\Artificial\CellFactor\SystemGame\CellFactor.exe" FullScreen=false EnablePhysX=false
* Note that I delete most of the stuff from the end of the target, change fullscreen to false and added a command to turn off the physx hardware.

Save your changes and start up the game. You should now be able to play. You may want to change the resolution of the game but some of the other settings require the physx card and will force you to restart the game. 

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