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Forum: All Forums : Call of Duty 2
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Scripting and coding with Call of Duty 2.
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Author Topic: Cod2 botzombie AC130 Zombie Damage script
General Member
Since: Jan 9, 2016
Posts: 5
Last: Aug 12, 2016
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Level 0
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Mar. 29, 2016 06:39 am
Hy all!
CoD2 botzombie AC130 scripts should be a Zombie script Damage
AC130 Script.

  1. ac130_map() { switch(getcvar("mapname")) { case "mp_breakout": pos = (5104.71, 4590.66, 719.575); break; case "mp_brecourt": pos = (303.484, -95.4473, 1099.09); break; case "mp_burgundy": pos = (182.98, 1769.79, 713.716); break; case "mp_carentan": pos = (607.311, 1578.8, 882.759); break; case "mp_dawnville": pos = (281.478, -16613.9, 1192.51); break; case "mp_decoy": pos = (7659.53, -13808.1, 489.326); break; case "mp_downtown": pos = (1790.15, -704.283, 1108.93); break; case "mp_farmhouse": pos = (-901.278, 32.5462, 951.845); break; case "mp_harbor": pos = (-9415.82, -7883.12, 1132.97); break; case "mp_leningrad": pos = (-173.722, 172.36, 945.778); break; case "mp_matmata": pos = (3949.02, 6291.85, 939.556); break; case "mp_railyard": pos = (-1175.54, 882.376, 861.803); break; case "mp_rhine": pos = (4836.92, 15695.8, 1273.27); break; case "mp_trainstation": pos = (5916.46, -3621.71, 741.293); break; case "mp_toujane": pos = (1248.98, 1465.97, 856.338); break; case "botzom_ring": pos = (-1205.98, -1914.52, 1355.56); break; case "botzom_bridge": pos = (-78.2709, 1779.8, 1217.5); break; case "botzom_navy_byneon": pos = (-680.921, -1291.5, 782.517); break; case "botzom_focipalya": pos = (613.073, -445.874, 431.873); break; case "botzom_lidl": pos = (-2457.47, 1933.51, 448.362); break; case "botzom_horror_toujane_night": pos = (1242.4, -30.2063, 450.704); break; case "botzom_horror_arena": pos = (-1.03672, -43.502, 906.246); break; case "botzom_horror_container": pos = (392.867, 2232.86, 1266.03); break; case "botzom_horror_dust": pos = (392.867, 832.86, 1366.03); break; case "botzom_horror_shipment": pos = (-541.123, -1335.51, 1762.42); break; case "botzom_horror_space": pos = (420.34, -603.276, 529.598); break; case "botzom_horror_bus": pos = (-420.781, -1128.4, 1750.82); break; default: pos = (0,0,0); break; } return pos; } ac130() { self endon("disconnect"); self endon("killed_player"); players=getentarray("player", "classname"); for(i=0;i.pers["team"]) players playlocalsound("use_ac130"); else players playlocalsound("use_enemy_ac130"); self.acoldpos=self.origin; self.ac130_gun=1; self disableweapon(); self.ks_ac=1; self.lhm=true; self hide(); self.spawn_vedelem=true; self setclientcvar("cg_thirdperson","0"); self setclientcvar("r_fullbright","1"); self setorigin(ac130_map()); self.ac_rp=spawn("script_origin", self.origin); self.ac_rp.angles=(0,75,0); self.ac_model=spawn("script_model", self.origin+(1900,0,0)); self.ac_model.angles=(0,75,0); self.ac_model setmodel("xmodel/vehicle_condor"); self setorigin(self.ac_model.origin); self linkto(self.ac_model); self.ac_model linkto(self.ac_rp); self.ac_model playloopsound("gunship_ambient"); self thread ac130_weapon_switch(); self thread ac130_weapons(); self thread ac130_player_disconnect(); self thread ac130_player_death(); self.ac_rp rotateyaw(360,40); wait 40; self.ac_rp rotateyaw(360,40); wait 39; self.ac_rp moveto(self.ac_rp.origin+(0,4000,0),5,1,1); wait 5; self.ac_model stoploopsound(); self notify("ac130_end"); self unlink(); self.spawn_vedelem=false; self show(); self.ks_ac=0; self.lhm=false; self.spawn_vedelem=false; self.ac_model unlink(); self setorigin(self.acoldpos); self enableweapon(); if(isDefined(self.ac_rp)) self.ac_rp delete(); if(isDefined(self.ac_model)) self.ac_model delete(); if(isDefined(self.hud_ac130_weapon)) self.hud_ac130_weapon destroy(); self setclientcvar("r_fullbright","0"); } ac130_weapon_switch() { self endon("disconnect"); self endon("killed_player"); self endon("ac130_end"); if(isDefined(self.hud_ac130_weapon)) self.hud_ac130_weapon destroy(); self.hud_ac130_weapon = newClientHudElem(self); self.hud_ac130_weapon setShader("gunship_overlay_25mm", 512, 512); self.hud_ac130_weapon.alignX = "center"; self.hud_ac130_weapon.alignY = "middle"; self.hud_ac130_weapon.sort = 9999; self.hud_ac130_weapon.x = 320; self.hud_ac130_weapon.y = 240; for(;;) { if(self usebuttonpressed()) { self.ac130_gun++; if(self.ac130_gun>3) self.ac130_gun=1; if(self.ac130_gun==1) self.hud_ac130_weapon setShader("gunship_overlay_25mm", 512, 512); if(self.ac130_gun==2) self.hud_ac130_weapon setShader("gunship_overlay_40mm", 512, 512); if(self.ac130_gun==3) self.hud_ac130_weapon setShader("gunship_overlay_105mm", 512, 512); wait .5; } wait .005; } } ac130_weapons() { self endon("disconnect"); self endon("killed_player"); self endon("ac130_end"); for(;;) { if(self.ac130_gun==1 && self attackbuttonpressed() && isalive(self)) { self playsound("gunship_25mm_fire"); earthquake(0.3,0.5, self.origin, 80); vec=anglestoforward(self getplayerangles()); trace=bullettrace(self geteye()+(0,0,18),self geteye()+(20000*vec[0],20000*vec[1],20000*vec[2]+18),true,self); playfx(level._effect["ac25mm"],trace["position"]); players=getentarray("player","classname"); for(a=0;a
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