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Forum: All Forums : Call of Duty 4
Category: CoD4 MP Mapping
CoD 4 mapping and level design for multiplayer.
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Author Topic: moving model in circle
General Member
Since: Apr 2, 2014
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Level 2
Category: CoD4 MP Mapping
Posted: Monday, Jun. 1, 2015 08:09 pm
HI ! who knows how to make model to rotate in circe, not around its own centre? Lets say i have a shark model which i want to move in circe.
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General Member
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Level 8
Category: CoD4 MP Mapping
Posted: Monday, Jun. 1, 2015 08:24 pm
Technically, it would be around its own center, only you define where that center is.

If it rotates in a circle then it must have a center point of rotation. Just like a ball on the end of a rope. If the rope was a stick and the ball was the shark, then the point of rotation (the origin) would be you swinging the rope and ball.

If you need the stick, just make the stick/rope invisible to the player, and if need be, make it non colliding. Create an origin of rotation from there. The origin, stick and the shark are all one script brushmodel. It would be no different than rotating a fan, only on a larger scale and a slower speed. Even if you use a model, just add it as a script model.

You really don't need the stick, you just need the origin and the script brushmodel/model.
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General Member
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Level 2
Category: CoD4 MP Mapping
Posted: Tuesday, Jun. 2, 2015 02:31 pm
i know how to make brush rotate in radius, but with model its more complicate coz you cannot make model like script brushmodel (only script model), ive tried with origin texture make it brushmodel and conected with model via W, i think need to add line in rotate script about model with target-rotate, for origin targetname- rotate. ive tried already different combitations - no result.
here is script
  rotate_obj = getentarray("rotate","targetname");
    rotate_obj[i] thread ra_rotate();
  if (!isdefined(self.speed))
   self.speed = 10;
  if (!isdefined(self.script_noteworthy))
   self.script_noteworthy = "z";
  // rotateYaw(float rot, float time, <float acceleration_time>, <float deceleration_time>);
   if (self.script_noteworthy == "z")
    self rotateYaw(360,self.speed);
   else if (self.script_noteworthy == "x")
    self rotateRoll(360,self.speed);
   else if (self.script_noteworthy == "y")
    self rotatePitch(360,self.speed);
    wait ((self.speed)-0.1); // removes the slight hesitation that waittill("rotatedone"); gives.
  // self waittill("rotatedone");

edited on Jun. 3, 2015 01:59 am by Mystic - added code box
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General Member
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Level 8
Category: CoD4 MP Mapping
Posted: Thursday, Jun. 4, 2015 06:59 am
Have you tried linking an origin to the model? Obviously the code I have posted and commented out won't work as is, but you can probably modify it to work properly. Defining a new origin of rotation? You would have to link the shark to the origin brush, I believe both in radiant and in script.

I have done something similar in the past but it has been forever and I'm not able to test this, but maybe it can give you an idea, or at least something to go on.


//	shark = getent("sharkModel", "targetname");
//	rotOrigin = getent(shark.target, "targetname");
//	rotOrigin enablelinkto();
//	rotOrigin linkto(shark);

//      Do all the rotation crap in script...
	rotate_obj = getentarray("rotate","targetname");
			rotate_obj[i] thread ra_rotate();
	if (!isdefined(self.speed))
		self.speed = 10;
	if (!isdefined(self.script_noteworthy))
		self.script_noteworthy = "z";
		// rotateYaw(float rot, float time, <float acceleration_time>, <float deceleration_time>);
		if (self.script_noteworthy == "z")
			self rotateYaw(360,self.speed);
		else if (self.script_noteworthy == "x")
			self rotateRoll(360,self.speed);
		else if (self.script_noteworthy == "y")
			self rotatePitch(360,self.speed);
		wait ((self.speed)-0.1); // removes the slight hesitation that waittill("rotatedone"); gives.
		// self waittill("rotatedone");

Why can't you just set a path for the shark and have it move to point A, to B and so on?

Also, using the brackets makes the code so much easier to read. I had to put them in, it was driving me nuts. [crazy]
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General Member
Since: Apr 2, 2014
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Level 2
Category: CoD4 MP Mapping
Posted: Thursday, Jun. 4, 2015 08:35 am
attachment: image(807.8Kb)
Thanks for help DeekCiti, but still i facing problems.
When i try to use script origin brushmodel and connect to model origin i have error in compile. When i use script origin(red box) and connect it to model origin(as on picture) nothing happend, you said its more easy to make pass. Do i need to write coordinates for pass? Can you explain me. Never make it b4.
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Level 8
Category: CoD4 MP Mapping
Posted: Thursday, Jun. 4, 2015 07:41 pm
This probably isn't the best way for realistic purposes but since I don't know how you want it to look. You can do something like this. Basically, where the shark sits on map load is the HOME for the shark.

When the map starts, the script starts moving the shark to different points around the map, which you define in script. Using XYZ coords. You can rotate the shark so it can turn and such. Just duplicate the MoveTo and or the rotateYaw lines for the full path the shark is going to use until it finally does its complete loop, and can then loop until the map ends.

Swap out the shark targetname in script and edit the coords and a few other properties and you should be able to get it moving. You don't need any origins, or linking, just the Shark Model as a script model. I haven't tested the code, so if there are errors, they should be easy to fix.


	thread shark();

	sharkModel = getEnt("MY SHARK MODEL", "targetname");
	while (1)
		// Move shark to first point
		sharkModel moveTo ((-704, -800, 496),6,2,2);  // ((x,y,z), total move time in seconds, acceleration time, deceleration time))
		sharkModel waittill("movedone");
		iprintlnbold("Moved Shark to First Point"); // Debug line
		// If you need to rotate the shark a little before next move or during move	
		sharkModel rotateYaw (-90,3,0.5,0.5);  // (angle, total move time in seconds, acceleration time, deceleration time)
		// Move shark to second point
		sharkModel moveTo ((-204, -300, 523),3,1,1);  // ((x,y,z), total move time in seconds, acceleration time, deceleration time))
		sharkModel waittill("movedone");
		// Move it and rotate it as many times as you need to
		// Eventually get the shark back to HOME (where it started on map load) so script can loop
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General Member
Since: Apr 2, 2014
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Level 2
Category: CoD4 MP Mapping
Posted: Thursday, Jun. 4, 2015 08:43 pm
Thanks a lot !!! Its working !!![rocking]
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