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Category: CoD4 Scripting
Scripting and coding with Call of Duty 4.
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Author Topic: promodlive question
General Member
Since: Apr 21, 2005
Posts: 819
Last: Oct 26, 2012
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Level 7
Category: CoD4 Scripting
Posted: Thursday, Sep. 13, 2012 01:19 am
embodio writes...
yes i understand now. I must create the mod from the beginning , if i want it to work correctly with that way you say. But yesterday i read one post which this says: you must place your custom sounds in local file "Iw_xx.IWD --> sounds-->mp_killstrk_heliaway.wav" (that is custom sound and says monsterkill)and then you must put it in yours mod with same name "mp_killstrk_heliaway.wav". Then you will create one file like this "z_sound.iwd" and put it (mp_killstrk_heliaway.wav) in a folder with name sound which it included in this file "z_sound.iwd". In the end you must open again the kill streak , flag , oldschool on promodlive but the players mustn't use any key from kill streak or others open gametypes styles. please you downlowad this to saw it with in your eyes yes i understand now. I must create the mod from the beginning , if i want it to work correctly with that way you say. But yesterday i read one post which this says: you must place your custom sounds in local file "Iw_xx.IWD --> sounds-->mp_killstrk_heliaway.wav" (that sound is custom say monsterkill)and then you must put it in yours mod with same name "mp_killstrk_heliaway.wav". Then you will create one file like this "z_sound.iwd" and put it (mp_killstrk_heliaway.wav) in a folder with name sound which it included in this file "z_sound.iwd". In the end you must open again the kill streak , flag , oldschool on promodlive but the players mustn't use any key from kill streak or others open gametypes styles. please you downlowad this to saw it with in your eyes yes i understand now. I must create the mod from the beginning , if i want it to work correctly with that way you say. But yesterday i read one post which this says: you must place your custom sounds in local file "Iw_xx.IWD --> sounds-->mp_killstrk_heliaway.wav" (that sound is custom say monsterkill)and then you must put it in yours mod with same name "mp_killstrk_heliaway.wav". Then you will create one file like this "z_sound.iwd" and put it (mp_killstrk_heliaway.wav) in a folder with name sound which it included in this file "z_sound.iwd". In the end you must open again the kill streak , flag , oldschool on promodlive but the players mustn't use any key from kill streak or others open gametypes styles. please you downlowad this to saw it with in your eyes

No, not possible. You can place all the custom sound files into IWD files you like, but without the soundalias .CSV file compiled into the mod.ff file, you cannot play them. As I explained above, COD does not call a sound file by it's actual name. It uses an alias. And these aliases are listed and defined in a .CSV file called a soundalias file, and compiled into a mod.ff file. Without that CSV soundalias file to reference the sound file (MP3 or WAV), the sound simply will not play. And without the original raw files for promodlive, you cannot add the CSV soundalias file to the mod and recompile it back together again.

If you want to use existing stock soundalises references, and replace the stock sound files (MP3 or WAV) with custom sounds (by naming your custom sound files exactly the same as the stock one, only changing the MP3 or WAV files for custom ones), then that would work. To do this, just check through the stock soundalises CSV files found in raw/soundaliases, find an alias you like, note the name and location of the MP3 or WAV file, and name your custom sound file exactly the same. Then, you can call that sound in your code by the stock alias. the problem you will have for this is, when the game calls that sound alias, and expects the original sound, it would have been replaced with your custom sound file. This may work in certain instances, but would probably screw up the sound when it isn't appropriate to replace it with a new sound.
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General Member
Since: Sep 10, 2012
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Last: Oct 7, 2014
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Level 1
Category: CoD4 Scripting
Posted: Thursday, Sep. 13, 2012 05:54 am
[ohwell][ohwell]things are not good. I am disappointed.ok if are you in my place and i know that you know more more more things about to how create things for the cod4 , i believe that you have programs which they will allow you to find something , maybe programs which they will allow you to read more things for the file "mod.ff" or something. Or a site which it has something about that source who you say or one friend who he has raw files or something re-compile for this mod. If you dont want to post here your own programs or something yours plz pm me. And believe me the Star clan don't has anyone "promodlive" creator in their team, maybe they will be know something or someone he told them something to they start do this. pfff thx for your time [ohwell]
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General Member
Since: Sep 10, 2012
Posts: 13
Last: Oct 7, 2014
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Level 1
Category: CoD4 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2012 07:10 am
hello again! I have all sources of "promod" now, so i will post my added lines in script files. here added two lines in the _globallogic script
	thread notifyConnecting();<br />
<br />
	self.pers["kill_spree"] = 0; // [color=yellow]this i add[/color]
	self.statusicon = "hud_status_connecting";
	self waittill( "begin" );
	self.statusicon = "";<br />
<br />
	level notify( "connected", self );<br />
<br />
	if( !isdefined( self.pers["score"] ) )
		iPrintLn( &"MP_CONNECTED", self.name );<br />
<br />
	lpselfnum = self getEntityNumber();
	lpGuid = self getGuid();
	logPrint("J;" + lpGuid + ";" + lpselfnum + ";" + self.name + "\n");<br />
<br />
	self setClientDvars( "cg_drawSpectatorMessages", 1,
						 "fx_drawClouds", 0,
						 "ui_hud_hardcore", getDvar( "ui_hud_hardcore" ) );<br />
<br />
	if ( level.hardcoreMode )
		self setClientDvars( "cg_drawTalk", 3,
							 "cg_drawCrosshair", 0,
							 "cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag", 0 );
		self setClientDvars( "cg_drawCrosshair", 1,
							 "cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag", 250 );
	}<br />
<br />
	self setClientDvars(	"cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight", "25",
							"cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth", "25",
							"cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset", "50",
							"cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight", "12",
							"cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth", "25",
							"cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot", "12 27" );<br />
<br />
	self initPersStat( "score" );
	self.score = self.pers["score"];<br />
<br />
	self initPersStat( "deaths" );
	self.deaths = self getPersStat( "deaths" );<br />
<br />
	self initPersStat( "suicides" );
	self.suicides = self getPersStat( "suicides" );<br />
<br />
	self initPersStat( "kills" );
	self.kills = self getPersStat( "kills" );<br />
<br />
	self initPersStat( "headshots" );
	self.headshots = self getPersStat( "headshots" );<br />
<br />
	self initPersStat( "assists" );
	self.assists = self getPersStat( "assists" );<br />
<br />
	self initPersStat( "teamkills" );
	self.teamKillPunish = false;
	if ( level.minimumAllowedTeamKills >= 0 && self.pers["teamkills"] > level.minimumAllowedTeamKills )
		self thread reduceTeamKillsOverTime();<br />
<br />
	self.lastGrenadeSuicideTime = -1;<br />
<br />
	self.teamkillsThisRound = 0;<br />
<br />
	self.pers["lives"] = level.numLives;<br />
<br />
	self.hasSpawned = false;
	self.waitingToSpawn = false;
	self.deathCount = 0;<br />
<br />
	self.wasAliveAtMatchStart = false;<br />
<br />
	self thread maps\mp\_flashgrenades::monitorFlash();<br />
<br />
	level.players[level.players.size] = self;<br />
<br />
	if ( level.teambased )
		self updateScores();<br />
<br />
	level endon( "game_ended" );<br />
<br />
	if ( isDefined( self.pers["team"] ) )
		self.team = self.pers["team"];<br />
<br />
	if ( isDefined( self.pers["class"] ) )
		self.class = self.pers["class"];<br />
<br />
	if ( !isDefined( self.pers["team"] ) )
		self.pers["team"] = "none";
		self.team = "none";
		self.sessionstate = "dead";<br />
<br />
		self setClientDvars(	"loadout_curclass", "",
								"r_contrast", "0",
								"r_brightness", "-1" );<br />
<br />
		self updateObjectiveText();<br />
<br />
		[[level.spawnSpectator]]();<br />
<br />
		self thread promod\promod_client_dvars::main();
		self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_promod::initClassLoadouts();<br />
<br />
		self setclientdvar( "g_scriptMainMenu", game["menu_team"] );
		self openMenu( game["menu_team"] );<br />
<br />
		if ( level.teamBased )
			self.sessionteam = self.pers["team"];<br />
<br />
			if ( !isAlive( self ) )
				self.statusicon = "hud_status_dead";<br />
<br />
			self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_spectating::setSpectatePermissions();
	else if ( self.pers["team"] == "spectator" )
		self setclientdvar( "g_scriptMainMenu", game["menu_shoutcast"] );
		self.sessionteam = "spectator";
		self.sessionstate = "spectator";
		self.sessionteam = self.pers["team"];
		self.sessionstate = "dead";<br />
<br />
		self updateObjectiveText();<br />
<br />
		[[level.spawnSpectator]]();<br />
<br />
		if ( isValidClass( self.pers["class"] ) )
			self thread [[level.spawnClient]]();
		}<br />
<br />
		self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_spectating::setSpectatePermissions();

Callback_PlayerKilled(eInflictor, attacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime, deathAnimDuration)
	if (!isDefined( level.rdyup ) )
		level.rdyup = false;<br />
<br />
	self endon( "spawned" );
	self notify( "killed_player" );<br />
<br />
	if ( self.sessionteam == "spectator" )
		return;<br />
<br />
	if ( isDefined( game["state"] ) && game["state"] == "postgame" )
		return;<br />
<br />
	prof_begin( "PlayerKilled pre constants" );<br />
<br />
	if( isHeadShot( sWeapon, sHitLoc, sMeansOfDeath ) )
		sMeansOfDeath = "MOD_HEAD_SHOT";<br />
<br />
	thread maps\mp\_headshot::Messages(sMeansOfDeath, attacker); // [color=yellow]i add this[/color] <br />
<br />
	if( attacker.classname == "script_vehicle" && isDefined( attacker.owner ) )
		attacker = attacker.owner;<br />
<br />
	if( level.teamBased && isDefined( attacker.pers ) && self.team == attacker.team && sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_GRENADE" && level.friendlyfire == 0 )
		obituary(self, self, sWeapon, sMeansOfDeath);
		obituary(self, attacker, sWeapon, sMeansOfDeath);<br />
<br />
	if ( !level.inGracePeriod )
		self maps\mp\gametypes\_weapons::dropWeaponForDeath( attacker );<br />
<br />
	self.sessionstate = "dead";<br />
<br />
	self.statusicon = "hud_status_dead";<br />
<br />
	self.pers["weapon"] = undefined;<br />
<br />
	if (level.rdyup)
		if (isDefined( attacker.pers ) && ( attacker != self ))
	}<br />
<br />
	if (!level.rdyup)
		self.deathCount++;<br />
<br />
		if (isDefined( attacker.pers ))<br />
<br />
		if( !isDefined( self.switching_teams ) )
			self incPersStat( "deaths", 1 );
			self.deaths = self getPersStat( "deaths" );
	}<br />
<br />
	lpselfnum = self getEntityNumber();
	lpselfname = self.name;
	lpattackGuid = "";
	lpattackname = "";
	lpselfteam = "";
	lpselfguid = self getGuid();
	lpattackerteam = "";<br />
<br />
	lpattacknum = -1;<br />
<br />
	prof_end( "PlayerKilled pre constants" );<br />
<br />
	if( isPlayer( attacker ) )
		lpattackGuid = attacker getGuid();
		lpattackname = attacker.name;<br />
<br />
		if ( attacker == self )
			doKillcam = false;<br />
<br />
			if ( isDefined( self.switching_teams ) )
				if ( !level.teamBased && ((self.leaving_team == "allies" && self.joining_team == "axis") || (self.leaving_team == "axis" && self.joining_team == "allies")) )
					playerCounts = self maps\mp\gametypes\_teams::CountPlayers();
					playerCounts[self.joining_team]++;<br />
<br />
					if( (playerCounts[self.joining_team] - playerCounts[self.leaving_team]) > 1 )
						if (!level.rdyup)
							self thread [[level.onXPEvent]]( "suicide" );
							self incPersStat( "suicides", 1 );
							self.suicides = self getPersStat( "suicides" );
				if (!level.rdyup)
					self thread [[level.onXPEvent]]( "suicide" );
					self incPersStat( "suicides", 1 );
					self.suicides = self getPersStat( "suicides" );<br />
<br />
					scoreSub = maps\mp\gametypes\_tweakables::getTweakableValue( "game", "suicidepointloss" );
					_setPlayerScore( self, _getPlayerScore( self ) - scoreSub );
				if ( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_SUICIDE" && sHitLoc == "none" && self.throwingGrenade )
					self.lastGrenadeSuicideTime = gettime();
			}<br />
<br />
			if( isDefined( self.friendlydamage ) )
				self iPrintLn(&"MP_FRIENDLY_FIRE_WILL_NOT");
			prof_begin( "PlayerKilled attacker" );<br />
<br />
			lpattacknum = attacker getEntityNumber();<br />
<br />
			doKillcam = true;<br />
<br />
			if ( level.teamBased && self.pers["team"] == attacker.pers["team"] && sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_GRENADE" && level.friendlyfire == 0 )
			else if ( level.teamBased && self.pers["team"] == attacker.pers["team"] )
				if (!level.rdyup)
					attacker thread [[level.onXPEvent]]( "teamkill" );<br />
<br />
					attacker.pers["teamkills"] += 1.0;<br />
<br />
					attacker.teamkillsThisRound++;<br />
<br />
					if ( maps\mp\gametypes\_tweakables::getTweakableValue( "team", "teamkillpointloss" ) )
						scoreSub = maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "kill" );
						_setPlayerScore( attacker, _getPlayerScore( attacker ) - scoreSub );
				prof_begin( "pks1" );<br />
<br />
				if ( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_HEAD_SHOT" )
					attacker incPersStat( "headshots", 1 );
					attacker.headshots = attacker getPersStat( "headshots" );
					value = maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "headshot" );
					attacker thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "headshot", value );
					attacker playLocalSound( "bullet_impact_headshot_2" );
					value = maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "kill" );
					attacker thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "kill", value );
				}<br />
<br />
				if (!level.rdyup)
					attacker incPersStat( "kills", 1 );
					attacker.kills = attacker getPersStat( "kills" );<br />
<br />
					givePlayerScore( "kill", attacker, self );<br />
<br />
					giveTeamScore( "kill", attacker.pers["team"], attacker, self );<br />
<br />
					scoreSub = maps\mp\gametypes\_tweakables::getTweakableValue( "game", "deathpointloss" );
					_setPlayerScore( self, _getPlayerScore( self ) - scoreSub );
				}<br />
<br />
				prof_end( "pks1" );
				if (!level.rdyup)
					if ( level.teamBased )
						prof_begin( "PlayerKilled assists" );<br />
<br />
						if ( isdefined( self.attackers ) )
							for ( j = 0; j < self.attackers.size; j++ )
								player = self.attackers[j];<br />
<br />
								if ( !isDefined( player ) )
									continue;<br />
<br />
								if ( player == attacker )
									continue;<br />
<br />
								player thread processAssist( self );
							self.attackers = [];
						}<br />
<br />
						prof_end( "PlayerKilled assists" );
			}<br />
<br />
			prof_end( "PlayerKilled attacker" );
		doKillcam = false;
		killedByEnemy = false;<br />
<br />
		lpattacknum = -1;
		lpattackguid = "";
		lpattackname = "";
		lpattackerteam = "world";<br />
<br />
		if ( isDefined( attacker ) && isDefined( attacker.team ) && (attacker.team == "axis" || attacker.team == "allies") )
			if ( attacker.team != self.pers["team"] )
				killedByEnemy = true;
				if ( level.teamBased )
					giveTeamScore( "kill", attacker.team, attacker, self );
		}<br />
<br />
	}<br />
<br />
	if ( !isDefined( self.switching_teams ) )
		self notify("updateshoutcast");<br />
<br />
	self.switching_teams = undefined;
	self.joining_team = undefined;
	self.leaving_team = undefined;<br />
<br />
	prof_begin( "PlayerKilled post constants" );<br />
<br />
	logPrint( "K;" + lpselfguid + ";" + lpselfnum + ";" + lpselfteam + ";" + lpselfname + ";" + lpattackguid + ";" + lpattacknum + ";" + lpattackerteam + ";" + lpattackname + ";" + sWeapon + ";" + iDamage + ";" + sMeansOfDeath + ";" + sHitLoc + "\n" );<br />
<br />
	if ( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_MELEE" )
		scWeapon = "knife_mp";
		scWeapon = sWeapon;<br />
<br />
	if ( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_HEAD_SHOT" )
		sHeadshot = 1;
		sHeadshot = 0;<br />
<br />
	if ( isDefined( level.scorebot ) && level.scorebot && !level.rdyup )
		game["promod_scorebot_ticker_buffer"] += "kill" + lpattackname + "" + scWeapon + "" + lpselfname + "" + sHeadshot;<br />
<br />
	attackerString = "none";
	if ( isPlayer( attacker ) )
		attackerString = attacker getXuid() + "(" + lpattackname + ")";
	self logstring( "d " + sMeansOfDeath + "(" + sWeapon + ") a:" + attackerString + " d:" + iDamage + " l:" + sHitLoc + " @ " + int( self.origin[0] ) + " " + int( self.origin[1] ) + " " + int( self.origin[2] ) );<br />
<br />
	level thread updateTeamStatus();<br />
<br />
	body = self clonePlayer( deathAnimDuration );
	if ( self isOnLadder() || self isMantling() )
		body startRagDoll();<br />
<br />
	thread delayStartRagdoll( body, sHitLoc, vDir, sWeapon, eInflictor, sMeansOfDeath );<br />
<br />
	self.body = body;<br />
<br />
	self thread [[level.onPlayerKilled]](eInflictor, attacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime, deathAnimDuration);<br />
<br />
	if ( sWeapon == "none" )
		doKillcam = false;<br />
<br />
	killcamentity = -1;<br />
<br />
	self.deathTime = getTime();<br />
<br />
	wait ( 0.25 );<br />
<br />
	self.cancelKillcam = false;
	self thread cancelKillCamOnUse();<br />
<br />
	if ( isDefined( game["promod_match_mode"] ) && game["promod_match_mode"] == "match" && level.gametype == "sd" )
		postDeathDelay = waitForTimeOrNotifies( 0.75 );
		postDeathDelay = waitForTimeOrNotifies( 1.75 );<br />
<br />
	self notify ( "death_delay_finished" );<br />
<br />
	if ( !isDefined( game["state"] ) || isDefined( game["state"] ) && game["state"] != "playing" )
		return;<br />
<br />
	respawnTimerStartTime = gettime();<br />
<br />
	if ( !self.cancelKillcam && doKillcam && level.killcam )
		livesLeft = !(level.numLives && !self.pers["lives"]);
		timeUntilSpawn = TimeUntilSpawn( true );
		willRespawnImmediately = livesLeft && (timeUntilSpawn <= 0);<br />
<br />
		self maps\mp\gametypes\_killcam::killcam( lpattacknum, killcamentity, sWeapon, postDeathDelay, psOffsetTime, willRespawnImmediately, timeUntilRoundEnd(), [], attacker );
	}<br />
<br />
	prof_end( "PlayerKilled post constants" );<br />
<br />
	if ( !isDefined( game["state"] ) || isDefined( game["state"] ) && game["state"] != "playing" )
		self.sessionstate = "dead";
		self.spectatorclient = -1;
		self.killcamentity = -1;
		self.archivetime = 0;
		self.psoffsettime = 0;
	}<br />
<br />
	if ( isValidClass( self.class ) )
		timePassed = (gettime() - respawnTimerStartTime) / 1000;
		self thread [[level.spawnClient]]( timePassed );
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General Member
Since: Sep 10, 2012
Posts: 13
Last: Oct 7, 2014
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Level 1
Category: CoD4 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2012 07:15 am
and here is the _headshot script
Messages(sMeansOfDeath, attacker)

      //killcount = undefined;
      //self.pers["kill_spree"] = 0;

   if(sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_HEAD_SHOT")
      distance = distance(Attacker.origin , self.origin); //Inches
      meters = distance * 0.0254;                //Meters
      feet = distance / 12;                  //Feet

      if(!isDefined("shm_metric") || getcvar("shm_metric") == "")
      setcvar("shm_metric", "meters");

      if(getCVar("shm_metric") != "feet")
      attacker playlocalSound("headshot");//voice message to attacker

      self playlocalSound("headshot"); //voice message to dead person


      //////attacker.pers["kill_spree"]++;//this is ok
      //////killcount = attacker.pers["kill_spree"];

   attacker.pers["kill_spree"] = 0;
   self.pers["kill_spree"] = 0;
   killcount = attacker.pers["kill_spree"];
     if(killcount == 3)
         ////iprintln("^5" + attacker.name + "^7 is on a ^1killing spree!");
         ////self iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are killed by ^1" + attacker.name + "^7 who is on a ^1Killingspree!");
         self playlocalSound("killingspree");
         attacker playlocalSound("killingspree");
	if(killcount == 4)
         iprintln("^1" + attacker.name + "^7 is ^1Dominating!");
         self iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are killed by ^1" + attacker.name + "^7 who is ^1Dominating!");
         self playlocalSound("dominating");
         attacker playlocalSound("dominating");

      if(killcount == 5)
         iprintln("^1" + attacker.name + "^7 is ^1Unstoppable!");
         attacker iprintlnBold("^1Unstoppable!");
         self iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are killed by ^1" + attacker.name + "^7 who is ^1Unstoppable!");
         self playlocalSound("unstoppable");
         attacker playlocalSound("unstoppable");
      if(killcount == 6)
         iprintln("^1" + attacker.name + "^7 is ^1Godlike!");
         attacker iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are ^1Godlike!");
         self iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are killed by ^1" + attacker.name + "^7 who is ^1Godlike!");
         self playlocalSound("godlike");
         attacker playlocalSound("godlike");
      if(killcount == 7)
         iprintln("^1" + attacker.name + "^7 is on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         attacker iprintlnBold("^1Monsterkill!");
         self iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are killed by ^1" + attacker.name + "^7 who is on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         self playlocalSound("monsterkill");
         attacker playlocalSound("monsterkill");
      if(killcount == 8)
         iprintln("^1" + attacker.name + "^7 is on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         attacker iprintlnBold("^1Monsterkill!");
         self iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are killed by ^1" + attacker.name + "^7 who is on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         self playlocalSound("monsterkill");
         attacker playlocalSound("monsterkill");
      if(killcount == 9)
         iprintln("^1" + attacker.name + "^7 is on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         attacker iprintlnBold("^1Monsterkill!");
         self iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are killed by ^1" + attacker.name + "^7 who is on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         self playlocalSound("monsterkill");
         attacker playlocalSound("monsterkill");

      if(killcount == 10)
         iprintln("^1" + attacker.name + "^7 is on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         attacker iprintlnBold("^1Monsterkill!");
         self iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are killed by ^1" + attacker.name + "^7 who is on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         self playlocalSound("monsterkill");
         attacker playlocalSound("monsterkill");

      if(killcount == 11)
         iprintln("^1" + attacker.name + "^7 is still on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         attacker iprintlnBold("^1Monsterkill!");
         self iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are killed by ^1" + attacker.name + "^7 who is still on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         self playlocalSound("monsterkill");
         attacker playlocalSound("monsterkill");

      if(killcount == 12)
         iprintln("^1" + attacker.name + "^7 is still on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         attacker iprintlnBold("^1Monsterkill!");
         self iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are killed by ^1" + attacker.name + "^7 who is still on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         self playlocalSound("monsterkill");
         attacker playlocalSound("monsterkill");
      if(killcount == 13)
         iprintln("^1" + attacker.name + "^7 is still on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         attacker iprintlnBold("^1Monsterkill!");
         self iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are killed by ^1" + attacker.name + "^7 who is still on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         self playlocalSound("monsterkill");
         attacker playlocalSound("monsterkill");
      if(killcount == 14)
         iprintln("^1" + attacker.name + "^7 is still on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         attacker iprintlnBold("^1Monsterkill!");
         self iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are killed by ^1" + attacker.name + "^7 who is still on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         self playlocalSound("monsterkill");
         attacker playlocalSound("monsterkill");
      if(killcount == 15)
         iprintln("^1" + attacker.name + "^7 is still on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         attacker iprintlnBold("^1Monsterkill!");
         self iprintlnBold("^1You ^7are killed by ^1" + attacker.name + "^7 who is still on a ^1Monsterkill!");
         self playlocalSound("monsterkill");
         attacker playlocalSound("monsterkill");


playSoundOnPlayers(sound, team)
   players = getentarray("player", "classname");

         players[0] playLocalSound(sound);
         for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
            if((isdefined(players[i].pers["team"])) && (players[i].pers["team"] == team))
               players[i] playLocalSound(sound);
         for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
            players[i] playLocalSound(sound);

check these codes and tell me my faults thx

and take that console error
******* script compile error *******
Error: unknown function: (file 'maps/mp/_headshot.gsc', line 14)
setcvar("shm_metric", "meters");
ERROR: script compile error
unknown function
setcvar("shm_metric", "meters");
(see console for details)

----- Server Shutdown -----
Resolving FrozenKiller_RuLeZ.com
Couldn't resolve address: FrozenKiller_RuLeZ.com
==== ShutdownGame (1) ====

edited on Sep. 18, 2012 12:49 am by embodio
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General Member
Since: Nov 29, 2008
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Level 6
Category: CoD4 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2012 02:15 pm
Cracked server. Against forum rules.
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General Member
Since: Sep 10, 2012
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Level 1
Category: CoD4 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2012 02:33 pm
omg! i test it on crack exe and then if its works i open it on original. what rules you say then???

*** Do you read english***
i say i have original cdkey and original home made server! AND you try anything in original server??? maybe not! I try it on something else and then open original one ok [duh]
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Since: May 11, 2004
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Im a HOST of MODSonair
Category: CoD4 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2012 08:54 pm
we don't post help pertaining to or for cracked servers - or cracks &/or hacks of any kind

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