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Category: CoD+UO General
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Author Topic: anti camping mod
General Member
Since: May 24, 2010
Posts: 62
Last: Oct 3, 2016
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Level 3
Category: CoD+UO General
Posted: Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2012 06:08 am
ok i know awe has an anti camping mod but that is the only part i need for our server
i have an anti camp GSC that just has a time limit , is there a way to make it into an area limit?
waht i mean is if a player stays in one area to long he will get a message this one is if he does not move

// Anti camping and AFK handler
//Not my own work - borrowed from
//Pam UO

main() {

level thread afkmonitor();


	setcvar("sv_madness_afk", "30");
	wait 1;
			afk_limit = getcvarint("sv_madness_afk");
		// Make sure no one sets it TOOOO low
		if (afk_limit < 30 && afk_limit > 0)
			afk_limit = 30;

		if (afk_limit > 0)
			players = getentarray("player", "classname");
			for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
				player = players[i];

				if (!isDefined(player.pers["old_origin"]))
					player.pers["old_origin"] = player.origin;

				if (!isDefined(player.pers["afk_timer"]))
					player.pers["afk_timer"] = 0;

				// Check to see if they are on a team
				if (player.pers["team"] == "spectator")
					player.pers["afk_timer"] = 0;

				// Check to make sure the player is ALIVE
				if (!isAlive(player))
					player.pers["afk_timer"] = 0;

				if (player.pers["old_origin"] == player.origin)
					player.pers["afk_timer"] = player.pers["afk_timer"] + 5;
					timerleft = afk_limit - player.pers["afk_timer"];

					if (player.pers["afk_timer"] >= afk_limit)
						thisPlayerNum = player getEntityNumber();
						player iprintlnbold("^3You were obliterated for Camping");
						//setcvar("g_switchspec", thisPlayerNum);
						wait 1.1;
					else if (timerleft < 21 && timerleft > 15)
						player iprintlnbold("^3Warning, you seem to be Camping due to lack of movement");
						player iprintlnbold("^3Soon you will be dealt a mighty blow if you don't start moving");
					player.pers["afk_timer"] = 0;
					player.pers["old_origin"] = player.origin;



		wait 5;

smiteplayer(player) // make a player explode, will hurt people up to 15 feet away
				if(isAlive(player) && player.sessionstate == "playing")
					// explode 
					range = 180;
					maxdamage = 150;
					mindamage = 10;

					playfx(level._effect["tigertankexplosion"], player.origin);
					radiusDamage(player.origin + (0,0,12), range, maxdamage, mindamage);
					iprintln("^1Behold, for Camping  longer than 30 seconds^7 " + player.name + "^1 was smote a mighty blow!^7");
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General Member
Since: Sep 8, 2010
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Last: Jun 28, 2013
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Level 5
Im a fan of MODSonair
Category: CoD+UO General
Posted: Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2012 07:16 am
// Anti camping and AFK handler
//Not my own work - borrowed from
//Pam UO

main() {

level thread afkmonitor();


	setcvar("sv_madness_afk", "30");
	setcvar("sv_madness_afkrange", "64");

	wait 1;
			afk_limit = getcvarint("sv_madness_afk");
			afk_range = getcvarint("sv_madness_afkrange");
		// Make sure no one sets it TOOOO low
		if (afk_limit < 30 && afk_limit > 0)
			afk_limit = 30;

		if (afk_limit > 0)
			players = getentarray("player", "classname");
			for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
				player = players[i];

				if (!isDefined(player.pers["old_origin"]))
					player.pers["old_origin"] = player.origin;

				if (!isDefined(player.pers["afk_timer"]))
					player.pers["afk_timer"] = 0;

				// Check to see if they are on a team
				if (player.pers["team"] == "spectator")
					player.pers["afk_timer"] = 0;

				// Check to make sure the player is ALIVE
				if (!isAlive(player))
					player.pers["afk_timer"] = 0;

				if (player.pers["old_origin"] == player.origin || distancesquared( player.pers["old_origin"] , player.origin ) >= afk_range )
					player.pers["afk_timer"] = player.pers["afk_timer"] + 5;
					timerleft = afk_limit - player.pers["afk_timer"];

					if (player.pers["afk_timer"] >= afk_limit)
						thisPlayerNum = player getEntityNumber();
						player iprintlnbold("^3You were obliterated for Camping");
						//setcvar("g_switchspec", thisPlayerNum);
						wait 1.1;
					else if (timerleft < 21 && timerleft > 15)
						player iprintlnbold("^3Warning, you seem to be Camping due to lack of movement");
						player iprintlnbold("^3Soon you will be dealt a mighty blow if you don't start moving");
					player.pers["afk_timer"] = 0;
					player.pers["old_origin"] = player.origin;



		wait 5;

smiteplayer(player) // make a player explode, will hurt people up to 15 feet away
				if(isAlive(player) && player.sessionstate == "playing")
					// explode 
					range = 180;
					maxdamage = 150;
					mindamage = 10;

					playfx(level._effect["tigertankexplosion"], player.origin);
					radiusDamage(player.origin + (0,0,12), range, maxdamage, mindamage);
					iprintln("^1Behold, for Camping  longer than 30 seconds^7 " + player.name + "^1 was smote a mighty blow!^7");

added afk_range with cvar sv_madness_afkrange
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General Member
Since: May 24, 2010
Posts: 62
Last: Oct 3, 2016
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Level 3
Category: CoD+UO General
Posted: Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2012 04:06 pm
ok tired it and now when i sit for the 30 seconds and then move i get

cannot cast undefined to int: (file'maps\mp\camp.gsc', line104)
playfx(level._effect["tigertankexplosion"], player.origin);
called from;(file'maps\mp\camp.gsc', line70)
called from;(file'maps\mp\camp.gsc', line90)

like now the rage automaticly targets the player and it want to try to blow him up no matter how far he moves
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