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Forum: All Forums : Call of Duty 2
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Scripting and coding with Call of Duty 2.
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Author Topic: maya cod tools
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Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Apr. 6, 2010 12:48 pm
im trying to get started in exporting my models from maya to cod2 and iv followed alot of tuts and one that has helped me alot so far is this one and iv followed the steps correctly and i do get the new menu bar called COD Tools in my maya but when i click Model Exporter it tells me "cannot find file CODExportCommen for source statements" dose anyone know were i can find this file and where to place it?

edited on Apr. 6, 2010 08:49 am by liltc64
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Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Apr. 6, 2010 04:02 pm
okay i found the out my problem from this link but now im geting another problem... its telling me now "plugin, "preformance.mll" was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH." dose anyone have this file in there maya folder at all that i could have? or is there some other way around this that anyone knows about?
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Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Apr. 6, 2010 04:13 pm
i fixed the problem again lol. i just opened my CODExportModelWindow.mel and fiddled with the script it was telling me that it couldnt find prefomance.mll and when i did have it commented it told me i couldnt load PerforceMaya; so i just commented anything to do with PerforceMaya; in the CODExportModelWindow.mel file
global proc CODExportModelWindow()
	int $pluginLoaded;
	string $iwGlobalNodeArray[];
	// check if the plugin is loaded.  If not, load it.  If that fails, error out
	//$pluginLoaded = `pluginInfo -q -loaded perforcemaya`;
	//if ( $pluginLoaded == 0 )
		//loadPlugin perforcemaya;
	//$pluginLoaded = `pluginInfo -q -loaded perforcemaya`;
	//if ( $pluginLoaded == 0 )
		//error ("perforcemaya plugin is not loaded");

	$iwGlobalNodeArray = `ls IWGlobalNode`;
	if ( `size $iwGlobalNodeArray` == 0 )
		createNode "renderLayer" -n "IWGlobalNode";

	//source PerforceMaya;
	//source CODExportCommon;

	// Create a window 
		string $win = "CODModelExportWindow";

	// check and see if the window exists.  if it does, then delete it.
		if (`window -exists $win`)
			deleteUI $win;

	// create the window
		CreateCODModelExportWindow $win;

	// make the callbacks

	// Protect the IWGlobalNode from being deleted

	// show the window
		showWindow $win;


thats how it looks i hope if anyone else is having this problem will read this post so they dont get annoyed like i did.[pimp]
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Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Apr. 6, 2010 04:17 pm
*Sigh* I know Im going to open a hornets nest here, but I believe it is worth saying:

This site has a rule about not helping with hacks or pirated software. Most of the 3D modelers in the COD community are too young to be able to afford the 3 grand or whatever it costs to purchase a legitimate copy of Maya, and the Learning Edition of Maya doesnt support the mod exporters anyway.

So, us fanciers of anti-piracy are caught between a rock and hard place - do we support someone who has a problem, knowing what the answer is, when we could inadvertantly be supporting someone with a pirated copy of Maya?

The answer can only be: show me a legitimate receipt for your copy of Maya - be that a legit serial key or otherwise - and I will help you.

Otherwise, no.
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Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Apr. 6, 2010 04:22 pm
yeah i understand everyones aginst hacking and stuff on this site i dont like it as much as u do. yeah im not gona lie my maya is from a torrent that i downloaded almost a year ago. but hell im not gona spend a grand or more so i can mod for a game u guys can lock this if u want just trying to help and get some answers.

- and i know im not the only person to do this but atleast i admit it unlike anyone else would.

edited on Apr. 6, 2010 12:24 pm by liltc64
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Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Apr. 6, 2010 04:25 pm
Thinking about this again - there should really be a rule on this site about supporting Maya - all posters should have to prove they have a legitimate copy of the program in order to get support.

Otherwise, its like anyone giving support to a priated copy of COD - you may know the answer to their problem, but if they havent legitimately purchased the game, they shouldnt be posting the question in the first place, and helping them is complicit to a crime.
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Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Apr. 6, 2010 04:32 pm
right i know what u mean i bet just about anyone here that has maya on there computer isnt a legit copy. but yes i do have a legit copy of cod2 i have about 4 legit copys lol but i found my problem and if u think that there should be a rule then thats up to foyleman i guess.

--- now that i think about it i think it would be a pretty stupid rule. i know this site is aginst hacking and pirating but what is everyone supose to do take a pic of there reciept or a pic of them holding there copy??? kinda stupid... if anything just dont help me with anything to do with maya or anyone else u see that has a pirated copy the reason i say this is because this could be a pain in the ass for the people that acctauly have a legit copy.
edited on Apr. 6, 2010 12:41 pm by liltc64
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Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Apr. 6, 2010 04:50 pm
Well, as dumb as it sounds, showing a photo of the receipt might be the only way to get an answer from people like myself who know the answer but wont help people with pirated copies of Maya.

So, its not a stupid rule - its the only way I can think of which will avoid all questions about maya posted here being "against the rules" of the site if they have a pirated copy of Maya.

Strange as it may sound, pirating hurts real people and their families. I should know - I am one of those people. My business was ruined by pirates which is why I have such a hard on about the subject. 4 years on, and Im still not out of administration.


I would just point out that, I am a Director at CustomFPS.com and we have a golden rule - if you cant prove you have a legit copy of Maya, you arent even allowed to post a question about it.

Stops all the paying lip service to being against piracy when in fact you turn a blind eye to it when it comes to 3D programs like Maya being ripped off by those who are simply and positively not able to afford the price it takes to aquire a legitmate copy of the program.

(stands back and waits for the crap to hit the fan)
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Level 7
Im a fan of MODSonair
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Apr. 6, 2010 04:56 pm
okay i know where ur comeing from on hurting familys and stuff i get that. but then everyone wipe out there cameras and take a pic of there coduo cod2, cod4, codwaw, counter strike all ur games and show us u have a legit copy... why should just maya get this rule if these other programs dont. and i see because maya is about a grand or more but some people cant afford 60 dollar games to so they will download a torrent. u see what im geting at? if u do this to 1 program u should do it to everyone program that this site suports and every game. and if see that rule pass on this site then ill be kissing modsonline good bye.

--- just dont help me with anything having to do with maya...
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Level 8
Im a fan of MODSonair
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Tuesday, Apr. 6, 2010 05:05 pm
liltc64 writes...
okay i know where ur comeing from on hurting familys and stuff i get that. but then everyone wipe out there cameras and take a pic of there coduo cod2, cod4, codwaw, counter strike all ur games and show us u have a legit copy... why should just maya get this rule if these other programs dont. and i see because maya is about a grand or more but some people cant afford 60 dollar games to so they will download a torrent. u see what im geting at? if u do this to 1 program u should do it to everyone program that this site suports and every game. and if see that rule pass on this site then ill be kissing modsonline good bye.

--- just dont help me with anything having to do with maya...

Its a no-brainer - even most teenagers can afford a $40 game. We dont need proof of purchase for them. Its programs which by their very price tag make them inaccessable to the likes of most modders (read that as kids/teenagers).

vCOD and UO werent a problem because you could use free programs such as Milkshape and LightRay3D to do 3D modelling.

Even the UDK isnt a problem as you can use Blender (which is free) to link in with the Unreal Dev kit.

Its games like COD2, COD4 and WaW which pose the problem as they insist on using Maya. If a site says its against piracy, it seem plain wrong to say it out of one side of your mouth, but then turn a blind eye to questions being asked on the forum without stopping to ask the question about where the user got the program from.

I know foyle is struggling over this, so I dont really blame him. He feels like I do - caught between a rock and hard place, as it is a very difficult question to answer - is ones desire to help people outweighed by the need to ask about legitimacy?

just dont help me with anything having to do with maya

Thats not the point - sites which say they are against piracy should be preventing ANYONE posting or replying to posts regarding a pirated piece of software. Its not just me - its everyone.

If you have a pirated copy of Maya (and Im not saying you do), you should NOT even be asking on here as there are rules against it.

You see? Its a question for everyone - including you.
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