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Category: CoD2 Scripting
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Author Topic: Flying in MP like spectator
General Member
Since: Oct 7, 2007
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Level 2
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Friday, Nov. 27, 2009 03:14 pm
Hi, I wrote a code for flying in cod... Everything works, but I can't go lower than 0.075 in time in that while function. Simply u stop moving if u set value lower for example 0.05... Does anyone have an idea what is causing it?

while (1)
self hide();
startOrigin = self getEye();
forward = anglesToForward( self getplayerangles() );
forward = maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale( forward, 200 );
endOrigin = startOrigin + forward;

trace = bulletTrace( startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self );
angles = vectortoangles(vectornormalize(trace["normal"]));
model = spawn("script_model", trace["position"]);
model2 = spawn("script_model", self.origin);

self linkto (model2);

plane = spawn("script_model", self.origin+(0,0,70));
plane setmodel("xmodel/vehicle_stuka_flying");
plane.angles = (self.angles);

model2 moveto(model.origin, 0.2);

wait (0.075);

model delete();
model2 delete();
plane delete();



Problem is: Plane has jerky movement. (0.1-10fps;0.05-20fps;0.075-15fps) and 15 fps is rll low :(

edited on Nov. 27, 2009 10:19 am by Dutch77
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General Member
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Level 2
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Friday, Nov. 27, 2009 03:32 pm
Your wait should have the same value as you moveto time. moveto time is .2 so wait has to be: wait .2;
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General Member
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Level 2
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Friday, Nov. 27, 2009 08:43 pm
Nope problem stays :(
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General Member
Since: Oct 7, 2007
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Level 2
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Sunday, Dec. 13, 2009 02:14 pm
So I made it... my finelly version of this. This is a plane that bombard on melee button :) I don't expect anynone would be clever at this code (I am honestly not and I am suprised that code even works). But if anyone want to bombard the map, here's the code xD :


self hide();
self disableWeapon();

destination1 = 0;
destination2 = 0;
destination3 = 0;
destination4 = 0;
destination5 = 0;
destination6 = 0;
destination7 = 0;
destination8 = 0;
destination9 = 0;
destination10 = 0;

bomb1 = 0;
bomb2 = 0;
bomb3 = 0;
bomb4 = 0;
bomb5 = 0;
bomb6 = 0;
bomb7 = 0;
bomb8 = 0;
bomb9 = 0;
bomb10 = 0;

bum1 = 0;
bum2 = 0;
bum3 = 0;
bum4 = 0;
bum5 = 0;
bum6 = 0;
bum7 = 0;
bum8 = 0;
bum9 = 0;
bum10 = 0;

cislo = 1;

self iprintln("^1Press F to delete plane");
self iprintln("^2Press Shift to bombard");

while (1) 
      startOrigin = self getEye();
      forward = anglesToForward( self getplayerangles() );
      forward = maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale( forward, 200 );
      endOrigin = startOrigin + forward;
      trace = bulletTrace( startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self );
      angles = vectortoangles(vectornormalize(trace["normal"])); 
      model = spawn("script_model", trace["position"]);
      model2 = spawn("script_model", self.origin);
      self linkto (model2);
      plane = spawn("script_model", self.origin+(0,0,-30));
      plane setmodel("xmodel/vehicle_stuka_flying");
      plane.angles = (self.angles); 
      model2 moveto(model.origin, 0.2);

      wait (0.075);
      model delete();
      model2 delete();
      plane delete();
      if(self.health <= 0)  //player is dead
              model delete();
              model2 delete();
              plane delete();
              self show();
              self enableWeapon();
      if(self UseButtonPressed()) //delete plane
        model delete();
        model2 delete();
        plane delete();
        self show();
        self enableWeapon();
        self iprintln("^1You have just left the plane");
      if(cislo!=1 && cislo!=11 && cislo!=21 && cislo!=31 && cislo!=41 && cislo!=51 && cislo!=61 && cislo!=71 && cislo!=81 && cislo!=91) 
      if (self MeleeButtonPressed()) //bombard
        if (cislo == 91) 
        bum10 = 1;
        bomb10 = spawn("script_model", self.origin );
    		bomb10 setmodel("xmodel/prop_mortar_ammunition");
        startOrigin = self.origin;
        down = anglesToForward( self.angles+(90,0,0) );
        down = maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale( down, 10000 );
        endOrigin = startOrigin + down;
        trace = bulletTrace( startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self );
        angles = vectortoangles(vectornormalize(trace["normal"]));
        destination10 = spawn("script_model", trace["position"] );
        x = destination10.origin[0];
        y = destination10.origin[1];
        z = destination10.origin[2];
        m = self.origin[0];
        n = self.origin[1];
        o = self.origin[2];
        // counting vector, to calculate the time to impact
        i = ((x-m)*(x-m))+((y-n)*(y-n))+((z-o)*(z-o));
        // newton patern for square of number (v9=3)    
        a = 1;
        a = a-((a*a-i)/(2*a));
        j=a/120000; //120000 is constant value 
        bomb10 moveto(destination10.origin, j); // move bomb to position
        if (cislo == 81) 
        bum9 = 1;
        bomb9 = spawn("script_model", self.origin );
    		bomb9 setmodel("xmodel/prop_mortar_ammunition");
        startOrigin = self.origin;
        down = anglesToForward( self.angles+(90,0,0) );
        down = maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale( down, 10000 );
        endOrigin = startOrigin + down;
        trace = bulletTrace( startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self );
        angles = vectortoangles(vectornormalize(trace["normal"]));
        destination9 = spawn("script_model", trace["position"] );
        x = destination9.origin[0];
        y = destination9.origin[1];
        z = destination9.origin[2];
        m = self.origin[0];
        n = self.origin[1];
        o = self.origin[2];
        i = ((x-m)*(x-m))+((y-n)*(y-n))+((z-o)*(z-o));
        a = 1;
        a = a-((a*a-i)/(2*a));
        bomb9 moveto(destination9.origin, j);
        if (cislo == 71) 
        bum8 = 1;
        bomb8 = spawn("script_model", self.origin );
    		bomb8 setmodel("xmodel/prop_mortar_ammunition");
        startOrigin = self.origin;
        down = anglesToForward( self.angles+(90,0,0) );
        down = maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale( down, 10000 );
        endOrigin = startOrigin + down;
        trace = bulletTrace( startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self );
        angles = vectortoangles(vectornormalize(trace["normal"]));
        destination8 = spawn("script_model", trace["position"] );
        x = destination8.origin[0];
        y = destination8.origin[1];
        z = destination8.origin[2];
        m = self.origin[0];
        n = self.origin[1];
        o = self.origin[2];
        i = ((x-m)*(x-m))+((y-n)*(y-n))+((z-o)*(z-o));
        a = 1;
        a = a-((a*a-i)/(2*a));
        bomb8 moveto(destination8.origin, j);
        if (cislo == 61) 
        bum7 = 1;
        bomb7 = spawn("script_model", self.origin );
    		bomb7 setmodel("xmodel/prop_mortar_ammunition");
        startOrigin = self.origin;
        down = anglesToForward( self.angles+(90,0,0) );
        down = maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale( down, 10000 );
        endOrigin = startOrigin + down;
        trace = bulletTrace( startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self );
        angles = vectortoangles(vectornormalize(trace["normal"]));
        destination7 = spawn("script_model", trace["position"] );
        x = destination7.origin[0];
        y = destination7.origin[1];
        z = destination7.origin[2];
        m = self.origin[0];
        n = self.origin[1];
        o = self.origin[2];
        i = ((x-m)*(x-m))+((y-n)*(y-n))+((z-o)*(z-o));
        a = 1;
        a = a-((a*a-i)/(2*a));
        bomb7 moveto(destination7.origin, j);
        if (cislo == 51) 
        bum6 = 1;
        bomb6 = spawn("script_model", self.origin );
    		bomb6 setmodel("xmodel/prop_mortar_ammunition");
        startOrigin = self.origin;
        down = anglesToForward( self.angles+(90,0,0) );
        down = maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale( down, 10000 );
        endOrigin = startOrigin + down;
        trace = bulletTrace( startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self );
        angles = vectortoangles(vectornormalize(trace["normal"]));
        destination6 = spawn("script_model", trace["position"] );
        x = destination6.origin[0];
        y = destination6.origin[1];
        z = destination6.origin[2];
        m = self.origin[0];
        n = self.origin[1];
        o = self.origin[2];
        i = ((x-m)*(x-m))+((y-n)*(y-n))+((z-o)*(z-o));
        a = 1;
        a = a-((a*a-i)/(2*a));
        bomb6 moveto(destination6.origin, j);
        if (cislo == 41) 
        bum5 = 1;
        bomb5 = spawn("script_model", self.origin );
    		bomb5 setmodel("xmodel/prop_mortar_ammunition");
        startOrigin = self.origin;
        down = anglesToForward( self.angles+(90,0,0) );
        down = maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale( down, 10000 );
        endOrigin = startOrigin + down;
        trace = bulletTrace( startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self );
        angles = vectortoangles(vectornormalize(trace["normal"]));
        destination5 = spawn("script_model", trace["position"] );
        x = destination5.origin[0];
        y = destination5.origin[1];
        z = destination5.origin[2];
        m = self.origin[0];
        n = self.origin[1];
        o = self.origin[2];
        i = ((x-m)*(x-m))+((y-n)*(y-n))+((z-o)*(z-o));
        a = 1;
        a = a-((a*a-i)/(2*a));
        bomb5 moveto(destination5.origin, j);
        if (cislo == 31) 
        bum4 = 1;
        bomb4 = spawn("script_model", self.origin );
    		bomb4 setmodel("xmodel/prop_mortar_ammunition");
        startOrigin = self.origin;
        down = anglesToForward( self.angles+(90,0,0) );
        down = maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale( down, 10000 );
        endOrigin = startOrigin + down;
        trace = bulletTrace( startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self );
        angles = vectortoangles(vectornormalize(trace["normal"]));
        destination4 = spawn("script_model", trace["position"] );
        x = destination4.origin[0];
        y = destination4.origin[1];
        z = destination4.origin[2];
        m = self.origin[0];
        n = self.origin[1];
        o = self.origin[2];
        i = ((x-m)*(x-m))+((y-n)*(y-n))+((z-o)*(z-o));
        a = 1;
        a = a-((a*a-i)/(2*a));
        bomb4 moveto(destination4.origin, j);
        if (cislo == 21) 
        bum3 = 1;
        bomb3 = spawn("script_model", self.origin );
    		bomb3 setmodel("xmodel/prop_mortar_ammunition");
        startOrigin = self.origin;
        down = anglesToForward( self.angles+(90,0,0) );
        down = maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale( down, 10000 );
        endOrigin = startOrigin + down;
        trace = bulletTrace( startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self );
        angles = vectortoangles(vectornormalize(trace["normal"]));
        destination3 = spawn("script_model", trace["position"] );
        x = destination3.origin[0];
        y = destination3.origin[1];
        z = destination3.origin[2];
        m = self.origin[0];
        n = self.origin[1];
        o = self.origin[2];
        i = ((x-m)*(x-m))+((y-n)*(y-n))+((z-o)*(z-o));
        a = 1;
        a = a-((a*a-i)/(2*a));
        bomb3 moveto(destination3.origin, j);
        if (cislo == 11) 
        bum2 = 1;
        bomb2 = spawn("script_model", self.origin );
    		bomb2 setmodel("xmodel/prop_mortar_ammunition");
        startOrigin = self.origin;
        down = anglesToForward( self.angles+(90,0,0) );
        down = maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale( down, 10000 );
        endOrigin = startOrigin + down;
        trace = bulletTrace( startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self );
        angles = vectortoangles(vectornormalize(trace["normal"]));
        destination2 = spawn("script_model", trace["position"] );
        x = destination2.origin[0];
        y = destination2.origin[1];
        z = destination2.origin[2];
        m = self.origin[0];
        n = self.origin[1];
        o = self.origin[2];
        i = ((x-m)*(x-m))+((y-n)*(y-n))+((z-o)*(z-o));
        a = 1;
        a = a-((a*a-i)/(2*a));
        bomb2 moveto(destination2.origin, j);
        if (cislo == 1) 
        bomb1 = spawn("script_model", self.origin );
    		bomb1 setmodel("xmodel/prop_mortar_ammunition");
        startOrigin = self.origin;
        down = anglesToForward( self.angles+(90,0,0) );
        down = maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale( down, 10000 );
        endOrigin = startOrigin + down;
        trace = bulletTrace( startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self );
        angles = vectortoangles(vectornormalize(trace["normal"]));
        destination1 = spawn("script_model", trace["position"] );
        x = destination1.origin[0];
        y = destination1.origin[1];
        z = destination1.origin[2];
        m = self.origin[0];
        n = self.origin[1];
        o = self.origin[2];
        i = ((x-m)*(x-m))+((y-n)*(y-n))+((z-o)*(z-o));
        a = 1;
        a = a-((a*a-i)/(2*a));
        bomb1 moveto(destination1.origin, j);
        if (cislo >> 1 && cislo << 11)  
        if (bum1 == 1) //check if bomb reach destination, if y boom :)
        if (destination1.origin == bomb1.origin) 
        bomb1 delete();
        level._effect["mortexplosion"] = loadfx("fx/explosions/flak88_explosion.efx");
	      playfx(level._effect["mortexplosion"], destination1.origin);
	      destination1 playSound("flak88_explode");
        radiusDamage (destination1.origin+(0,0,30), 350, 150, 80);
        destination1 = 0;
        bomb1 = 0;
        if (bum2 == 1) 
        if (destination2.origin == bomb2.origin) 
        bomb2 delete();
        level._effect["mortexplosion"] = loadfx("fx/explosions/flak88_explosion.efx");
	      playfx(level._effect["mortexplosion"], destination2.origin);
	      destination2 playSound("flak88_explode");
        radiusDamage (destination2.origin+(0,0,30), 350, 150, 80);
        destination2 = 0;
        bomb2 = 0;
        if (bum3 == 1) 
        if (destination3.origin == bomb3.origin) 
        bomb3 delete();
        level._effect["mortexplosion"] = loadfx("fx/explosions/flak88_explosion.efx");
	      playfx(level._effect["mortexplosion"], destination3.origin);
	      destination3 playSound("flak88_explode");
        radiusDamage (destination3.origin+(0,0,30), 350, 150, 80);
        destination3 = 0;
        bomb3 = 0;
        if (bum4 == 1) 
        if (destination4.origin == bomb4.origin) 
        bomb4 delete();
        level._effect["mortexplosion"] = loadfx("fx/explosions/flak88_explosion.efx");
	      playfx(level._effect["mortexplosion"], destination4.origin);
	      destination4 playSound("flak88_explode");
        radiusDamage (destination4.origin+(0,0,30), 350, 150, 80);
        destination4 = 0;
        bomb4 = 0;
        if (bum5 == 1) 
        if (destination5.origin == bomb5.origin) 
        bomb5 delete();
        level._effect["mortexplosion"] = loadfx("fx/explosions/flak88_explosion.efx");
	      playfx(level._effect["mortexplosion"], destination5.origin);
	      destination5 playSound("flak88_explode");
        radiusDamage (destination5.origin+(0,0,30), 350, 150, 80);
        destination5 = 0;
        bomb5 = 0;
        if (bum6 == 1) 
        if (destination6.origin == bomb6.origin) 
        bomb6 delete();
        level._effect["mortexplosion"] = loadfx("fx/explosions/flak88_explosion.efx");
	      playfx(level._effect["mortexplosion"], destination6.origin);
	      destination6 playSound("flak88_explode");
        radiusDamage (destination6.origin+(0,0,30), 350, 150, 80);
        destination6 = 0;
        bomb6 = 0;
        if (bum7 == 1) 
        if (destination7.origin == bomb7.origin) 
        bomb7 delete();
        level._effect["mortexplosion"] = loadfx("fx/explosions/flak88_explosion.efx");
	      playfx(level._effect["mortexplosion"], destination7.origin);
	      destination7 playSound("flak88_explode");
        radiusDamage (destination7.origin+(0,0,30), 350, 150, 80);
        destination7 = 0;
        bomb7 = 0;
        if (bum8 == 1) 
        if (destination8.origin == bomb8.origin) 
        bomb8 delete();
        level._effect["mortexplosion"] = loadfx("fx/explosions/flak88_explosion.efx");
	      playfx(level._effect["mortexplosion"], destination8.origin);
	      destination8 playSound("flak88_explode");
        radiusDamage (destination8.origin+(0,0,30), 350, 150, 80);
        destination8 = 0;
        bomb8 = 0;
        if (bum9 == 1) 
        if (destination9.origin == bomb9.origin) 
        bomb9 delete();
        level._effect["mortexplosion"] = loadfx("fx/explosions/flak88_explosion.efx");
	      playfx(level._effect["mortexplosion"], destination9.origin);
	      destination9 playSound("flak88_explode");
        radiusDamage (destination9.origin+(0,0,30), 350, 150, 80);
        destination9 = 0;
        bomb9 = 0;
        if (bum10 == 1) 
        if (destination10.origin == bomb10.origin) 
        bomb10 delete();
        level._effect["mortexplosion"] = loadfx("fx/explosions/flak88_explosion.efx");
	      playfx(level._effect["mortexplosion"], destination10.origin);
	      destination10 playSound("flak88_explode");
        radiusDamage (destination10.origin+(0,0,30), 350, 150, 80);
        destination10 = 0;
        bomb10 = 0;
        if (cislo >= 91) // start at first bomb
        cislo = 1;

edited on Dec. 13, 2009 01:09 pm by Dutch77
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General Member
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Level 2
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Sunday, Dec. 13, 2009 08:22 pm
next time, try looping through a destination bomb and bum array. I see a lot of code duplication, which is bad :D
(no offense, just a tip)
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Level 2
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Sunday, Dec. 13, 2009 09:02 pm
attachment: image(38.3Kb) image(39.9Kb) image(38.3Kb)
I know, but I didn't figure out any other method how to do it... even if its lot of code, it works with 5 players with plane and no lags (tested on 3 servers).

When u wanted drop one bomb, there was no problem, but when u wanted drop more bombs, then there was the problem.
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Level 2
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Sunday, Dec. 27, 2009 05:02 pm
hi its me again. I've got another problem. As u can see when I'm in the plane I can see myself (when I have 3rd person active)... Is there any script that hide me even when I use 3rd person ?

self hide(); -> hide me from everyone except me :(
Look at the screens. Please help :/
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Level 8
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Sunday, Dec. 27, 2009 09:26 pm
hidepart maybe?

so basically hide what is connected to the plane's player tag (might be different than tag_player):

plane hidepart("tag_player");

not sure if that works, you may have to pass the player's model name as second argument to hidepart
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Level 2
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Sunday, Dec. 27, 2009 09:43 pm
nope, it doesn't work. Unknown func...

btw. when I tried to hide model, than game crashed with "model has more than 127bones".

... I've tried almost everything xD.... has anybody any idea?

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Level 3
Category: CoD2 Scripting
Posted: Monday, Dec. 28, 2009 09:54 am
maybe u want this?

self detachall();

This delete all the models attached to your body(body,weapons,helmet etc..)

edited on Dec. 28, 2009 04:55 am by PwN3R
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