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Adding Animations explained.
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 I will explain to you how to add animations to your SP mapp

 you need this script in your gsc



thread anim_1(); /// it can be any name after the thread!





or1_node = getnode ("or1_node", "targetname"); //this is the node scripted's targetname  can be everything

or1_trig = getent("or1_trig","targetname");//the triggers name what triggers the anim if reached

or1_trig waittill("trigger",other);

///notice if you name your node ex mymap the script shold look like this

if you name the trigger mymap_trig do the same



mymap_node = getnode ("mymap_node",targetname");

myma_trig = getent("mymap_trig","targetname);

mymap_trig waittill("trigger",other);





level.or2 = getent("or2","targetname"); /// after the level you could add anithing ex level.junior or other
level.or2.animname = "or2";// this will the name of the anim in anim.gsc
level.or2.anim_node = or1_node;//this is the definition of which node will have to play the animation
level.or2 notify ("stop friendly think");

level.or2 thread magic_bullet_shield();
level.or2.ignoreme = true;

level maps_anim::anim_reach_solo (level.or2, "blokk", undefined, or1_node);
level.or2 pushPlayer (false);
or1_node thread maps_anim::anim_loop_solo (level.or2, "blokk");

level.or2 notify ("stop magic bullet shield");
level.or2.ignoreme = false;
level.or2 animscriptsshared::putGunInHand("none");// this is used when the ai dont need to have a weapon



now in radiant : Put down a node scripted give it a targetname with value of your choice

now  put down a trigger once give it a targetname of your choice

put down an AI actor and give it a targename of your choice


/// you should modify the script in targetnames to your and the level.or2 you should change the or2 to anything just in case to understand it.


radiant done





level.scr_anim["or2"]["blokk"][0]    = %downtown_sniper_blocking_door_idle;


or2 is the name of the animation // you can see this below  -> level.or2.animname = "or2";

blokk is the animation definition it can be anything you can se this below ->

level maps_anim::anim_reach_solo (level.or2, "blokk", undefined, or1_node);

or1_node thread maps_anim::anim_loop_solo (level.or2, "blokk");



i hope you understand it


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