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Beginner: Making a Ladder
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How to make a ladder in Call of Duty 2 Mapping.

Hi. My names hyper and i know that there is currently a ladder tutorial on modsonline.com for call of duty 2 mapping, but i felt that it lacked the information needed and felt that i should make a new one as many of my friends ask me how to make a ladder and its really really simple.


First, you need to create a ladder. By this, you make ladders from the chaulk tool, so make several brushes (a brush is just the name for like a caulk wall) so make several and make the design of the ladder that you fancy.

(If you dont want to make a custom ladder, you can always use the xmodel ladders given to you, right click 2d view>>misc>>model>>search for props_ladder and you can select a ladder form there)

Once you have your ladder made and have it in place of where you want your ladder, it is just a brush so you cannot climb it yet, to do this, you need to go to Usage>>tools on the texture toolbar at the top of your toolbar in radiant, and find the tool that says ladder.

Once you have found the tool, you need to cover all your ladder in the ladder texture, now your player can climb the ladder.

I hope that this tutorial is well explained compared to the cod2 current ladder tutorial.


Thanks - Hyper


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