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I know there is several tutorials out there for this I have read everyone for cod uo and cod 2 and still had trouble so I hope that I and simplify it hopefully make it easier for the cod 2 sp beginner.

This is another tutorial for ai spawning I could never get any one tutorial to work for me I dont know why just didnt understand I guess but I am going to try to break it down as easy as I can.

 this touches base on spawning your enemy ai and your friendly ai

first thing is first though you need a small map with a skybox and worldspawn settings in it and ready once you have this done make a wall higher than the player so german ai cant see you and you cant see them make it half way accross your map  and then copy useing the space bar and move it to the other side of the map give them both a wall texture of some sort what ever you choose, now you should have a map with two partial walls one on each side of the map now select the side you want to be friendly or allied site and add a player_start you do this by right clicking grid where you want it placed select info player_start just need 1 of these.

 now we want to add a friendly ai in  so here is what we do right click on the grid and select actor wherever you clicked is where he will appear pick whatever actor you want as long as he is from an allied force with him still selected open your enith window by pressing the n key and there will be several check boxes at the top check off spawner and forcespawn.

 nowonce you have this done lets make him move press your N key this will bring up the enity window and in the key slot type in target then in the value slot type in aaa(YOU CAN USE WHAT EVER HERE JUST HAS TO MATCH THE TARGETNAME) and press enter now he has a target but no destination so we will give him one on the other side of your wall in between the 2 walls we need to place a node we do this by right clicking our grid once again in the place we want our node and select node then look for the cover_crouch select it make sure it is not on the ground but above it and once again open you enity window by pressing the n key and give it these values for the key targetname and for the value aaa and hit enter once you do this you will see an arrow connect your ai to the node you placed now he has a destination but still cant get there.

our next step is to get him there and we will do this by right clicking on the grid once again and selecting node then select pathnode  it should be a pink one now with your z axis key in the tool bar at the top rotate the nodetill the arrow that appears is pointing the the direction that your ai needs to go in this case all the way to the end of the wall so you can copy and paste them one after the other you dont have to have them real close together but you dont want them to far appart ether I generally paste one node and skip the distance in between being about 3 to 4 nodes in lenght being my gap but you can stack them pretty much on top of each other if you choose to whatever you want to do there, now moving forward we need to places pathnodes all the way to the end of the wall you created and where you chopped it off we need to rotate the node again making the arrow point the way the ai needs to go to get arround the wall once he is around the wall turn it again and started heading for your cover_crouch node you placed in the middle now where ever you placed the pink path nodes is the path the ai will take to get to the end node or cover crouch node once he gets to the cover crouch he will crouch and wait or he will crouch and start to fight but he will not move from that area.

ok we have ai,pathnodes,and a cover_crouch node where our ai will end up next this is to make the trigger to trigger the ai to spawn and take off to his destination, drag out a small box right click the grid select trigger then multiple now your box says trig on it make sure the box is big enough you will run through it once you have that done with the trigger still selected by pressing shift and left mouse go to your textures and in the usage option select tools then slect the spawner trigger should be yellow now press the n key and give it a key of targetname and a value of flood_and_secure press enter. finally we need to conect the ai to the trigger we have to do this in this order select the trigger you just made now select the ai and press the w key to link them together should be a line from the trigger to the ai with arrows pointing from the trigger to the ai.

ok you have a working ai now but you still have options if you want him to spawn run all the way around the wall fight and die and that is the end you are done then but if you want another player to take his place once he has died  (reinforcements) then this is what you need to do

select the ai press the n key and give him a key of count and a value of 2 (you can put whatever # you want here) and press enter what this does is once your ai dies another one allied ai will spawn in his place 2 more times once all 3 are killed he is gone and you will have no more reinforcements

everything above you do exactly the same for the german ai just replaceing allied ai with axis ai I am not sure if you can use the same trigger to spawn allied and axis ai but i just make 2 triggers one for allied and one for axis ai you can spawn multiple ai from one trigger such as having 2 snipers 1 smg gunner 2 rifle man and an ai using an mg42 or 30 cal and so on..

Also your path nodes are not specific meaning they dont belong to any one ai like the end node does or your target node where your ai will end up for instance if you have a small house you want 3 ai inside but there is only enough room for 1 path node in the door way this is fine cause all this does is let them move gives them a path they can use to get where they are going and if enough nodes are used in a tight place they will take alterative routees some times if the nodes are there for them to do this.

also you can add ai be it german or allied without a trigger simply placeing an actor in a map they will shoot at the enemy but they will not move when you do this you can also just give them target and targetnames just like explained above and they will spawn when you do and run to there destination allthough they will not respawn once they are killed 

also there are several different types of nodes they are self explanitory such as stand,prone,crouch,cover_left etc... what ever you need them to do there is a node you can use. 

once you are done in radient save it then compile as normal when you get ready to go and play it or test it out you need to edit your cod2_exe sp you need to add a few commands to the line or your ai will not move. do this by right clicking on your cod 2 sp short cut then select propertys then in the target on the other side of the " at the end of the cod command press space bar 1 time so there is a space between your" and add this line +set developer 1 +set g_connectpaths 1

that should be everything you need to know about adding ai and making them move hope it helps.



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