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Scripted door with sound
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hi…my name is hAYX. I want to show you a how to for a scripted door with sound you find the  source files for that here.

it´s very easy well...

1. Step

create a simple door with frame and make an origin brush in the door hinge that's the center of rotation... to see how in the lower picture


2. Step

and now select your origin, the door and the hingeand make it to a script brushmodel
and enter following keys:

key: targetname
Value: door

3: Step

the last in the brushwork part is the trigger for the door switch.
create a trigger, make it to a trigger use (you can also use a trigger multiple if you like the trigger is activating by touching)
and enter following keys:

key: targetname
Value: door_trigger


that's all of brushwork

now the scripting part

enter the following script in your gsc file.

the only difficulty on that is it the sound to time the explanations behind the commands should help you to understand it better if you are not yet so fit


//scriptet by hAYX

thread scripted_door();//definition --> script contains the function scripted_door
scripted_door()//the function scripted_door starts
door = getent ("door","targetname");//definition --> the object (the door) with the targetname door that has the name door
trig = getent ("door_trigger","targetname");//definition --> the object (the trigger) with the targetname door_trigger that has the name trig
while (1)//definition --> the function should grind run in one that it is again usable after every process
trig waittill ("trigger");//definition --> after the activity of the trigger
door playsound ("keys_jingle");//definition --> play the sound "keys_jingle"
wait (2);//definition --> wait 2 seconds
door rotateyaw ( 90, 2, 1.5, 0.5);//definition --> trick the door around 90 degrees, in 2 seconds, with an acceleration of 1.5 seconds and a deceleration of 0.5 seconds
door playsound ("openloop");//definition --> play the sound "openloop"
door waittill ("rotatedone");//definition --> wait on the end of the rotation
wait (6);//definition --> wait 6 seconds
door playsound ("door_close");//definition --> play the sound "door_close"
door rotateyaw ( -90, 2.1, 1.5, 0.5);//definition --> trick the door around -90 degrees, in 2.1 seconds, with an acceleration of 1.5 seconds and a deceleration of 0.5 seconds
wait (1.9);////definition --> wait 1.9 seconds
door playsound ("door_bounce");//definition --> play the sound "door_bounce"

soundaliases and sound folder

for the sound you need a soundaliass and a sound folder but first to the soundaliases folder here is the mapname.csv file with following contents







this calls the sound out of your sound folder

ok i hope this will help you a little


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