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One-way Glass
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Creating a one-way glass wall.
This is a quick tutorial for creating a one-way glass wall. It's an intermediate tutorial because I am going to assume you know the basics of mapping.

I have created a test map that you can download for reference.

  1. Create your wall and texture it with whatever solid texture you wish to use. In my test map, I used a simple wall texture from the base_wall texture set.
  2. Select the side of the wall you wish to see through using CTRL + SHIFT + LMB
  3. Texture it with a glass texture such as glass2_nvp
  4. If you don't want bullet marks to show up on the wall, draw a brush in front of the wall face you want to keep clean. In my test map, I drew a brush over half of the entire wall so that the entire covered half would not be marked by bullets but the other half would be.
  5. Compile and test. That's all there is to it.

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dundy writes...Quote:Call of Duty modding and mapping is barly alive only a ...
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