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22nd Inf Mod
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Thanks for downloading *F!R3|St@Rt3r*'s Hurtgen 2

This file will modify the current level of Hurtgen for SP and MP.

In this mod you play as Pvt Bryan Martin of the 22nd Infantry division. You are the brother of are lead character in the game
you have been stationed in Hurtgen Forest in November of 1945, these are your words.

"November 15, 1945
Hurtgen Forest, Belgium

I just got here yesterday and already I’ve been put through hell. We are falling short on men, and need to take the bridge
before its to late.
Yesterday we pushed but had to fall back due to the mortars. Rumor going around is that we’re
making another push tomorrow.

Guess that explains the warm food and cigarettes.
If we are making another push tomorrow then HQ is going to need to take
out those tanks and 88’s. If not we wont stand a chance. We’re hurting, but luckily so are the Germans.
Cpt says there holding their infantry back about a mile, so if we manage to get past that bridge we might
stand a fighting chance.

Pvt. Bryan Martin
22nd Infantry"

*******************MAJOR CHANGES***********************

-There is no snow anymore, now the ground is covered in dirt and leaves since this mod takes place on November 16, 1944.

-The fog is much thicker now (don't worry, the enemy can't see you, unless you can see him).

-There are no landmine-signs anymore, so be careful, and don't tred to far away from your squad!

-The german uniforms are now wehrmacht.

-There is more blood when you shoot a guy.

-Your Allied soldier's uniforms are changed to the 22nd Inf Div uniforms.

-Cpt Foley's uniform has been modified so there is no snow on it.

-All the weapon ammo carry capacities have been modified for more realism, IE: you can only carry 3 clips for you M1 Carbine.(SP ONLY!!!)

-The mortars at the start of the level have been increased by alot, so you better move!

-There are no more friendly identifications, other then Cpt Foley.

-The damage you receive has been increased for difficulty purposes.

-Many things have been reskinned so now they have dirt on them such as the allies, and your weapons.

-The inview hands have been reskinned.

-And there are other suttle changes, but you will notice them along the way!


simply place the "user_22nd_Inf_Mod" in your cod/main folder
to run it, simply open your codsp.exe, then type "map hurtgen" in your console


Also, i made all of the changed textures for this mod, so dont go taking them with out my permision


If you have any sudjestions dont hezetate to tell me,

if you need to contact me, email me at fire_starter667@hotmail.com


Hope you like it


by *F!R3|St@Rt3r*


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