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Gruppenunterstand BAS-map ready for testing
Downloaded 62 times
I've made a BAS-map situated in a big forest. Lot's of tunnels and bunkers.

I've worked out the glitches so far, but a little more beta-testing would be very welcome

by D.O.A.


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Nice Work!
Map looks really cool and I see you really got great imagination and feeling for making maps. 5/5 :-)
Posted by ivan_cro on Mon. Aug. 3, 2009
like the map there are a few tears in the seams no way in to tunnel from bathroom or from tunnel complex that i could find but other than that good map

ps any chance of more base maps please
Posted by 355thSGTCLARK on Thu. Jul. 12, 2007
I liked the map quite a bit. I personally liked the fact that the forest felt like an actual forest in that it does inhibit vehicle movement quite a bit. That aspect keeps the map from being just another base assault map.

The one thing I'd suggest is that you make most if not all of the stock gametypes available. You put a lot of work into making several distinct areas of a fairly large map that probably won't get utilized in base assault. The map presents several opportunities for hard core tactical gameplay in a format like CTF or SD, where the defenders would really have to be organized.

In CTF, for example, even a large number of players would have to work together intelligently to guard the many escape routes to keep the enemy flag carrier from just disappearing into the woods, while at the same time covering their own flag carrier. For SD, having one objective outside the German base in a location that both teams could reach at roughly the same time would really add an element of chaos to a round. In that gametype, the German side would be hard-pressed to cover both objectives effectively.

The map would also work quite well in BEL or HQ, or with a custom gametype like CNQ. Any kind of objective-based gameplay (aside from BAS) is a must, to ensure that opposing players run into each other frequently.

Anyway, great work. I'm looking forward to the final release.

Posted by ITOE_MC on Tue. May. 29, 2007
RE: trees
Cornholio says:
[..] there are way too many trees. I play alot of base assault myself and this would be very, very hard to drive tanks through, find the actual base, and be able to make a push because you would have to swerve around through the large number of trees.[..]

That's the basic idea of the map; There are manouverable paths trough the forest (if you can find them) , and there are tunnels for infantry.
Also german is set up as more of a defensive position and American are more offensive.
We've had a jeep race through the forest, so that's ok.
Thanks for testing!
Posted by .mr.DOA on Tue. May. 29, 2007
Hey man, ive tested a bit of your map but once i opened it i had to post right away that there are way too many trees. I play alot of base assault myself and this would be very, very hard to drive tanks through, find the actual base, and be able to make a push because you would have to swerve around through the large number of trees. So other than a large cut back of lumber, this map looks fairly good. Maybe a couple more jeeps for the smaller spawn points because im sure people will get upset having to walk one side of the map to the other but great job man.
Posted by Cornholio(MTL) on Tue. May. 29, 2007

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